Our Rationale for Science

‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.’ - Marie Curie

Creation is scientific. As Christians, we believe that God has given us the scientific knowledge, skills and ability to be able to fully understand the world around us.

The goal at Our Lady and St. George’s is to provide the absolute best provision of science possible for the children we are accountable for. If the purpose of education is to prepare our children for their future, then science plays a vital role. Whether thinking about world problems such as climate change, food security, poverty, or biodiversity loss, or, on a more personal level, deciding on the energy they choose to run their cars and houses or the medication to enhance their lives, our students will need to be creative, innovative and knowledgeable. To do this we need to create a robust curriculum, that is challenging and inspiring; provide opportunities for all children to build scientific capital through after school clubs, regular events and trips; staff need to be research informed, allowing them to plan engaging and effective lessons, utilise the many scientific methods of enquiry, and choose resources intelligently; and create links to the school community, who will then recognise the importance of science in school, be able to provide their expertise, or, if carers, be more confident to support at home. Science is a collaborative activity where ideas and suggestions are shared and investigated together. Through practical activities and teamwork, children experience and learn how to work together, have mutual respect and value social cohesion.

We believe in creating a better future for all children in our care and those in wider society - we are committed to teaching and furthering our understanding of the Green Flag Sustainable Development Goals and what we can do to help others.

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education Sustainable Development

Goal 4: Quality Education

Through our enthusiasm, care and professional practice, we aim to develop our students’ questioning, testing, analysis and evaluation skills so they maintain their natural curiosity, they are risk-takers, and they can flourish in the future.

Ultimately, we wish to promote a lifelong love for learning science for everyone regardless of ethnic origin, race, gender, class, aptitude or disability.

Five principles of Science at OLSG

Using Enquiry.

  • The curriculum and lessons allow the children to use many different types of enquiry and scientific investigations, so they can learn a multitude of ways to solve problems both independently and in groups.

Thinking Scientifically.

  • The children are given opportunities to think scientifically, to develop their own research questions and encouraged to use their creativity and innovative skills to find the answers.

Resourced well.

  • Resources are chosen carefully so that every child can access the learning and avoid misconceptions. Learning is made real with the choice of resources and the use of outdoor space.

Knowledge and Skills.

  • Knowledge and skills are taught explicitly, and are up to date, so children have the foundation to conduct practical investigations safely, explain and understand their findings and evaluate the process. Developing their scientific vocabulary and language skills should be prioritised so they are able to explain confidently and, in a sense, become the teacher to their peers.


  • Challenge and scaffolding are appropriately provided and planned, so all children are engaged and achieving in science. However, this should be tailored to when students need it, making sure that no limit is placed on what any child can achieve.

Our Topics

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The nature, methods and processes of Science:

‘Working scientifically’ is not taught as a separate strand to our children. ‘Working scientifically’ is embedded within the subject’s content whereby pupils focus on key features of scientific enquiry so that they learn a variety of approaches to answer scientific questions. These types of scientific enquiry will include:

  1. Observing over time.

  2. Pattern seeking.

  3. Classifying and grouping.

  4. Comparative and fair testing.

  5. Research using secondary sources.

‘Working scientifically’ is taught throughout each unit. We provide the children with plenty of opportunities to develop their skills in science lessons. The children will be exposed to a variety of practical activities that allow their skills to develop further.

PSQM Award

Over the past 18 months we have been working towards achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark. We are proud to announce that we have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark in this very challenging year. Please join us in celebrating our success and watch the short film about PSQM R19 . The film is about 3 minutes long, and includes an introduction about Primary Science Quality Mark.


The CREST activities are student-led projects that we set for homework and use throughout the curriculum. Once your child completes 8 activities, they will receive a certificate to celebrate their achievement. You can find out more about the initiative here.

If you would like to try the award at home, you can find lots of ideas and fun activities here.

Useful Links

This will be updated often, but please have a go at home and contact the school if you have any queries.