Religious Education

We follow the ‘Come and See’ program and have termly newsletters to explain the topics being covered during that half term. In addition to this pupils have the opportunity to learn about two other world religions.

More information and pictures of our school Catholic life are available on our school Facebook page. Click Here

OLSG Pupil Chaplain

This year (2016-2017) we have introduced our first team of Pupil Chaplains. Our Lady and St George have a dedicated team of 8 Chaplains who have a vital role to play in enhancing the Religious Life of our school. Each Chaplain was chosen by their Class Teacher. Our Pupil Chaplains are easily identified in school by their special Chaplain badge which they are proud to wear. Our Pupil Chaplains work hard to promote our Catholic faith in school and in the future will be a wonderful link between the school and our parish.

The purpose of our Pupil Chaplains is to promote friendship, love and respect in school and the wider community and uphold the mission statement. The job of Pupil Chaplain has a very high profile in school and some of the tasks these pupil carry out include welcoming new pupils and staff to our school, leading Masses and Liturgical events, delivering whole school morning worship and leading fundraising initiatives.

They will support prayer and worship throughout the school through Rosary, Advent prayers, whole school assemblies and masses. They will support and meet with staff and pupils on a regular basis.

This new team looks forward to a fulfilling year in school and they will keep you informed of their progress.

Commissioning of Pupil Chaplains

Commissioning of Pupil Chaplains 2016-2017

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