International Links

We have been involved in a very successful Comenius project with schools from Iceland, Spain, Hungary and Poland. The theme of our project was Healthy Living and our project was entitled a 'Wide Open Window'. We shared our values, culture and experiences to enhance learning and promote a healthier and more active lifestyle.

The aims of our project were

• To expand knowledge about health issues of children and adults in the partnership.

• To raise awareness about the importance of health and environmental issues which effect us.

• To disseminate this through our respective local networks of schools.

• To increase participants skills in ICT through the practice of using e-mail, video conferencing chatrooms and digital presentations for a purpose.

• To learn from each other: Learning and teaching strategies - from both pupils and adults perspectives

• To promote the concept of European citizenship.

• To challenge fixed mindsets by sharing ideas, promoting intercultural awareness.

• Our schools ranged from rural mostly mono-cultural to urban multicultural, through focusing on health issues and regular communication we would expect to break down stereo-typical views and all importantly to promote a feeling of friendship. To enhance the sense of community cohesion that exists within locality - promote this further through this international Europe wide dimension.

  • Engage with learners to further enhance exploration of deep seated assumptions by joint projects through video conferencing, promoting joint pupil led video conferences as well as through pupil mobilities.

To find out more log into Fronter and see the project visit blogs in the entrance hall or click on the link below to view the project blog

We are also involved in two other e-twinning projects with Spanish and German schools respectively. Two of our teachers hope to spend a week in Berlin observing language teaching for which we have been funded by the British Council.

Key Stage 1 pupils have set up letter writing links with a partner school in Spain.