Parent Letters

All principal letters are posted in the Back Pack/News section as of March 13, 2020.

February 26, 2020 - March Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

All of the students received their ashes on Ash Wednesday and are ready to begin their Lenten Journey together! All of the classes will be involved in many Lenten activities including one called “Links of Love”. Students and teachers will make a link when someone cheerfully serves or helps one another. By the end of lent there will be many Love Chains hanging in our hallways! The Middle School students will be partaking in a Lenten Retreat where they will be focusing on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. The 8th grade class will present the living Stations of the Cross in April. The Lenten season is a wonderful opportunity to become closer to Jesus. There are resources for our parents on our school website to help you on your Lenten journey. May each day of your Lenten Journey, bring you closer to knowing and feeling God’s love in ordinary and extraordinary ways!

I am very happy and excited to announce that Ms. Patricia Daly is our new music teacher! We are very blessed to have her return to OLV School as our music teacher. For the time being, teachers will bring their students to the library on a regular basis. As you already know, Fr. Pinnisi announced my retirement in June at his January meetings and I just want to thank you for all of well wishes I received! OLV will always remain close to my heart!

Re-registration and technology fees are due for all of our current families. It is critical that everyone registers their child(ren) for the upcoming school year and I urge you to register your child(ren) as soon as possible. As you know, enrollment numbers helps us plan for the new school year in so many ways. If you are applying for financial assistance, applications must be in by March 31st go to the link for more information

There will be an open house – information day on Sunday, March 22 after the 9:30-12:30 for perspective new families who are interested in our PreK and Kindergarten program. Please help us by informing your friends and family members about the open house. Written and video testimonials are also needed to promote our school! Please email me your written testimonials of your child’s success in OLV School so that I can update our website’s testimonial page. Also, beginning this month, the 8th graders will video tape our parents who are willing to come in and say a few words about their child’s experience at OLV School! These video testimonials will be posted on the school’s website.

We need a volunteer mom who can help us manage the “Moms, Tots, and Teddy Bears” a 45 minute program for children of ages 12 months – 30 months. If you know a mom with a toddler who wants to make friends, and loves children, direct her to call the office or email me directly. And finally, get the word out and tell your friends that our next Buddy Day will be March 9th for students in gr. 1-6. Please consider putting a lawn sign in front of your house. Come to the office and pick up the lawn sign any time when school is in session; the sign will not go home with students. Our current OLV School parents are our best marketing ambassadors! You can help us spread the good news in small and big ways! Consider getting involved in one of the recruiting strategies listed in this letter! OLV will grow with everyone’s help! Thank you for your support!!!!

HSA committee is currently working hard to get the Tricky Tray event ready for March 7th. There’s still time to drop off an unused item for a themed basket! I look forward to seeing you there! We are most grateful to our HSA president, Mrs. Jackie Gluchowski, and her team of parents for their hard work and dedication!

I need to express my gratitude to Mrs. Margaret Dowd and Ms. Lauren Murray who have been filling in the role of secretary during Mrs. Bernadette Connors’ absence. We hope and pray that Mrs. Connors will return to school by the end of this month. Thank you to all of our parents for your commitment to OLV!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


January 31, 2020 - February Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

OLV School’s parents, students, teachers and alumni shared Holy Eucharist together at the 9:00 mass. s. We had a great turn out for the breakfast in the OLV Maker Space! There were some families who toured the school. We had a great time at our annual Polar Plunge! A special thank you to all the brave students, parents and teachers who came out to the Polar Plunge!

NWEA Map assessment will begin February 3 and ends on February 14th. Please make sure your child eats a full breakfast and gets a good night sleep. As soon as we receive the results of the test, they will go home.

Parent Conferences has been scheduled on February 6th from 2:00 – 6:00 (unless earlier if no parents are scheduled for 6:00). Please schedule a time with your child’s teacher by Monday, Feb. 3rd .

Please pray for Mrs. Connors. She will be out of school for six weeks. She is recuperating from a broken elbow.

It’s that time of year to re-register your child(ren) for the next school year. Please register as soon as you are able to ensure a seat for your child(ren). The 2020-2021 enrollment number allows our staff to properly plan for upcoming school year. The FGAA program (Financial Aid program) is now open for parents who need to apply for financial assistance. You may apply by going to Please be aware that all required supporting documentation must be submitted to FGAA by March 31, 2020 and the application fee is $30 and must be paid online at the time you submit your application. Forms of payment include debit cards, most major credit cards, or electronic check. If you have any questions, please call the main office or go to: for additional information. All families who are currently registered through FACTS will be automatically registered for next year.

Our HSA is busy planning for their event which is the Mother/Son Dance on February 21st . Tricky Tray, March 7th is almost sold out; so please bring in your form and money if you plan to attend this event! It is a fantastic excuse to get out and have some fun with OLV friends! I appreciate all of your support!!

“Coffee with Principal” has been scheduled on Feb. 11 at 8:30am and Feb. 28th at 1:00pm. Come in and let’s chat about anything on your mind. I look forward to seeing you in the Maker’s Space!

Ash Wednesday, is on February 26th! Let’s begin this lent with reverence and clean of heart!

May the words we speak and the words we receive bring God’s peace, joy and hope to our families, school, parish and world.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


January 15, 2020

RE: General meeting, parent conferences, etc.

Dear Parents,

We are changing the time of our general meeting on January 30th in Msgr. Dalton Hall to 7:15 (instead of 6:30) to try to accommodate the needs of our working parents who are arriving directing from work.

I am very pleased to announce that our new pastor, Rev. Robert Pinnisi will attend the general meeting. So this will be an excellent time to meet him. He is very excited about getting to know you and meeting your children!

Just to remind everyone, the second parent conference at this time of the year is not mandatory but it is necessary if you have direct questions about the curriculum or your child’s progress, etc.

The parent conference date and time has been changed to accommodate more families. The new date is February 6th from 2:00- 6:00 or you may schedule an earlier date with your child’s teacher after school or early afternoon during the last week of January. Each classroom / H.R. teacher will ask you if you are available to meet either any afternoon after school or on February 6th from 2:00 - 6:00. I hope this change in date/time will address your needs.

The STREAM Fair is one way of highlighting each classroom’s STREAM projects. Students will be demonstrating their projects and telling you way and how they made their project.

Teachers and students are encouraging our CSW visitors to not stay in one classroom during their visit but to visit other classrooms as well to see the exceptionally wonderful work of other grades.

Lastly, don’t forget to attend the scheduled “Coffee with Principal” this Tuesday, January 21st from 8:00 – 8:30am to catch on any questions or if you want to chat about anything on your mind! I look forward to seeing all of you!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


January 7, 2020

Happy New Year! May God be with you this New Year and bring you comfort, love and cheer! As we begin this New Year, I want to recognize and thank the entire OLV community for making our school a very special place. Our dedicated staff and faith-filled teachers make our classrooms bursting with Christian spirit. Our OLV parents’ generosity and continued support keeps our school strong and vibrant. The faculty and I are very excited about the upcoming year!

Please keep Fr. Ryan and our new pastor, Rev. Robert Pinnisi, in your prayers. Rev. Pinnisi officially begins on January 15th and we are very excited about meeting him. There will be a general meeting planned on January 30th from 6:30 – 7:30 so that you can listen to a full AdvancED-Cognia presentation. This meeting will provide you with important information such as OLV School’s short and long term goals, curriculum advancements, and other important topics including our latest marketing efforts. And hopefully meet the new pastor; I don’t want to speak for the new pastor but we’ll check his availability after he arrives!

Continuing on the topic of communication, it a vital that we make an effort to broaden our parent communication. Two “Coffee with Principal” sessions per month will be planned so we can talk about the upcoming school year happenings and other topics as they come up. The first two sessions will be held on Thursday, January 9th at 1:00 – 1:30 pm and Tuesday, January 21st at 8:00 – 8:30 am in the Maker’s Space. Please come to these meetings with any questions or concerns you may have. Let’s see what kind of response we get and plan from there.

Our HSA committee has a very important fundraiser, Designer Handbag Bingo, planned on January 10th Please come out for a night of fun. Don’t forget to sign up and make the pledge to participate in the CSW “Polar Plunge” on January 26th. More details will be provided at a later time. Put the OLV “Mother and Son Dance” held on February 21st on your calendar. Please make an effort to participate in our monthly HSA activities and fundraisers. Your support is greatly treasured and it helps us build a sense of community which is one of the many things that makes OLV School special.

Just a reminder to dress your children with coats/jackets, gloves and hats when needed. If the temperature is forecasted to drop below 32 degrees, for the entire day, your children may wear their gym uniform to school. School will be closed on Monday, January 20th, for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday, January 26th. The theme for Catholic Schools Week is “Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed”. The CSW (Catholic School Week) schedule is listed on the opposite side of the letter. We ask that you and your child, in full uniform, attend the January 26th opening CSW mass at 9:00, breakfast at 10:00 and open house ending at 12:00. Our teachers are working with their students to hold a STREAM Fair during the grandparents and parent visitations. More details to follow.

Thank you for promoting OLV where Faith, Knowledge and Service are our top priority. You are our best representatives in our community. Please proclaim the Good News about OLV wherever you go and invite friends to our open house. Don’t forget to read the CSW Schedule - it is printed on the opposite side of this letter.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

Catholic School Week (CSW) - 2020

Our Lady of Victories School

January 26th Sun. 9:00 Opening Mass

10:00 Breakfast

10:30 - 11:30 – Open House Tours

Polar Plunge (go to the OLV website for details)

January 27th Mon. Student Appreciation: Student/Teacher Turn around Day, 8th grade students dress like teachers and teachers dress like students

Movie Day – all students select from a lineup of movies

January 28th Tues. Grandparent STREAM Fair Visitations and Lunch Times

Session I Grades PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3,

Visit classrooms from 9:45 – 10:15

PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3 - Lunch in cafeteria from 10:30 – 11:15

Session II Grades 4,5,6,7,8,

Visit classrooms from 10:45 – 11:15

Grades, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Lunch in cafeteria from 11:20 – 12:05

January 29th Wed. Parent STREAM Fair Visitations and Lunch Times

Session I Grades PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1,2,3,

Visit classrooms from 9:45 – 10:15

PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3 - Lunch in cafeteria from 10:30 – 11:15

Session II Grades 4,5,6,7,8

Visit classrooms from 10:45 – 11:15

Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Lunch in cafeteria from 11:20 – 11:55

OLV Parents vs 8th Grade Volley Ball Tournament 12:00

January 30th Thurs. 12:20 – 12:45 Lunch Senior Citizen Appreciation Day

9:30 Viking Bowl - Students wear your Blue and Gold!

(All parents are welcome to attend)

Parent Conferences 2:00 – 5:00 (assigned times)

General meeting 6:30 Msgr. Dalton Hall

January 31st Friday 8:15 CSW Closing Mass, Full uniform, Teacher Appreciation Day

11: 40 Dismissal

Mad Science Show for students 1:30 MDH

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

(No Aftercare)

++++ Scholastic Book Fair Monday – Thursday (schedule to follow)


November 25, 2019 (December Letter)

Dear Parents,

After hearing the news of Fr. Ryan leaving OLV Parish, some parents have expressed concerns over this change and what it means for the school. There is no reason to become negative and fearful. Change may appear to be uncomfortable, unfamiliar, difficult and even frightening to some people but change is part of any living thing. “Don’t worry about anything, not in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6. I have full confidence that Bishop Checchio is carefully reviewing the needs of Our Lady of Victories School and Parish and will begin the necessary procedures and protocols needed to fill this position.

Our Lady of Victories School is a strong school with dedicated faith-filled teachers and staff. We will remain true and steadfast to the school’s mission “to create an educational environment which fosters the spiritual, intellectual and emotional development of every student in pursuit of excellence”. The mission of our school will never change even with the changes ahead. Please keep Fr. Ryan in your prayers during this time of transition and also pray for Our Lady of Victories School that we receive a pastor who will help us move forward.

We have a very busy calendar ahead of us! On December 1st we begin the season of Advent! Today your child will bring home their Advent calendar. Please hang it in a prominent place where you and your child can reflect on it each day. This will allow you to have daily discussions on ways to prepare for the coming of the birth of Jesus. You can sign up for daily Advent Gospel Reflections to help prepare yourself by going to OLV School will begin the season by having a school-wide Advent prayer service in church after the 8:15 Mass on Monday, December 2nd led by the 8th grade students. All are welcome to attend this service.

Thank you parents for coming to our Christmas bazaar and supporting the HSA efforts! We thank our HSA for planning and executing a fantastic fundraiser that was not only profitable but fun as well! Thank you for the collected food items for The Saint Vincent DePaul pantry. This act of service reminds all of us what it means to be a Christian and the importance of serving others. Penny Wars begins December 2nd! Bring in your coins for this spirited fundraiser.

Get ready for Santa! He’s coming to town on December 7th for our “An Evening with Santa”! 6:00. Please come out for a fun night with Santa and eat a delicious dinner beginning at 6:00 p.m.! Check the website for all of the details. HSA is also busy hosting our “The Penguin Holiday Shop” on December 10th and 12th. This is a great way for children to purchase small gifts for their family members. Please make sure your child is ready for these special days. Your child’s teacher will give you the dates/times. The OLV Penny Wars begin on December 2nd! See OLV website for details!

There is a special prayer service in the church in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th. Students will sing songs for the Diocesan prayer service and listen to a prerecorded homily from Bishop Checchio. This service will be a memorable moment for our students!

Our music teacher, Ms. Jennifer Perkel, has been working very hard preparing the students for the upcoming OLV Christmas Concert – December 13th at 7:00 pm. The children sound beautiful! I’m sure the children’s voices will help us to be in the Christmas spirit!! OLV Students will be a part of wreath lying ceremony for our Veterans on December 14th for the “Wreaths Across America” event. There’s still time to purchase your wreath!

December 6th and December 20th are early dismissal days with NO AFTERCARE! Please make the appropriate preparations for these half days. In case you were wondering, student dress down days allow OLV School to give money to the Catholic missions and the Tag Days are ways for the student government to raise money for their activities. We appreciate your support and understanding.

The blessings of peace, the beauty of hope, the spirit of love and the comfort of faith be your Christmas presents this season!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


November 13, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Now that we are entering the Fall/Winter season, with bitter cold temperatures, I would like to remind you of the following information on uniforms, delayed openings, early dismissals and school closings due to inclement weather.

Please dress your children with coats/jackets, gloves and hats during these bitter cold temperatures. When the temperature falls below 32 degrees and the weather forecast predicts it will remain this temperature all day, your child may wear his/her gym uniform to school. Also, winter boots need to be changed to regular shoes (or sneakers if wearing a gym uniform) once your child is in the school building.

Possible reasons for delayed openings of school closure: amount of snow, icy roads, weather precipitation is continuing, weather predications, and building problems – no heat, electricity, etc.

Announcements of delayed opening, early dismissals and/or school closings will receive an automated phone message and email by our Honeywell System; Watch channel New12 NJ and/or listened to 1450 Talk Radio WCTC Station or go on their online websites and to see severe weather delays and school closings.

When OLV School calls a delayed openings, classes will be one hour late. Our school doors will open at 8:10 for parents who drop off their child(ren) and classes will begin at 8:40.

Students who use the buses from Transportation Department of the Borough of Sayreville, will be picked up 90 minutes later from their pick up time. You can check the status by going to website for a delayed or closing announcement.

Please be aware that there may be times when OLV School will call a delayed opening or school closing before Sayreville does and we will make the announcements as stated above.

Your child’s safety is our primary concern and I will always caution on the side of safety first. Remember, as the parent, you are the final authority as to whether you want to send your child to school.

If you need to update your contact information, please do so ASAP by calling our office, so that you will be properly informed.

On a positive note, Mrs. Connors is returning to school on December 2nd. Thank you for your prayers. Please be on the lookout for your child’s Report Card; it’s going home today!

Stay warm and safe!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

October 31, 2019 (November letter)

Dear Parents,

November is such a busy month as fall lessons and activities are in full swing as well as getting ready for Thanksgiving, etc. We begin the month with All Saints Day, Nov. 1st, which is a holy day of obligation. Students and teachers will attend mass at 8:15 and the 8th grade students will do their traditional saint parade when we return from mass.

Our wonderful secretary, Mrs. Bernadette Connors, had surgery on her ankle this week and is home recuperating. Please keep her in your prayers while she heals. We are very fortunate to have Mrs. Dowd and Mrs. Colleen Ach taking turns in the office. At this time, we were not given an exact date of when Mrs. Connors will return to school.

This week we had two days where some of the classrooms had trouble with the electrical lighting. All the teachers worked as a team, and the students’ instruction and learning were not negatively impacted. All of the electrical problems have been fixed and we don’t anticipated any further issues.

By now you have met with your child’s teacher and have a better sense of his/her progress in school. The MAP Family Report will be distributed sometime soon and this will provide you with a detailed picture of where your child stands in comparison to the national norms, a RIT score, and areas of strength and areas needed for growth. The October test will act as a baseline; while the MAP tests taken in February and May will provide you with a clearer picture of your child’s growth and overall achievement stand for this school year.

The teachers and I are hard at work analyzing many important documents for the AdvancED reaccreditation process including surveys, SQF benchmarks, MAP test scores along with completing all the rest of the procedural requirements. We hope to complete the process by the end of December. Updates on this process will be given to you in the monthly letters.

For the present moment, the Maker Space is on hold for another two weeks, but this hasn’t stopped the teachers from doing STREAM and project based learning in their classrooms. As we move forward, we will compile a list of materials for the Maker Space as needed and post it on the website.

OLV School is spearheading a “Going Green” initiative to help our planet because of Pope Francis’ call to action from his encyclical called “Laudato si” and our school’s spiritual theme “Witnessing Christ through Love and Action”. This written document and spiritual theme inspires us to become better stewards of the planet. Each class has their very own green name: PreK 3 - Green Machines, PreK 4-Squirmin’ Worms, Kindergarten-Wastebasket Worms, 1- Color Recycle Team, 2-Guardians of Nature, 3 - Waste Watcher, 4-Trash Busters, 5-Let Us Be Green, 6 /7-Tree Keepers and 8-The Tree Musketeers and will concentrating on one aspect of being ecologically friendly. During the Student of the Month Assemblies, each class will express how they are “Going Green”! This initiative has already created great discussions in the classrooms, interactive STREAM lessons all of which gives the students a better awareness.

Mrs. Hockenjos, Middle School science/math teacher, is already working with students and creating teams for the upcoming National Geographic GeoChallenge. The Middle School Students are planning ways the school and parish can help them accomplish their goals of “Going Green” and more information will be given to you next month.

Our HSA members are hard at work getting things ready for the big Christmas Bazaar fundraiser held on Nov. 9th. Bring your donations to the school office by next Friday. Tell your friends to head to the bazaar for lots of fun and prizes! Don’t forget to go to the Panera Bread fundraiser held on Nov. 1st and the check out the new “Coca-Cola Gives Program” both listed on the OLV School’s website. Thank you for all your support!!!

If your child was absent during Picture Day, retakes will be held on November 7th. Please ask your child’s teacher for the retake form or call the office for one. The form must be filled out, submitted to the office along with a check.

Please don’t forget that students must wear their winter uniforms beginning November 1st.

May you and your family be blessed on Thanksgiving and throughout the year!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

Thanksgiving Table Prayer

O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us.

Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today.

Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the

presence of those gathered here.

Thank you for our health, our work and our play.

Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence.

Open our hearts to your love.

We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen.

October 1, 2019

Dear Parents,

This is a very busy month for OLV School! It’s hard to believe we are entering the season of autumn! “God doesn’t just give us a few blessings, He pours out an abundance of good things on our lives. Fall offers the perfect time to reflect on His goodness toward us.” Lamentations 322: 323

During this month, several Catholic High Schools come to OLV to review their programs with our Middle School students. The local Fire Department is coming to visit our primary grade students on October 2nd. Students love seeing the Firemen, Fire Trucks and especially the working water hoses! I enjoy it too since my dad was a NYC fireman!

The Student Government candidates are already hanging their posters in the hallway! The Installation mass will take place on Friday, Oct. 11th at 8:15 and all parents are welcome to attend! Sometime this month, the 8th graders will lead the students in a walking pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. More details and information will be given out at a later time.

This month we will begin the monthly student led assemblies with the 8th grade students on October 25th. This year we are simplifying the monthly assemblies so that the students will just share how they are making the spiritual theme come alive in their classroom and the Student of the Month disciple awards will also be given out. One of the reasons we have a monthly assembly is to celebrate our faith together and highlight our Spiritual theme: “Witnessing Christ through Love and Service”.

Halloween costumes will be the same as last year; all students are invited to wear a costume that represents either the class saint or a character from the bible (no devil costumes) and the 8th graders will continue the tradition of walking down the hallways for the Saint Parade! Your child’s teacher will give you additional information.

The 50’s Dance is quickly approaching! Come out on October 19th and have a fun night with friends and family! I am extremely grateful to our HSA committee for their continued support and all of their hard work. I’ll see you at the dance! Keep checking the website for all of the HSA fundraiser activities. Oct. 21st -TAG Day. All monies collected will help the poor and needy.

CORRECT DATE for Boscov’s fundraiser is Oct. 16th (not Oct. 15th) Make the change of date to your calendar.

Please note that the parent conferences will be held on October 29th so that you can meet with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s progress in school, review the results of the MAP test, ask questions about the curriculum and share any concerns you may have. This visit will give you a clear picture on your child’s advancement.

Fr. Ryan has financed a new boiler system for the OLV School building which will be installed on October 14th. We continue to be thankful for our pastor’s devotion to Catholic Education and his personal dedication to OLV School.

Now, let’s talk about the upcoming standardized testing. MAP Assessment will begin on October 7th and end on October 18th; Students in grades 1-8 will child will take a MAP® test, in reading and mathematics, from NWEA® on a desk top computer, iPad or Chromebook. This assessment helps our teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students. MAP Growth tests are unique, and it adapts to your child’s responses to measure your child’s skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below their grade level. Since MAP Growth tests provide immediate and accurate information about your child’s learning, it’s easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores that are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, and then plan instruction accordingly. MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject and have the same starting performance level. There will be three test dates this school year, students in grades 1-8 take the tests in October, February and May. Following each testing period, you will receive a Family Report showing a summary of how your child is performing academically. We are truly excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and achievement!

Thank you again for your support! God Bless you always!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts, Principal

September 3, 2019

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! The teachers, staff and I had time to rest and refresh ourselves this summer and we’re excited about this school year! I hope you and your family had a peaceful summer as well.

First, I need to introduce two new teachers who will be joining us this year. Ms. Jennifer Perkel, our new music and librarian teacher, comes to us with over 25 years of teaching music to elementary school children and understands the tenants of the faith. Mrs. Perkel brings her excitement and love of children with her! Mrs. Heather Pawski, our new Middle School Social Studies and Physical Education teacher, has a real passion for children and Catholic Education. She brings with her teaching experience in many different age groups including High School and understands what it takes for students to be prepared for H.S. We are truly blessed to have these two new teachers join our faculty. Please help me welcome the new teachers and keep them, and Mrs. Gertz and Mrs. Lucas, in your prayers this year.

The Diocese of Metuchen is providing all of their Catholic Schools with a new standardized testing system called MAP Growth Assessment which is an online testing system that enables teachers to help students reach their fullest potential in learning. Students will be tested three times this upcoming school year. We will continue with the program called “STOP!T” for students to report bullying. This program will be discussed with students when they return to school this month. The teachers and I will keep you informed of how this program works. Click on this link for additional info:

The teachers and I have had several meetings to discuss ways to make this school year exciting and fruitful for the students. Teachers and students will continue to use the “Maker Space” to explore the world by using the engineering process and solving problems. Last June, OLV teachers had professional development in STREAM which provided them new ways of including the engineering process in their lesson plans. Over the next two weeks, we will create a new “WANTED LIST” to help us fill the Maker Space.

The Back to School Night meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th beginning with the Middle School grades 5-8 at 6:00-6:45. The general meeting for parents whose children are in grades K-8 will begin at 7:00. Pre K 3 and Pre K 4 parents will meet with their child’s teacher in the classroom at 7:30. All parents will meet with their child’s teacher after the general meeting.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you important and exciting information about the upcoming school year. Teachers have been involved in professional development and staff meetings over these past few weeks and they are ready to implement this school year’s spiritual theme: “Witnessing Christ through Love and Service”. OLV School’s spiritual theme will help our students and teachers stay focused on Christ.

OLV School is celebrating its 130th year of providing an excellent Catholic Education for our students! As a great school, we must continue to plan for the future with goals and direction, set high expectations, keep dedicated faith-filled teachers, maintain a school setting that is secure and welcoming, and work as a team with our parents. We have challenges ahead of us, like any other Catholic School, but we are here with great joy and enthusiasm. The mission of OLV will continue to have your children love coming to school and thriving!

We greatly appreciate your dedication to our school and thank you for choosing OLV for your children. I look forward to seeing you at the Back to School Night.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

August 15, 2019

Dear OLV Parents,

I hope you are having a peaceful summer! This is an important letter with OLV School arrival and dismissal times and important dates about the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the office.

The following is some important information along with the 2019-2020 tentative calendar:

● September 3rd is the first day of school for grades K-8 with half day dismissal at 11:40.

● September 4th is also an early dismissal at 11:40 for K-8.

● September 5th first full day for K-8 students.

· Doors open at 7:10 am School begins at 7:40, classes begin at 7:50. Bus schedules for Sayreville students will be accessible on the Sayreville public school website at

● Summer uniforms may be worn until October 31st .

Before-care and Aftercare are not available until Wednesday, September 11th .

● The school lunch program begins on Monday, September 9th. All lunch orders must be sent to school by Wednesday, September 4th. The September menu is posted in Backpack on the school website.

● Photo release, acceptable use policy and the handbook signature page can be found in Backpack for grades K-8. Please print, sign and send these forms to school by September 13th. Pre-K forms will be sent home separately.

● The tentative last day of school is June 17th , 2020.

● The Kindergarten graduation will be held on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 9:00 am in Monsignor Dalton Hall.

● Eighth Grade Graduation Mass will be on Friday, June 5, 2020 at 8:30.

Preschool students

● Pre-K 3, and Pre-K 4 students first day of school is Monday, September 9th which is a half day dismissal at 11:00.

● September 9th, 10th and 11th are half day dismissals at 11:00.

● Start time for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 students will be 8:00 am

● Beginning September 12th dismissal for full time Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 students will be 2:00 pm.

● Pre-K 4 students enter by the side door of the school on the church side.

● Pre-K 3 students enter through the Pre-K 3 door on the side of the building by the driveway. Parents may park in the back of the school.

● Pre-K 3 children must be signed-in and out by a parent or designated adult.

● Prek students Before-care and Aftercare begins on Thursday, September 12th.

● Before-care students enter through the Pre-K 3 door on the driveway side. Parents may park in the back of the school to bring their Pre-K 3 students to the classroom. Aftercare parents may also park in the back of the school and use the side door by the Church to enter the school. Please remember to send a note in to your child’s teacher if you would like your child to attend either of those programs. Morning care notes must be sent in the day before.

● The Pre-K 3 end of year playdate is Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

● The Pre-K 4 Moving Up ceremony will also be on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 9:00 am in Monsignor Dalton Hall.


· Registrations for the Honeywell Alert System and Powerschool will be distributed to you when school begins. Please complete and return to school as soon as possible.

· Please remember to check the monthly calendar on the OLV website, which will be posted each month in Backpack,for any activities or changes for that month.

I am looking forward to seeing you in September. Enjoy the remaining summer!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


June 4, 2019

Dear Parents,

Since this is the end of year letter, there is a lot to cover so the letter is longer than usual. Our OLV School remains true and strong to its mission. Efforts must be in place to deliver the best educational experience to our students where they not only succeed but thrive. The teachers and I will have our three day professional development beginning June 17th at the NCEA STREAM National Conference. I am sure we will all come back to school with wonderful ideas of energizing our STREAM program. We are already discussing ways of delivering additional opportunities for academic, social and spiritual enrichment for next year.

Some changes for next school year will occur which includes some new faculty assignments. Mrs. Liana will be the second grade teacher who will bring her great enthusiasm and zeal to this position. Ms. Piccolomini will be leaving us and we wish her well in her new position. We will miss her wonderful smile and tenderness she gave her students.

The 5th grade students will move upstairs and be included in the Middle School model which is not uncommon. Students will transition into having multiple teachers which prepares them, over the next four years, for the challenges of high school. This extended time in Middle School strengthens their ability to engage in tasks that require skills needed to be successful students. Mrs. Hockenjos, Math and Science, will be the 5th grade homeroom, Mrs. Gertz, S.S. and Physical Education, will be the 6th grade homeroom teacher, Mrs. Misiewicz, Technology and Spanish, will be the 7th grade homeroom teacher and Mrs. Romer, Religion and ELA, will be the 8th grade homeroom teacher. The 5th grade students will have an official “move up day” next week. The Middle School teachers will send a letter to parents telling them more about the “move up day”.

It is critically important that you continue to encourage your child to keep up with his/her studies during the summer vacation. Keep your child on target by dedicating a few minutes each day for your child to read a book and complete some math problems. Teachers will send home summer packets along with a supply list for the upcoming school year which will also be posted on their websites.

You can still purchase Shop Rite script cards through the Pastoral Office during the summer months from 8:30 -12:30. Please hand in your child’s old uniforms to the office so that we can pass them along to other families.

The “Used Uniform Sale” will be held on July 18th and 19th from 9:00 – 12:00.

Pre K parents can purchase an OLV gym uniform for their child, which can be worn every day, by going to the Flynn and O’Hara website. Website and price lists:

I want to end this letter by thanking all of the parents for their dedication, the HSA team for their extraordinary efforts in fundraising and building community spirit and finally, to our pastor, Fr. Thomas Ryan, for his unwavering support.

Summer Blessings to Our Families

May we make our homes places of relaxation,

joy, love, peace and safety.

May we be generous and considerate,

not thinking only about ourselves,

but helping others enjoy the blessings of the summertime.

Lord God, Creator of all things,

guide our steps and strengthen our hearts

during these months of summer and vacation days.

Grant us refreshment of mind and body.

May we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference

in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around us

as we enjoy the warm days of summertime.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


We look forward to seeing you on the first day of school on September 3rd which will be an early dismissal for students in grades K-8. Look to the website for additional information in August.

God bless you and keep you safe this summer!

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


May 1, 2019

Dear Parents,

The month of May is extremely busy with many scheduled events and devotions to honor our Blessed Mary in many special ways. It’s a special time to reflect on Mary’s beauty and virtue. It’s also a reminder to the faithful to strive to imitate our Blessed Mother’s virtue in our own lives. Students will dedicate time to recite a decade of the Rosary every morning and the crowning of the statute of Mary. It has been a long-standing tradition for the second grade students to crown the statue of Mary with beautiful flowers after the 8:15 am mass on May 7th. Students will wear their First Holy Communion attire and partake in a specially planned Communion breakfast prepared just for them. Please keep our second grade students in your prayers as they make their First Holy communion on May 4th at 9:00.

On Friday, May 3rd our traditional OLV Walk-A-Thon will take place. Please get as many pledges from your family members, co-workers, neighbors, etc. to make this a big fundraiser. I am sure the students will have a great time!! All monies are due Thursday, May 2nd sent to Noelle Lettiere c/o Sadie grade 1. Thank you for your support!

Come out and bring family and friends to the HSA fundraiser “All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner” on May 11th. We are very fortunate to have a special chef, Mr. Carmen Spezzi, cooking his delicious cuisine especially for OLV! We thank him in advance for his devotion to OLV School.

May 17th is the spring “Evening of the Arts” which begins with the Art Show at 6:30 and Musical Concert at 7:00. Our new art teacher, Mrs. Namrata Singh, is working hard getting the students’ art work ready for the Art Show. When I see the music classes in action, it always amazes me how our music teacher, Mrs. Beth Lucas, gets the students to perform at their highest level. Information on the May 31st Field Day will be given at a later time.

I realize many of you are planning your summer vacation and need to know the last day of school. Our last day of school is scheduled for June 14th (this date will stand only if we don’t have any emergency closings.) I hope this information helps you prepare properly for your childcare and vacation plans.

The faculty and I are carefully analyzing the Iowa test scores and creating goals for the AdvancED reaccreditation process. More information will be given to you in the next principal letter.

Thank you for choosing OLV School for your child(ren). We promise to provide a strong academic foundation, dedicated faith-filled teachers, a warm and positive welcoming Christian atmosphere where your child(ren) will flourish, thrive and succeed! I love witnessing our students blossoming each and every day!

Happy Mother’s Day to each of you and May God bless you and your families!

Sincerely in Christ, Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

April 1, 2019

Dear Parents,

Well, it looks like spring weather is here to stay! During our Lenten time, we should challenge ourselves to cultivate being aware of the needs of others through acts of kindness. Hopefully, we achieve this in small ways each day. This week Fr. Ryan is leading a Lenten Penance Service for students, grades 2-8, to examine their conscience, say their act of contrition and ask God for forgiveness. This is a wonderful way to prepare their hearts for the blessings of the Risen Lord.

Important - the AdvancED parent survey. We had less than 50 people complete the second survey. It is critical that we double that number. If you haven’ taken the parent survey as of yet, please take 5 minutes to click on the link below and thank you to all of you that have already taken the survey.

Report Cards will be going home on Friday, April 5th. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s teacher. You will be given your child’s test results as soon as we receive the IOWA Test Results.

Thank you to all who helped with the National Geographic GeoChallenge bake sale which raised $1200.00 dollars. Although our team didn’t place first place, they are still winners! Mrs. Hockenjos is already planning for next year’s challenge!

The “Moms, Tots and Teddy Bears” program will be held on April 3rd,10th, and 17th from 9:30 – 10:15. Please invite all young moms that you know to come out and bring their toddler for some fun and play. It is a great way to introduce mothers to OLV!

An evening Open House for new families will be held on April 4th from 6:00 – 7:30. This is a wonderful opportunity for working parents to come out and meet and greet our faculty, learn about the curriculum and see what makes us special! Please make your friends aware of this recruitment effort.

It would help us enormously if you would register your child for the 2019-2020 school year before the Easter break. Student enrollment numbers dedicate how we budget for next year.

Your child can begin wearing their summer uniforms beginning April 15th.

Thank you so much for your support of the OLV Tricky Tray Event! It was a great fundraiser and appeared that everyone had a great time! Special thanks to all who worked so hard, HSA committee, parents, volunteers, etc., to make it a profitable fundraiser and wonderful social. All proceeds go into the HSA account which helps our school tremendously! God Bless you!

May you be blessed with a home filled with harmony, joy and love.

Easter brings fun, Easter brings Happiness, Easter brings God's endless blessings,

Easter brings love and the freshness of spring.

Happy Easter to you and your family!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

March 15, 2019

Re: Misc. Happenings

Dear Parents,

Bishop Checchio

I want to inform you that Bishop Checchio will be leading the 12:00 mass at OLV Church on March 24th. Please make an effort to attend the noon mass and have your child attend mass wearing their OLV School uniform. A labeled section of pews will be held for OLV students wearing their uniforms so that they can sit together.

National Geographic GeoChallenge Bake Sale

There will be a special “bake sale” planned the weekend of March 23rd and March 24th for our students who are finalists in the National Geographic GeoChallenge. Money raised will assist the students and Mrs. Hocenkjos for their March 29th trip. You can help them by either dropping off baked goods before the 5pm mass on Saturday and/or 7:30 am mass on Sunday or by just purchasing some baked goods! Please keep the students and Mrs. Hocenkjos in your prayers for a successful trip! We Congratulate them for making the final round of competition and wish them the very best of luck! They are winners!

Our Lady of Guadalupe- “Year of Awakening”

There is a special mass and Our Lady of Guadalupe drama experience beginning at 7:00 pm in OLV Church planned for April 8th. A Covered Dish Dinner will be served in the church basement on April 9th. Check the OLV Church website for all the details of the dinner. The Diocese of Metuchen is presenting an “Evening of Awakenings” in OLV Church on April 10th beginning at 7:00 pm along with time for you to go to confession.

Easter Break

Finally, we will have an early dismissal of school on April 18th, Holy Thursday, and there will be no after-care on that day. I know you are making your Easter vacation plans, so I wanted to give time to plan accordingly.

I hope this short letter gives you an opportunity to plan for the upcoming events! The regular monthly principal letter will be written and posted on the website on April 1st.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

February 28, 2019 - March Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that Lent begins next week! Ash Wednesday mass for all of the students is on March 6th at 8:15. Teachers and students are beginning their Lenten journey together. It’s a wonderful time to get closer to Jesus. There are resources for you on our website to help you on your journey. May each day of your Lenten journey, you experience God’s love in ordinary and extraordinary ways!

This is a reminder that the second AdvancED Parent Survey is ready for you to complete. If you haven’t completed the survey to the link below. It should take no more than five minutes to complete. Thank you! Please use the link provided to complete your survey.

The IOWA Standardized Testing for students in grades 1-8 will begin March 11th and end on March 20th (make up test dates are March 18-20. Please make sure you child gets enough sleep and eats a healthy breakfast on the testing days. For more information about the test, read the other side of this letter.

Re-registration and technology fees are due for all of our families. Please make an attempt to register your child(ren) as soon as you can. As you know, enrollment numbers helps us plan for the new school year in so many ways. If you are applying for financial assistance, applications must be in by March 31st go to the link for more information

Congratulations to Mrs. Joann Hockenjos, science and math teacher, and five OLV students: Amy and Dean Kraowaksi, Aidan Delaney, Nicholas James and Romari Ebuen for becoming finalists in the National Geographic GeoChallenge! Please keep them in your prayers! (Go to the OLV website for full details)

This month OLV introduced after-school clubs for the K-8 students for an opportunity to work together with different grade students and teachers for fun hands-on activities. There was a huge response! Since this is a new endeavor we will assess, after this trial period, to see if we will continue the after-school clubs in the spring. OLV School always strives to make learning fun for your children!

A new toddler program called “Moms, Tots, and Teddy Bears” will begin on March 13th for moms and children of 12 months – 30 months. We are very excited about welcoming new moms to our school! We are grateful that Mrs. Desiree Abenante for leading the 45 minute program and getting it started. If you know a new mom with a toddler who wants to make friends, direct them to go to the OLV website to read the flyer for all the details. She can register for the program by calling the office or emailing me directly.

Get the word out and tell your friends that our next Buddy Day will be March 28th for students in gr. 1-6.

HSA committee is currently working hard to get Tricky Tray event ready for March 30th. Please come out to this fundraiser and bring your friends. This event should not be missed. It’s a real winner!

That’s it for now! Thank you for your continued support and commitment to OLV! You make us shine!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


January 28, 2019 - February Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

We kicked off the CSW with a bang! OLV School parents, students, teachers and alumni shared Holy Eucharist together at the 9:00 mass. Then everyone gathered in our OLV Maker Space to enjoy a light breakfast! I am delighted to say that we had a good number of new families touring the school. We had a great time at our annual Polar Plunge! A special thank you to all the brave students, parents and teachers who came out to the Polar Plunge! I look forward to seeing you all this week!!!

The home visitation of Our Lady of Guadalupe begins February 17th as part of the “Lighting Hearts of Fire”. During this Year of Preparation for Consecration of ourselves individually and our school and parish, we are offering an opportunity for parents to sign up for a week long home visitation. More information on this will be given at a later time.

It’s that time of year to re-register your child(ren) for the next school year. Please register as soon as you are able to ensure a seat for your child(ren). The 2019-2020 enrollment number allows our staff to properly plan for upcoming school year. The FGAA program (Financial Aid program) is now open for parents who need to apply for financial assistance. You may apply by going to Please be aware that all required supporting documentation must be submitted to FGAA by March 31, 2019 and the application fee is $30 and must be paid online at the time you submit your application. Forms of payment include debit cards, most major credit cards, or electronic check. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Connors at the main office or go to: for additional information. All families who are currently registered through FACTS will be automatically registered for next year.

Our HSA is busy planning for their next big event which is the OLV Handbag Bingo on February 22nd. Please mark your calendar and plan to come out for a great time! It is a fantastic excuse to get out and have some fun with OLV friends! I appreciate all of your support!!

“New” there is a “Kindergarten Open House” scheduled on Feb. 21st from 6:45 - 7:15 A.M. for new families. Please help us get the word out about this recruitment effort!

Finally, Ms. Vivian Deibert, first grade teacher has resigned from her position to pursue a professional opportunity. We thank Ms. Deibert for her two years of teaching at OLV School and wish her well. I am excited to announce that Mrs. Joann Keefe is our new first grade teacher effective January 28th. Mrs. Keefe brings with her a wealth of talent and knowledge. She has been an Early Childhood educator for over ten years. Mrs. Keefe is a very faith-filled person who loves children and has a great sense of humor. I know she will be a great fit for our school and feel very blessed to have found her!

May the words we speak and the words we receive bring God’s peace, joy and hope to our families, school, parish and world.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

January 7, 2019

Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas break. Thank you for all of your Christmas gifts and treats! Your acts of kindness and thoughtfulness are overwhelming. As we begin this New Year, keep in mind Pope Francis’ words on the importance of a mother’s love. Below is a segment of his comments: “from ROME - Pope Francis started the New Year heaping praise not only on the Virgin Mary but on all mothers, saying their love is the foundation of humanity and the cure for a world often divided and filled with bitterness. He praised mothers for the “heroism” they show “in self-giving, strength in compassion, wisdom in meekness,” saying they are people who know how to take their children by the hand and “lovingly introduce them to life.” Click link below to read the entire article:

As we enter the winter season, just a reminder to dress your children with coats/jackets, gloves and hats when needed and if the temperature is forecasted to drop below 32 degrees, for the entire day, your children may wear their gym uniform to school. School will be closed on Monday, January 21st, for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Let us continue to pray for those cities in our country where there is racial tension. We welcome Mrs. Connors back to OLV School; she returns mid-January. We thank Mrs. Bagwell for her professionalism and her sense of humor!

The HSA committee has an important General HSA meeting scheduled for January 16th to talk about the Tricky Tray fundraiser and other events being held this year. Your attendance and input are greatly appreciated. Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming OLV “Mother and Son Dance” held on January 18th and make the pledge to participate in the CSW “Polar Plunge” on January 27th. Please make an effort to participate in our monthly HSA activities. Your support is greatly treasured and it helps us build a sense of community which is one of the many things that makes OLV School special.

Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday, January 27th. The theme for this year is Catholic Schools is “Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed”. The CSW (Catholic School Week) schedule is listed on the opposite side of the letter. We ask that you and your child, in full uniform, attend the January 27th opening CSW mass at 9:00, breakfast at 10:00 and open house ending at 12:00. Don’t forget about the Polar Plunge at Municipal Beach – Sea Bright, which begins at 2:00. Additional information is on the OV School website.


Thank you for promoting OLV where Faith, Knowledge and Service are our top priority. You are our best representatives in our community. Please proclaim the Good News about OLV wherever you go and invite friends to our open house. Don’t forget to read the CSW Schedule - it is printed on the opposite side of this letter.

May you be peaceful, and grateful, for God’s love!

Happy New Year! Sincerely in Christ! Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

Catholic School Week - 2019

Our Lady of Victories School

January 27th Sun.

9:00 Opening Mass

10:00 Breakfast

10:30 - 11:30 – Open House Tours

Polar Plunge 2:00 Municipal Beach, Sea Bright

January 28th Mon.

Student Appreciation: Student/Teacher Turn around Day, 8th grade students dress like teachers and teachers dress like students

Movie Day – all students select from a lineup of movies

January 29th Tues.

Grandparent Visitations and Lunch Times

Session I Grades PreK , 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3,

Visit classrooms from 9:45 – 10:15

PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3 - Lunch in cafeteria from 10:30 – 11:15

Session II Grades 4,5,6,7,8,

Visit classrooms from 10:45 – 11:15

Grades, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Lunch in cafeteria from 11:20 – 12:05

January 30th Wed.

Parent Visitations and Lunch Times

Session I Grades PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1,2,3,

Visit classrooms from 9:45 – 10:15

PreK 3, PreK 4, K, 1, 2, 3 - Lunch in cafeteria from 10:30 – 11:15

Session II Grades 4,5,6,7,8

Visit classrooms from 10:45 – 11:15

Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Lunch in cafeteria from 11:20 – 11:55

OLV Parents vs 8th Grade Volley Ball Tournament 12:00

January 31st Thurs.

12:20 – 12:45 Lunch Senior Citizen Appreciation Day

9:30 Viking Bowl - Students wear your Blue and Gold!

(All parents are welcome to attend)

Parent Conferences 2:00 – 5:00 (assigned times)

Feb. 1st Friday

8:15 CSW Closing Mass, Full uniform, Teacher Appreciation Day

11: 40 Dismissal

Student Skating Party @ South Amboy Roller Magic Rink

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

(No Aftercare)

++++ Scholastic Book Fair Monday – Thursday (schedule to follow)



November 26, 2018 - December Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

Parent input is critical in the AdvancED process. All parents are asked to go to the link below and complete the parent survey. All surveys must be completed no later than December 14th. The survey allows parents to share vital information about OLV School in a confidential manner. The survey will be available to you on Monday, November 26, 2018 and will remain open into December. To access the survey, please go to:

Thank you parents for coming to our Christmas bazaar and supporting the HSA efforts! The day was a lot of fun for both parents and children! Last month, the students collected nearly 500 food items for the poor. This act of service reminds all of us what it means to be a Christian and the importance of serving others. Thank you to all!

We are now entering the season of Advent! This is a special time when we prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord! OLV School will begin the season by having a school-wide Advent prayer service in church after the 8:15 mass on Tuesday, December 4th by the 8th grade students. All are welcome to attend this service. On Friday, students will receive an Advent calendar which I recommend you read daily with your child. This will allow you to have daily discussions on ways to prepare for the coming of the birth of Jesus. You can sign up for daily Advent Gospel Reflections to help prepare yourself by going to It only takes a moment each day!

There are many Christmas activities planned for this month! Here are just a few: the HSA is holding a “Breakfast with Santa” on December 2nd after the 9:00 mass. Please come out for the fun of seeing Santa in person and eat delicious pancakes! HSA is also hosting our “The Penguin Holiday Shop” on December 3rd and 6th. This is a great way for children to purchase small gifts for their family members. Please make sure your child is ready for these special days. Your child’s teacher will give you the dates/times. The OLV Penny Wars begin! See OLV Website for details!

Our talented music teacher, Mrs. Lucas, has been very busy preparing the students for the upcoming OLV Christmas Concert – December 14th at 7:00 pm. The children have been practicing their Christmas songs! I’m very excited about seeing them perform the songs! Students will participate in the “Wreaths Across America” will take place on Saturday, December 15th. I believe this type of act of service will have a major impact on our students and their family.

December 7th is an early dismissal day with NO AFTERCARE because it’s the OLV faculty and staff Christmas Party. In case you were wondering, student dress down days allows OLV School to give money to the Catholic missions and the Tag Days are ways for the student government to raise money for their activities. We appreciate your support and understanding.

May you feel God’s love this Advent season and always!

Have a wonderful and restful Christmas break!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


November 12, 2018

Dear Parents,

I am sending this letter home because I need to inform you that our secretary, Mrs. Bernadette Connors, will be out longer than expected. She will be out till sometime after the Christmas Break. It appears that she needs an extended length of time for her ankle to heal properly. During this time, please keep Mrs. Connors in your daily prayers.

We are blessed to have Mrs. Jackie Bagwell as our temporary office secretary during Mrs. Connors’ absence. Mrs. Bagwell was the school secretary at Sacred Heart School and is knowledgeable with all of the communication systems that our school uses: PowerSchool, Honeywell, etc. You will communicate with her the same as you did with Mrs. Connors by using the same email address bconnors@olvnj.con

As I told you in the previous principal letter, we are beginning the AdvancED process and a series of surveys must be completed by our parents, students and teachers in a short window of time. As soon, I get the proper links for the surveys, I will forward them to you so that you can fill it out. It is critical that we get parents to complete the survey.

Next week, all lunch orders must be completed and handed in by Wednesday, November 21st because of Thanksgiving. Please remind yourself that there is no after care next week on Wednesday, November 21st which happens to be a half day dismissal.

This past Sunday OLV students presented the parish with the “Wreaths Across America” program that our OLV Dynamic Kids are working on. Wreaths that are purchased will be placed on veterans’ graves on December 15th. Please refer to the letter that is being sent home today. This information is also posted on our OLV School website for further information.

Thank you to our HSA Team for doing a fantastic job with our Christmas Bazaar and thank you to all of the parents who came out and made this day a huge success! We are most grateful for your support!

By now, you should have signed up for a time for your parent/teacher conference which takes place on Thursday, November 15th. It’s a great time to find out how your child is doing, teacher expectations and learn more about our curriculum.

Finally, December 2nd is the Breakfast with Santa after the 9:00 mass, which also begins our Advent journey. A letter is going home today with all of the details. I want to take this time to thank you for unwavering support and wish you all a Blessed Thanksgiving! Here’s a parent prayer from

Thanksgiving Prayer for Children

(a prayer for parents)

Thank you for our children.

Bless them with your love and peace,

Protect them with your truth and strength,

Engage them with your hope and vision.

Thank you for our children.


Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts principal

October 25, 2018 November parent letter

Dear Parents,

Well, here we are quickly approaching November and it’s time to get our homes ready for the fall/winter weather, making Thanksgiving Day plans, and getting our flu shots, etc. I love this time of year when the school is bustling! All of the students and teachers are involved in creative lessons. It’s wonderful to see them using the Maker Space. Thank you again for your help!

Also, I need to report that the emails are back to normal. Please keep Mrs. Bernadette Connors, school secretary, in your prayers as she recovers from a broken ankle. We hope and pray that she will return to us mid-November. We miss her lovely smile and quick wit! Mrs. Colleen Ach will be in her place until she returns.

Beginning November 1st, all students should be in their fall/winter uniforms. If you know your child gets cold easily, he/she should wear the OLV School sweater. Students will not be allowed to wear their own hoodies during class time.

You may not know that November 1st is also known as All Hallows’ Day Hallowmas, Feast of the Saints or Solemnity of All Saints. One way to honor this day is to pray for the deceased. Students will attend mass at 8:15 and later that morning, our 8th grade students will visit all the classrooms dressed in saint costumes. This event has been a long standing tradition that everyone looks forward to each year.

On Friday, November 2nd, the 5th graders will lead our monthly Student Assembly and it will open with a JDRF special presentation talking about Juvenile Diabetes beginning at 10:00 in Msgr. Dalton Hall. Since it will be a special Tag Day, students are encouraged to wear blue in honor of Juvenile Diabetes and donate a dollar. All are welcome to attend!

Everyone is also looking forward to the Annual OLV Veteran’s Day Celebration, led by Mrs. Joanne Hockenjos and the 8th grade students, which will be held on November 7th. All students must bring their own lunch to school that day because the cafeteria is being occupied by the veterans - it is a brown bag day for all students (the lunch calendar was revised… see website). All parents are welcome to attend the celebration beginning at 12:15. After the celebration all students go back to his/her classroom. If you want to take your child home early that day you must come to the office and sign your child out after the ceremony. Don’t forget we have Brown Bag Days on Nov. 7th, 8th and 9th because of all of the festivities.

Buddy Day is scheduled for November 8th for children who do not attend OLV. This day is a great way to recruit our school to your friends’ children in grades K – 6. If they have any interest in learning more about our school, and their child can be in our school for a day, they just need to fill out the form on the website and hand it to the office. We also have an open house planned on November 30th for new families.

Mark your calendars and come out to the OLV Christmas Bazaar on November 10th! There will be lots of vendors, fun activities for your children and delicious food! It’s a great way to officially begin your Christmas shopping! The HSA worked very hard to make this day one of the biggest fundraiser events for our school. We appreciate all of their dedication and your support!

Parent conferences are held on November 15th from 2:00 – 7:00 by appointment. Your child’s teacher will contact you to set up an appointment time. This is a very important time for you to talk with your child’s teacher about the progress your son or daughter is making in school. It is also a wonderful time to learn more about the curriculum, teacher expectations and upcoming projects, etc.

All of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen are beginning the AdvancED reaccreditation process. Sometime this month, I will send you a link to complete a parent survey. More information will be given to you as we move forward.

Please be aware that Mrs. Namrata Singh, art teacher, will be out for the month of November because of plans she made before attaining the position. We wish her safe travels as she visits her family in India. Therefore, there will be no yearbook meetings for this month. No need to worry! The missing yearbook meetings will be made up. Ms. Jamie Wojcik will be the art substitute teacher during her absence.

If I don’t see you, I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


October 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

Finally, we are getting some autumn cool mornings! We are beginning the month wtih lots of excitement! On October 1st and 5th, the 7th and 8th grades students will have several Catholic High Schools come to OLV to highlight their programs. The local Fire Department is coming to visit our primary grade students on October 2nd which should be a lot of fun! The Student Government Installation mass will take place on Friday, Oct. 12th at 8:15 and all parents welcome to attend! Mission Rosary beads will be made by our 3rd and 4th grade students led by our senior citizens which we are very thankful to them for sharing their expertise!

This month we will begin the monthly student led assemblies. The 8th graders will lead our first assembly on October 12th which will feature the first of the Beatitudes series! I am looking forward to seeing the 8th grade students’ creativity and I am sure their assembly will be great! Student of the Month award will also be given out to the students during the assembly which emphasizes our Spiritual theme, “Love One Another as I Have Loved You”.

The STOPiT has been launched and students downloaded the app onto their devices. I will keep you informed as this program moves forward. The Diocese of Metuchen School’s Office is sending a photographer to the school next week to take pictures of the students for printed materials and advertising which will help us brand our school.

Parents are asking about Halloween costumes. We will do the same as last year; all students are invited to wear a costume that represents either the class saint or a character from the bible (no Satan’s costumes) and the 8th graders will continue the tradition of walking down the hallways for the Saint Parade! Your child’s teacher will give you additional information.

October 25th is a student dress down. All monies collected will be held to help the poor and needy and on occasion help with special treats for both students and teachers.

The family dinner was a big success! Thank you parents for supporting our efforts. Please make sure your get your raffle tickets which begins on October 3rd. The Boscov’s shopping discount day is held for October 16th – it’s a great way to help OLV and begin your Christmas shopping. I am extremely grateful to our HSA committee for their continued support and all their work.

Our new Maker Space is in full bloom and is filled with materials because of your generous contributions. Today I witnessed the 7th graders working in the room while Mrs. Hockenjos helped a student with the 3D printer. Very exciting to watch! The money raised from the September Family Dinner is going to allow us to purchase additional items such as Code-A-Pillar. Thank you again for your generosity! I’m looking forward to attending our general HSA meeting held on October 10th at 7:00.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


September 4, 2018

Dear OLV Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful summer with your family and friends! The teachers, staff and I had time to rest and refresh ourselves this summer and we are excited about this school year!

I want to introduce a new teacher who will be joining us this year, Ms. Marygrace Piccolomini. She is our new second grade teacher and comes to us with teaching experience from St. Thomas the Apostle School. Since Ms. Piccolomini has attended Catholic schools, she understands the tenets of the faith and it is very evident that she has a real passion for children. Please help me welcome her and keep her in your prayers for a successful year.

The Back to School Night meetings are scheduled for Monday, September 10th beginning with the Middle School Grade parents at 6:30 pm, followed by our Back to School meeting for grades K-8 at 7 pm. Pre-K 3 and 4 parents can meet the teachers at 7:30. All meetings are for Parents only. We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you important and exciting information about the upcoming school year including our spiritual theme, new bulling reporting program and our new Maker’s Space.

This school year’s theme is “Love one another like I have loved you” taken from John 15:12 which the teachers will fold into their everyday plans, discussions, lessons, etc., as well as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes will also be emphasized this year in our daily prayers and monthly student-led assemblies. Also, each grade has their own assigned saint which will inspire the students to put their faith into action.

The Diocese of Metuchen is providing all of their Catholic Schools with a program called “STOP!IT” which is a reporting system for students to report bullying. This new program is designed to enhance the safety of our students and empower them with an easy app they can put on their phones. This program will be discussed with students when they return to school this month and they will learn how to use the program. Since this is a new system, I understand it may take a few weeks to get it fully up and running. The teachers and I will keep you abreast of how it is working. Click on this link for additional information:

All through last year and these past few weeks, the teachers and I have had several meetings discussing ways to create a space for our students to put their creativity and engineering processes to work. This year we are unveiling our very own “Maker Space” where students will not only create objects but will explore the world of trying solve problems by learning the engineering process. The steps of the engineering design process are to : Define the Problem, Do Background , Specify Requirements, Brainstorm Solutions, Choose the Best Solution, Do Development Work, Build A Prototype, and Test and Redesign. Last June, OLV teachers had professional development from the Liberty Science trainer who came to OLV School and discussed STEM lessons and the Engineering Process. Below this letter is a “Wanted List” of objects needed to fill the Maker Space. This will be an ongoing quest but I believe we will begin to fill the room with “stuff” needed for the students.

I am very happy to announce the new HSA officers: Jackie Gluchowski- President, Vanessa Hogan- Vice President, Jillian Leonard-Treasurer, Maria Holovacko-Recording Secretary, Kristine Lieberman-Corresponding Secretary, Sharon DeMonaco and Joann Sekerak-Publicity, Vanessa Haggerty-Spirituality, Noelle Lettiere-Social Concerns, Nicole Martin-Programs, Meaghan Spezzi-Alliance, Shannon Liana-Teacher Liaison, Michele Delaney and Melissa Krakowski-Past Presidents. These parents are the hardest working group of parents I have ever worked with and they are planning great events for this year. Hold the date of 10/10/18 for our first HSA General Meeting to get an overview of the school year.

I look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night next Monday. May God continue to bless you and your families as we enter this new school year.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


We need donations from the Dollar Store to help build the OLV School’s Maker Space!

Dollar Store Donations:

Duct tape magnets 9 volt batteries popsicle sticks

Electrical tape marshmallows balloons poster board

Envelopes masking tape battery operated toothbrushes Q-tips

Felt paper clips coffee filters rubber bands

Flashlights pipe cleaners coffee stirrers scotch tape

Foam boards plastic baggies cotton balls straws of all sizes

Gumdrops plastic cups cupcake liners toothpicks

Index cards plastic silverware dental floss playing cards

Lunch bags plastic cards toilet paper tubes shoeboxes

Envelopes paper towel rolls string plastic bins

Fishing line Glue zip ties yarn

Look in your basements and closets for used toys!

Used Toys:

Legos (pieces or sets) remote controlled toys littleBits

Tinker Toys electric trains squishy circuits

Wooden Blocks battery trains qubits

Erector Sets makey makey play-doh (unopened)

OLV School is creating a Maker Space so that the students can explore the Engineering Process with everyday objects. This special classroom will on the first floor near the Science Lab and will be utilized on a regular basis. Also, we now have a 3D printer that will be used by the Middle School students.

All donations can be dropped off in the pink bin near the general office or your child can bring in the items to his/her teacher. Bring this flyer to your office and see if you can get your co-workers to help with this appeal! Collections will be ongoing throughout the school year. Thank you for your support!

July 11, 2018

Dear OLV Parents,

I hope you are having a peaceful summer! This is an important letter with OLV School arrival and dismissal times and important dates about the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the office.

The following is some important information along with the 2018-2019 tentative calendar:

● Used Uniform sale will take place on July 17th and 18th from 9:00 – 12:00

● September 5th is the first day of school for grades K-8 with half day dismissal at 11:40.

● September 6th is also an early dismissal at 11:40 for K-8.

● September 7th first full day for K-8 students.

· Doors open at 7:10 am School begins at 7:40, classes begin at 7:50. Bus schedules for Sayreville students will be accessible on the Sayreville public school website at

● Summer or winter uniforms may be worn until October 30.

Before-care and Aftercare (K-8) are not available until Tuesday, September 11th .

● The school lunch program begins on Monday, September 10th. All lunch orders must be sent to school by Thursday, September 6th. The September menu will be posted in Backpack on the school website.

● Photo release, acceptable use policy and the handbook signature page can be found in Backpack for grades K-8. Please print, sign and send these forms to school by September 14th. Pre-K forms will be sent home separately.

● The tentative last day of school is June 21, 2019.

● The Kindergarten graduation will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 9:00 am in Monsignor Dalton Hall.

● Eighth Grade Graduation Mass will be on Friday, June 8, 2019 at 8:30.

Preschool students

● Used Uniform sale will take place on July 17th and 18th from 9:00 – 12:00

● Pre-K 3, and Pre-K 4 students first day of school is Monday, September 10th which is a half day dismal at 11:00.

● September 10th, 11th and 12th are half day dismissals at 11:00.

● Start time for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 students will be 8:00 am

● Beginning September 13th dismissal for full time Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 students will be 2:00 pm.

● Pre-K 4 students enter by the side door of the school on the church side.

● Pre-K 3 students enter through the Pre-K 3 door on the side of the building by the driveway. Parents may park in the back of the school.

● Pre-K 3 children must be signed-in and out by a parent or designated adult.

● Prek students Before-care and Aftercare begins on Thursday, September 13th.

● Before-care students enter through the Pre-K 3 door on the driveway side. Parents may park in the back of the school to bring their Pre-K 3 students to the classroom. Aftercare parents may also park in the back of the school and use the side door by the Church to enter the school. Please remember to send a note in to your child’s teacher if you would like your child to attend either of those programs. Morning care notes must be sent in the day before.

● The Pre-K 3 end of year playdate is Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

● The Pre-K 4 Moving Up ceremony will also be on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 9:00 am in Monsignor Dalton Hall.


· Registrations for the Honeywell Alert System and Powerschool will be mailed to you in August. Please complete and return to school as soon as possible.

· Tentative OLV School Calendar for 2018-19 PDF is located on the OLV School website (Backpack). Please remember to check the monthly calendar which will be posted each month in Backpack on the school website for any activities or changes for that month.

I am looking forward to seeing you in September. Have a wonderful, restful and blessed summer!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


June 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

As we close another successful school year at OLV, we need to recognize and thank all of the people who helped us throughout the year. We are thankful to all of the parents who continue to choose OLV School for their child’s education and our hardworking HSA team for their extraordinary efforts in fundraising and building community spirit. I am thankful to our dedicated faculty and staff who make each day special and, our pastor, Fr. Thomas Ryan who is our solid foundation.

It is critically important that you continue to encourage your child to keep up with his/her studies during the summer vacation. Keep your child on target by dedicating a few minutes each day for your child to read a book and complete some math problems. Teachers will send home summer packets along with a supply list for the upcoming school year which will also be posted on their websites.

You can still purchase Shop Rite script cards through the Pastoral Office during the summer months from 8:30 -12:30. Please hand in your child’s old uniforms to the office so that we can pass them along to other families. The “Used Uniform Sale” will be held on July 17th and 18th from 9:00 – 12:00.

“NEW” – Pre K parents can purchase an OLV gym uniform for their child, which can be worn every day, by going to the Flynn and O’Hara website. Website and price lists:

Summer Prayer

Creator of all, thank You for summer!

Thank You for the warmth of the sun and the increased daylight.

Thank You for the beauty I see all around me and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation.

Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family, and for the more casual pace of the summer season.

Draw me closer to You this summer.

Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence, and light my path with Your Word and Counsel.

As I enjoy Your creation, create in me a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You.

Amen. © Source unknown

We look forward to seeing you on the first day of school on September 5th which will be an early dismissal for students in grades K-8. Look to the website for additional information in August.

Enjoy the summer cool breezes!

God bless you and keep you safe this summer!

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


May 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

Signs of God’s love are all round us: flowers, birds singing and pleasant weather, all of which gives us great comfort! The month of May is the time when we focus our devotion on our Blessed Mary and to our own mothers. The May Crowning of Mary and praying the rosary are pivotal planned activities for this month. "This is the month in which, in the churches and individual homes, the most affectionate and fervent homage of prayers and devotions from the hearts of Christians are raised to Mary. It is also the month in which from His throne descend upon us the most generous and abundant gifts of the Divine Mercy." Excerpt taken from CNA website. We look forward to witnessing our second grade students making their first Holy Communion on May 5th. Please keep them in your prayers during this special time.

Your child’s IOWA Test results will be given to you as soon as they are delivered to the school. The test results and parent reports should be delivered in the next couple of weeks. The faculty and I will be reviewing the tests scores once they have arrived.

May 4th is our traditional OLV Walk-A-Thon! Please get as many pledges from your family members, co-workers, neighbors, etc. to make this the biggest fundraiser of the season. I’m looking forward to seeing the school in action!!! All monies are due Tuesday, May 1st.

Here’s a glimpse of our "Healthy You, Healthy Me, Healthy OLV"! This special day is scheduled on June 1st (known as Field Day). This day will be a time of fun, movement and hands on projects that will make learning enjoyable for your child! Here are some of the attractions: students will have 45 minutes in the gym completing an obstacle course, then classes will have a variety of fun activities in assigned health classes such as “Body out of Balance”, “Diabetes Detectives”, “Finding the Energy”, “Fresh Foods Fuel”, “Move! Move! Move!”, “Human Body Miracle Machine”, “Tree of Life”, etc. Thank you to Ms. Gertz and our team of teachers for making this a special day for our OLV students!

Thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child. OLV School prides itself on its strong academic foundation, dedicated faith-filled teachers, warm and positive welcoming Christian atmosphere. Our students not only grow but they flourish, thrive and succeed!

As you already know, enrollment numbers in a Catholic School play a critical factor. Enrollment determines many important things for the upcoming school year such as ordering technology equipment, books, scheduling, rehiring of teachers etc.

At this time, it is critical that you make your commitment to OLV School by re-registering your child sometime this week. Please hand in your registration forms and check to the school office. If for some reason you need to discuss next year’s tuition, or if you are planning not to have your child return for the next school year, we need to be notified by calling Mrs. Connors or myself. Thank you for your understanding and your support on this issue!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

April 2018

Dear Parents,

Welcome back from your Easter break! May the spirit of the Lord fill your hearts with the promises of Easter blessings of joy, happiness and unwavering faith for the rest of your days!

IOWA standardized testing will begin on April 12th and end on or before April 25th for students in grades 1-8. The IOWA Testing is originated from the University of IOWA which provides an assessment for student achievement in Reading, Written Expression, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Language and students in grades 3, 5 and 7 will take an additional test called the CogAT Test (Cognitive Abilities Test). Parents will receive a Home Report that will indicate the testing result of their child. The new testing norms are a guide for both the administration and faculty to evaluate our current learning objectives and develop instructional strategies as well as teaching and learning objectives that will meet the students’ potential. After we received the test results, administration and faculty will access the students’ results over the course of the next few weeks. The results will allow teachers to make adjustments to the curriculum and target learning using the Lexile scale for individual reading levels. Please make sure your child(ren) get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast during these testing times.

The Diocese of Metuchen is undertaking a new marketing initiative designed to build enrollment in grades PreK – Kindergarten which will begin on April 10th. This campaign will use multiple media platforms – digitally printed in social media. Once new families click on our link, we will have the opportunity to reach out to the new families and recruitment them to our school. As you already know, parents are our best marketers - word of mouth is still the most effective tool for recruitment. This past Buddy Day brought in seven children two of which registered for next year. When we return form our break. I want to create an OLV Parent Ambassador Group to help with talking with new families. If you are interested, please contact me. Thank you parents for your support!

We are excited to announce that OLV School has a new website, using the same domain, which has the same features as well as additional features. Please be patient with the site as we continue to build the website over the next few weeks. The hope is to add additional features such as online giving for possible donors and student videos, etc. If for some reason the website is down, the teachers will email any necessary information to you. As you already know, parents are our best marketers - word of mouth is still the most effective tool for recruitment.

Please mark your calendars and plan to participate in the “Designer Bag Bingo” on April 13th and the Father Daughter Dance on April 20th. The HSA has been working very hard in planning these events for you! I look forward to seeing you there! And don’t forget to get sponsors for the Walk-A-Thon for scheduled on May 4th! Our families make us a special place! Thank you for your dedication to OLV School!!!

Parents are asking about our last day of school. We had to adjust our calendar because of the snow days we needed to take. Therefore, if there are no other reasons to close the school building, the last day of school will be June 20th. The last three days of school will be half days. I understand some of you want to make your early vacation plans so I hope this helps you. Also, the first day of summer uniforms is April 16th !

Lastly, on a more serious note, I need to remind parents to be very diligent and careful when you pick up your child in the parking lot. There is one way to enter the lot and one way to exist the lot. Cars must go at a very slow speed while they are in the parking lot because we have both children and parents there at this time. Don’t try to be the first car out of the lot by going out quickly. One of our staff members had a big dent on her car while she was parked in the parking lot. I appreciate your understanding.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

March 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

We have only thirty more days before we celebrate Easter Sunday! Students have been reflecting on their Catholic faith by using their Lenten calendars and daily prayers. Please make sure to have your special Lenten Mission boxes filled with your extra coins. This a perfect way to teach your child the importance of giving to the poor.

School security is of the greatest importance to all of us at OLV School. Over the past several months we have developed a great partnership with the local Sayreville police department. Several Police Detectives have been present during our monthly routine Lock Downs and fire drills. The police have given us their undivided attention to our security drills, and share their feedback through conversations. I am most thankful for their overall dedication to ensuring safety to our students and staff.

Ms. Ellen Ayoub, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Metuchen, has made the decision to discontinue using Terra Nova Testing as the standardized tests. IOWA Testing is now replacing the Terra Nova Testing for all of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen. Principals and teachers will be given the necessary training to make this a smooth transition for the students. The faculty and I have been introduced to the tests and are in the process of creating testing schedules, ordering materials, attending training sessions, etc. The testing will take place after our return from the Easter break. Testing dates and additional information will be given to you in the April parent letter or as soon as we have additional information.

One effective way to recruit new students to OLV School is by word of mouth by our school parents. We are hosting our second “Buddy Day” for children in grades K-6 on March 12th and it’s a great opportunity to get the good news out about OLV School! Please inform your friends with children, in grades K -6, who are interested in learning more about OLV School. There are forms that need to be filled out for parents with children that want to participate online. Contact Mrs. Connors, if you have a friend interested in Buddy Day.

Re-registration is now taking place for all of our current students and for new students. Please make an attempt to register your child(ren) as soon as you can. As you know, enrollment numbers helps us plan for the new school year in so many ways. If you are applying for financial assistance, applications must be in by March 31st go to the link for more information

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the OLV Steak dinner. It was a great night of fun, laughter and delightful food! Mark your calendar for the “80’s Dance” for parents March 24th and the “Father Daughter Dance” held on April 20th. We are very blessed to have a fantastic HSA committee and all of our parents who are supportive and devoted to OLV School. You make this school special!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


February 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

I want to begin this letter by acknowledging and thanking all of our parents for their constant support to OLV School. We kicked off the CSW with a mass which many of our current students and alumni attended to give witness of their love and dedication to OLV School. Thank you to all who came out to the Polar Plunge and to all of the grandparents and parents who attended the visitations days, Viking Bowl and volley ball matches, etc. Bishop Checchio enjoyed his visit with us yesterday! He talked with teachers, students and parents and left the school with a basket filled with students’ cards, saint prayer cards, chocolates, nuts, an OLV School Tee shirt and OLV video which the 8th graders made especially for him. I’m sure he enjoyed the OLV School visit! He left the school with a big smile and the experience warmed his heart!

Well, we are now entering the Lenten Season beginning with Ash Wednesday where we reflect, repent and prepare ourselves for Easter. During the holy season, students will participate in more service projects, prayers, and Stations of the Cross. I made a Lenten Parent Resource page for you to utilize during the forty days of Lent.

It’s that time of year to re-register your child(ren) for the next school year. Please register as soon as you are able to ensure a seat for your child(ren). The 2018-2019 enrollment number allows our staff to properly plan for upcoming school year. The FGAA program (Financial Aid program) is now open for parents who need to apply for financial assistance. You may apply by going to Please be aware that all required supporting documentation must be submitted to FGAA by March 31, 2018 and the application fee is $30 and must be paid online at the time you submit your application. Forms of payment include debit cards, most major credit cards, or electronic check. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Connors at the main office or go to: for additional information.

The last HSA event, the Mother and Son Dance, had a great turn out and the dance was a blast! Our HSA is busy planning for their next big event which is the OLV Steak Dinner held on February 24th. Please mark your calendar and plan to come out for a great time! It is a fantastic excuse to get out and have some fun with OLV friends! I appreciate all of your support!!

Finally, some parents had questions about the dress code during frigid days so I need to clarify the gym uniform usage. Your child can wear his/her gym uniform on days when the temperature remains at 32 degrees or below in temperature throughout the day (not just the morning hours).

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

OLV New Brochure final 01.18 pdf.pdf

January 2, 2018

Happy New Year! May you feel the joy and peace of Jesus throughout the year! I hope you and your family had some peaceful time during the break. Thank you for all of your Christmas gifts and treats! I am truly thankful for your thoughtfulness and welcoming spirit! I enjoyed being with my children and family and staying home during this terrible cold weather. Please dress your children with coats/jackets, gloves and hats during these bitter cold temperatures. When the temperature falls below 32 degrees your child may wear his/her gym uniform to school.

We are still in the Christmas spirit! It is important to remind ourselves and the children that this coming Saturday, January 6th Sunday, is the Epiphany and January 7th is Three Kings Day. The three wise men visit baby Jesus on this day and the word Epiphany means “manifestation”, the church celebrates the manifestation of our Lord to the entire world. To learn more about our faith click on the link below:

School will be closed on Monday, January 15, for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Let us continue to pray for those cities in our country where there is racial tension.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation for children in Grade 2, will be celebrated on Saturday, January 20th, at 1:00. We invite all families to pray for them as they celebrate our God’s unconditional love and mercy

The HSA committee is busy planning for the upcoming OLV “Mother and Son Dance” held on January 19th and the CSW “Polar Plunge” on January 28th . Please try to participate in our monthly activities. Your support is greatly appreciated and our sense of community is one of the many things that makes OLV special.

Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday, January 28th. The theme this year is Catholic Schools: “Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed”. Thank you for promoting OLV where Faith, Knowledge and Service are our top priority. You are our best representatives in our community. Please proclaim the Good News about OLV wherever you go and invite friends to our open house. The CSW (Catholic School Week) schedule is listed below. We will keep the OLV traditional CSW schedule which begins with our opening mass at 9:00, breakfast at 10:00 and open house ending at 12:00 The Polar Plunge, in Sea Bright, begins at 2:00. (Additional information will be given out.)

CSW Schedule:

Sunday, Jan. 28th Opening Mass 9 AM, HSA breakfast 10 AM Open House till 12:00

Monday, Jan. 29th Student Appreciation - 8th Grade teachers

Tuesday, Jan. 30th Grandparents visitation and lunch beginning at 9:30

Wednesday, Jan. 31st Parent visitation and lunch beginning at 9:30

Thursday, Feb. 1st Senior Citizen Technology Day or Viking Bowl in AM (TBD)

Thursday, Feb. 1st Parent Conferences 2:00 – 5:00

Friday, Feb. 2nd CSW closing Mass 8:15 ½ Day; Student Skating Party

May you be peaceful, and hopeful, aware of, and grateful for God’s love and presence in your life.

Happy New Year!

Sincerely in Christ!

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

December 1, 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you parents for coming to our Christmas bazaar and supporting the HSA efforts! The day was a lot of fun for both parents and children! I went with my two children, who are in their twenties, and they too enjoyed seeing all of the crafts and baked goods! We went home with lots of goodies! We are very blessed to have our dedicated HSA parents who work very hard to support our school. Last month, the students collected nearly 800 can food items for the poor. This act of service reminded all of us what it means to be a Christian and the importance of serving others. Thank you to all!

We are entering the most beautiful time of year in our Catholic faith - the season of Advent! This is the time when we prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ! OLV School will begin the Advent season by having a school-wide Advent prayer service in church on Monday, December 4th at 9:00 led by some of our 8th grade students and myself. All are welcome to attend this service. On Monday, all of the students will receive an Advent calendar which I recommend that you place in a prominent place in your home. Use the Advent calendar to remind yourself to talk with your child daily about the birth of our Lord this Christmas. It’s an opportunity for you to share your love of Jesus with your child. Every year I try to come closer to Jesus during the Advent season because I don’t want to be consumed by all of the busyness of the season. I created a parent Advent Parent Resource page to help you stay connected. Click or cut and paste the link or just go to the Principal Page and find the tab. Sign up for daily Advent Gospel Reflections It only takes a moment each day to stay connected to Jesus!

All of the students were given “lightbulb ornaments” to decorate and remind them of our school wide spiritual theme “You Are the Light of the World”. It is really wonderful seeing them hanging in our school. Our creative team of teachers made them come alive! Your child’s ornament will be sent home later this month, so that it can be hung on your own tree.

There are many Christmas activities planned for this month! The HSA is holding a “Breakfast with Santa” on December 3rd after the 9:00 mass. Please come out for the fun of seeing Santa in person! HSA is also hosting our “The Penguin Holiday” on December 6th and 7th which allows children to purchase small gifts for their family members. Please make sure your child is ready for these special days.

Our brilliant music teacher, Mrs. Lucas, has been very busy preparing the students for the upcoming OLV Christmas Concert – December 15th at 7:00 pm. I enjoy hearing all of the children practice their class’ Christmas song. Their beautiful voices are making my spirit bright in anticipation of the concert. I’m excited about attending the concert and seeing them perform in person and I look forward to seeing you all there as well! Have a wonderful and restful Christmas break!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

October 26, 2017 – November Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

Our school will be closed on November 1st in honor of “All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows' Day Hallowmas, Feast of All Saints, or Solemnity of All Saints. This is a special time for Christians to honor all of the saints.” Did you know? “Christian celebration of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day stems from a belief that there is a powerful spiritual bond between those in heaven and the living. This day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. It is a national holiday in many Catholic countries.” To learn more about this day click or cut and paste the link.

We are looking forward to our Halloween Day planned festivities! The 8th grade students are getting ready to walk down the hallways in their costumes for the annual Saint Parade. We’re waiting in expectation for all of the students to dress in their saint and bible character costumes! Thank you parents for making this a memorable day! (Next year, we’ll add some more fun activities!)

I want to acknowledge and thank our HSA group, and all of our sponsors, who made the OLV Wine and Tasting event a huge success! All of the parents who came had a delightful time and it was fun watching all of the winners of the Tricky Tray baskets and others taking bottles of wine home, etc. It was a big success because of all of your dedication to OLV School! Our next big fundraiser is the Christmas Bazar held on November 11th. Please mark your calendars and come out for a fun day of shopping and kid activities!

As you have seen, I created my principal’s webpage in the hope of giving you a better understanding of what is happening in the classrooms! The teachers have updated their webpages to give you more information about your child’s class. Please check the webpages on a regular basis to find out the latest happenings and of course the homework assignments.

We are also looking forward to two programs this month. The next Student Led Assembly held on November 3rd will lead by our second grade class. Ms. Davis-Scholle, second grade teacher, told me that the students have been working very hard on their presentation and are excited about presenting their program to the entire school. Mrs. Hockenjos and her students are feverishly putting the finishing touches on the Veteran’s Day Program which will be held on November 9th.

Parent conferences are being held on November 16th from 2:00 – 7:30. Your child’s teacher will contact you to set up an appointment time. This is a very important time for you to talk with your child’s teacher about the progress your son and or daughter is making in school and learn more about the curriculum, teacher expectations and upcoming projects, etc.

We are moving forward with STREAM! Beginning this month, several of the teachers will attend NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) workshops, as part of their professional development. Also, a STREAM committee is in place to research teacher resources, new science books, STEM School visits, technology advancements and STEM materials, etc. and several of our teachers have written grants in hopes of acquiring cool devices such as “Little Bits” or a “Code-A Pillar”. If your place of work offers grants to schools who are creating STEM programs or Makerspaces, please email me the details. I’m in search of such grants!

NEW- We will have our first “Bring a Buddy to School Day” on November 9th. If you have a friend who may be interested in learning more about OLV School, please invite their child to attend the day at our school. Additional information about this day will be given to you next week. Also, inform your friends that we hold a monthly open house for new parents who are looking for a school for their child(ren) – the next open house is Nov. 30th.

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts

October 2, 2017

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that the first month of school is finished and we are already rolling into October! We are honoring our Blessed Mother Mary during this month of prayer. Did you know? “The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7. October falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green.” And the anniversary of Fatima is honored on Oct. 13th You are welcome to attend one of the following 12:30 rosary pray times in the church and pray the Mission Rosary with us: Oct. 3 grades K and 4, Oct. 4 grades 1 and 3, Oct. 10 grades 2 and 5, Oct. 11 grades 6-8.

As you will see on this month’s calendar, we have an exciting month planned for your children! On October 2nd ,the 7th and 8th grades will have several Catholic High Schools come to OLV to highlight their programs. The local Fire Department is coming to visit our Prek – 3rd grade students on October 3rd which should be a lot of fun! Don’t forget about our Picture Days on Oct. 3rd and 4th ! The Student Government will be installed during our 8:15 mass on Oct. 13. All parents welcome to attend!

This month we will begin monthly student led assemblies. Each month a class will lead the entire OLV School in an assembly program and teach their peers about their class’ saint. This month the 8th graders will lead our first assembly! I’m curious how they will present their material: rap song, poem, dance, video, etc. I am sure they will be creative!

Student of the Month is now called “You Are the Light of the World” award which emphasizes our Spiritual theme for this school year. Each teacher will honor 1-4 students with a special certificate at our monthly assemblies. A picture of the group students who receive the award will be posted monthly our OLV website.

This year we are planning to celebrate Halloween in a different way. Students can come to school with a costume that represents their class saint. This should be a creative way to celebrate Halloween in our school and our 8th graders will walk down the hallways in their Saint Parade! The teachers and I will make additional plans for the day at our next faculty meeting. Your child’s teacher will give you additional information.

We are collecting gently used coats and pet items to assist the poor in our area. We will also hold a monthly dress down for $1.00 known as “Nut Day” beginning this month. October 27th is a first dress down for the students. All monies collected will be held to help the poor and needy and on occasion help with special treats for both students and teachers.

I am extremely grateful to our HSA committee for their continued support with our fundraisers. Please make sure your get your raffle tickets. Our first draw is planned or October 3rd. Boscov’s shopping is held for October 17th – it’s a great way to help OLV and begin your Christmas shopping. I’m looking forward to attending our Annual Wine Tasting held on October 21st. This is a great night to gather with friends and have a great time! I am in the process of creating my own website page where I can communicate with you on a regular basis about all of the wonderful things we are accomplishing at OLV School!

Sincerely in Christ,

Cynthia Casciola-Kitts


August 2017

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Our Lady of Victories School!

At Our Lady of Victories School, our Catholic identity is most important and it’s evident in everything we do. OLV has a longstanding tradition of providing academic excellence and strong faith formation to our students because of the dedicated faculty and staff. Our Lady Victories School’s students thrive in a nurturing environment beginning in our well known Pre-Kindergarten 3 year program and ending in 8th grade class.

Our rigorous academic program focuses on project based learning, developing 21 Century framework fundamentals in lesson planning that includes communication skills, problem solving, critical thinking, media literacy, creativity and innovation, global awareness, and leadership and responsibility. Many of our graduates continue on to both Catholic high schools and four year Catholic colleges.

We want our students to encounter Jesus Christ in a personal way throughout the school day. Students participate in daily prayers, monthly mass, sacramental preparation, service trips and retreats. OLV students become aware of their unique gifts which prepares them as productive citizens.

OLV School will focus on this year's spiritual theme "You Are the Light of the World" based on Matthew 5:14-16. Students will learn how to shine their unique light to everyone they meet.

This year, each class has been assigned a saint so that students will learn the attributes of their personal saint and learn how to their faith into action. Students will participate in monthly school-wide student led assemblies where they will learn about saints and be recognized when they have shone the light on others by being kind and compassionate.

I encourage you to visit our joyful school community and discover the benefits of OLV School educational programs by calling our general office for a personal tour or come to one of our monthly open houses.

Discover the beauty and advantage of OLV School!

Sincerely in Christ,

Ms. Cynthia Casciola-Kitts