2020-2021 Prayers

June 21st.mp4

Personal Connection

The word blessing is derived from the Latin word: Benediction., which means to say good things. (bene= good and diction= speech)

If you think back, there are so many things to say about this year, many of them are good.

if you could describe this word in one or two positive words, what would it be?

June 21st: Summer Blessings...

Lord God, giver of all that is good and source of our gratitude.

We give thanks for the many blessings we have enjoyed over the year. We are grateful for the joy of discovery and learning. We are grateful for the challenges that have increased our capacity for trust and patience. We are grateful for friends and those who have supported us and encouraged us this year. We are grateful for all the staff and students that have made this year so wonderful.

Lord, be with us in the days ahead. Grant us rest and a time of refreshment. Watch over us during all the activities and enjoyment of this summer. May this time of refreshment renew our energy and remind us to rely on your gifts in all that we do.

Bless our families and friendships and may we find you amidst the joys of our holidays.

With gratitude we pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you

Have a wonderful summer!

Morning Announcements

June 18th.mp4

Jesus asks: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out by work ? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

(cf. Matthew 11:28-30)

Personal Connection:

  1. How will you create a special time of rest, delight, and renewal--a refuge for your soul?

  2. How can use this time of sacred rest to refresh our bodies and minds, restore our creativity, and regain our birthright of inner happiness?

To enter into deep rest, consider these six ways to practice Sabbath rest.

June 18th: Season of Rest

Happy Friday,

This past year certainly has been quite a journey. Like all journey's it has taken more energy than we could have ever imagined, but perhaps it has last led us to new and unexpected places.

Thankfully we find ourselves at a place that has made us more aware, more sensitive to the distress of others; more attentive to those who are not in our circle. Thankfully it has made us more aware that we did not have to hold up our little corner of the world on our own. We are not alone. We have been co-labourers with Christ. It is the same Jesus who says to us now, “Come to me, all of you who are labour and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Let us pray,

Lord you know you have made us in your image; to share in your likeness. We are your children, we are not machines; we are not made for endless motion or unceasing labour.

Guide us into this much needed season of rest; into time that is completely unplanned, where we can pursue whatever comes to mind in the moment, time to delight in whatever brings us joy, time to feed our soul in your company; time to enjoy the beauty you have made, time to nurture our relationships and a time to recover what we have been missing.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 17th.mp4

Personal connection:

Asking someone if we can start over is powerful. A little honesty and humility is often all it takes to restart the flow of goodness that allows us to start moving forward again.

  1. Do you need to give someone a chance to start over?

  2. Do you need someone to offer you this second chance?

Let hope lead you to honest and humble dialogue; let hope lead you to take the next courageous step.

June 17th: Hope to face the future; hope to face one another.

Good morning Sacred Heart and to everyone in the virtual academy.

Yesterday we spoke about the strength and the humility of hope. Hope is a practical virtue. It not only helps face the future, it also helps us face one another.

We know that living together isn't easy, especially when people are stressed, tired or anxious. In these moments living together brings us face to face with our own limitations; when patience, gentleness and kindness stop flowing. But it's in these moments that hope nudges us to make a new beginning.

Let us pray,

Jesus you understood the difficulty of living together, so you opened for us a way to start over. In your compassion you lead us to countless new beginnings.

So when the flow of love slows, may your example open a new way for honesty and love to circulate again. We trust that when we love each other with our strengths and weaknesses, it is then that you are surely in our midst.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 16th.mp4

Personal connection

Real Hope is humble and strong. Humble enough to admit that we a life of tension, but strong enough to never let that tension keep us from an encounter with God.

Where do you need hope?

Do you need hope to help to acknowledge a real struggle?

Do you need hope to look towards a place of help and healing?

Either way, the gift of hope is both humble and strong to remind us that it's never too late to begin again.

June 16th: A hope that is humble and strong...

Good morning Sacred Heart and to everyone in the virtual academy.

Yesterday we spoke about talking to your heart, when your heart has all sorts of panicky things to say. This meant looking for goodness in our time of prayer and telling our heart about what we've found.

Looking for goodness, when we're convinced it won't be found is an act of hope. Hope is neither overconfidence or wishful thinking. Real hope is both humble and strong.

Humble enough to nudge us to look beyond our circumstances to a place of encounter with the Lord.

Strong enough to handle the tension of life without minimizing our real struggles or the reality of God's goodness at work in our world and in our lives.

Let us pray,

Lord, real hope means that whatever’s going on in our lives, we don’t have to sweep it under the carpet or stuff it deep down inside and pretend it's not there. The humility of hope won’t let us, in any way, minimize the difficulty, the reality, the depth, the heaviness of the struggle, or the burdens in our lives. But the strength of hope also won't allow us to reduce your goodness or the reality of your presence, your activity, your power at work in our world and in your lives too.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 15th.mp4

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits...the Lord crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Psalm 103

Personal Connection:

When you heart starts saying all sorts of panicky things, listen to it, but then make it listen to what you have to say.

Speak the truth to your heart. Remember the good things that surround you and use passages from scripture to reclaim the many promises God has made.

Video: Unlocking God's Promises With These 10 Psalms

June 15th: Talk to your heart

Good morning Sacred Heart and to everyone in the virtual academy.

Yesterday we spoke of pouring out our hearts in prayer as a way of tuning into the feelings we've been tuning out. It's a very biblical way to pray. You see it all throughout the book of psalms.

In the psalms we find that the first step of prayer is listening to your heart, the second part is talking to your heart.

Our hearts have a lot of panicky things to say to us, but what do we have to say to our panicky hearts? Stress makes it easy to forget the things we know to be true. It makes it easy to forget the goodness of the people we share life with; it makes it easy to forget God's tenderness and mercy.

Talking to our panicky hearts is an act of courage (taking heart). Recalling the truth of who God is, what God has done or what God has promised to do is a way to take back what fear and anxiety try to take away.

Let us pray,

Lord, when our panicky hearts overflow with negative self-talk, help us to recall the truth; to remember the truth of our goodness; help us to notice the good things we've overlooked. As we learn the sound of your true voice may we speak truth to our hearts and reclaim the peace that belongs to us in Christ.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 14th.mp4

"As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, my God. As I remember these things I will pour out my soul..."

Psalm 42

Personal connection:

Have you ever noticed that when we slow down to pray or try to sit quietly, we find out just how restless, edgy or anxious we are?

Maybe you feel too exhausted or so dead tired that you don’t really feel anything. But if you think back, we tend to put off sleep or resist resting because we’re so restless, edgy or anxious.

Have you ever turned your restlessness or feelings of anxiety into a prayer? Have you ever used a time of prayer to tune into the feelings you've been tuning out?

June 14th: Pour out your Hearts...

As we make our way through the next few days trying to find the balance between the hope of much needed rest and the effort needed to bring this school year to a successful close, we might find ourselves with a conflicting mix of restless energy and feelings of anticipation.

Let us pray,

Lord God, help us to listen to our hearts, to tune into the feelings we’ve been tuning out. As we bring our feelings into your presence helps us to pray our feelings. Help us to pour out our hearts until they are empty and free of all anxiety and all restlessness.

As we pour our hearts to you, pour your peace into us. As the deer that longs for running streams, lead us into the rest we long for and refreshment we look forward to.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Feast of the Sacred Heart.mp4

“The Heart of Jesus is the ultimate symbol of God’s mercy…"

(Pope Francis)

Personal Connection

When we become aware of the love that God has for each of us, we find new courage to widen our friendships to cross borders to join those undergoing difficulties. Faith leads us not to be afraid of the future or of others any longer.

  1. How has this year led you widen your friendships, cross borders and join those undergoing difficulties, how has it led to find new courage?

  1. How has your faith helped you find stability and a starting point to rely on God even when “life” turns everything upside down?

June 11th: We remember what we celebrate...

The feast of the Sacred Heart is our feast day, a day to celebrate; a day to look back and decide how we will remember this year.

If you think about it, celebrations are memory makers. We all know that the best celebrations are the ones you’ll talk about and remember for years to come. But the opposite is also true. We remember what we celebrate.

Despite all its twists and turns, ups and downs of this past year, our hearts have had to beat with a more steady, more reliable and more faithful kind of love. Instead of losing heart, we found it. We have had to really love; to love until it hurts; to make real sacrifices day after day for those closest to us and for those we didn’t even know. That something to celebrate; that’s something we can’t forget.

If you take a moment to think about it, this year has made our hearts look a whole lot like the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you invite us to share this journey of life with you and to celebrate our faith with others.

This past year has challenged us to rely on you and look for you even in the midst of challenges and setbacks.

Placing our trust in you has not meant being able to explain everything or having an easier life, rather it has meant finding a place of stability; a starting point to trust you even when “life” turns everything upside down.

Every encounter with you will always lead us to a new way of looking at others, at the world, and at the future—a way of looking that involves gratitude and hope, and attentiveness to the beauty of each person and each moment.

In the light of your Sacred Heart, we celebrate how the challenges of our times have made us more sensitive to the distress of others; more attentive to those who are not in our circle and how your love is helping us better understand and respond to the problems of our time.

For all the ways you have made us more faithful, more understanding or more humble we give you thanks.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Happy feast of the

Sacred Heart!

June 10th.mp4

The image of the sacred heart, "like the crucifix, is not just a symbol or wall decoration, it is the entire expression of the love of God." (Pope Francis)

Personal Connection:

  1. Why does disappointment, anger and complaint lead to vicious or unending circles? What has helped break the cycle for you?

  2. Have you ever felt like a "human bat" or had an experience of where you had to look at a part of yourself that you'd rather not see. Even if the light was uncomfortable, how was it helpful?

Take these experiences to prayer today and remember that God's light and love can never be separated.

June 10th: Blinded by the light...

The feast of the Sacred Heart that we celebrate tomorrow, is always celebrated the Friday after the feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ). The timing and choice of day is itself significant. It celebrates our encounter with the love of Jesus on the Cross and in the continuing sacramental presence of the Eucharist.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, your love shines out even, in the face of tragedy and violence. In the presence of hatred and prejudice, human darkness makes the light of your love appear like madness. The mercy of your Sacred Heart, like the light of the cross, like the gift of the Eucharist shows us the madness of the Father's love for his children.

Only your "love can transform our life, heal our deepest hurts and set us free from the vicious circles of disappointment, anger and constant complaint." (Pope Francis)

Lord, we pray for victims of violence and hatred. In the midst of darkness, we pray for light; for the light of your Spirit to enter us and help us to see things with your light, with the true light.

Lord Jesus, aware of our human frailty, we know that sometimes it is not the dark that makes it hard to see, but the light. We sometimes live like “human bats”, blinded by the light because we only know how to move at night.

Wherever we have come to tolerate the dark we do not tolerate light. You warned us that when the “eyes of the soul” get used to living in this darkness they lose the sense of what the light is.

So let your light shine in us, even if it shows us things we don't want to see. In your light may we find transformation, healing and the full power of your love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 9th.mp4

“The Heart of Jesus (the symbol of our school) is the ultimate symbol of God’s mercy… (Pope Francis)

Personal connection:

  1. Do you know someone who doesn't know they are deeply loved? Pray for them today.

  1. Are you uncertain that you are deeply loved, let Jesus point you towards a love that is unconditional and uncompromising and unending.

June 9th: A Love worth pointing to...

The last feature of the Sacred heart to mention, is that in many depictions of the Sacred heart Jesus points to his own Heart. It's a gentle invitation to notice and draw closer to his heart of love. It's an invitation to believe in love.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we all know people who don’t know or believe that they are really loved. We see how this uncertainty shapes the way they live; the way they treat themselves or how they try to live apart from others. In your Sacred Heart we discover how real love leads people out of isolation, how it restores them to life and how it offers them the peaceful assurance that life has meaning. Let us love one another as you love have loved us. (John 15:12)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 8th.mp4

Personal Connection:

"Dear friends, look at the real heroes who come to light in these days: they are not famous, rich and successful people; rather, they are those who are giving themselves in order to serve others. Feel called yourselves to put your lives on the line. Do not be afraid to devote your life to God and to others; it pays!' (Pope Francis)

  1. In an age of superheros, what does it mean to be a real hero in these times?

  2. What does putting you life on the line for others mean to you? does it mean putting someone else's comfort or needs before your own?

June 8th: Hearts on Fire with Love...

As we continue our reflection on the symbolism of the Sacred Heart, we notice that the Sacred Heart is surrounded by flames. Flames intended to offer light to a world darkened by division and self-interest, and warmth to a world that too often is cold, that treats people as things to be used, not as persons to be loved. These flames also of remind us of the sign of the fire that came down upon the disciples at Pentecost, and the zeal that lead them to set the world on fire for Christ.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, shed your light on us and warm our hearts anew. Enkindle in us the fire of the Father's infinite love for each person, a love that shines brightly for those most in need of reassurance and acceptance. Make us more like you. Increase our ability to welcome and understand one another.

Today, we pray for those who doubt their value or worth, lead us to speak and act in such a way that they can know with certainty that they chosen and loved by you.

May contemplating your Sacred heart this month, always renew our love and the memory of when your love has touched our lives and prompted us to follow you more closely.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Moment of Silence.mp4

"There is much more work to be done... Acts of reconciliation do not erase our history; they acknowledge our past, force us to face the consequences of our behaviour and compel us to ensure that our sins are not repeated... "

(Cardinal Thomas Collins)

Click here to read the complete statement from Cardinal Collins. It includes additional resources such as frequently asked question about the Catholic church's involvement and response to their role in the residential school.

June 7th: 2 minutes and 15 seconds of silence...

In recent days, our country has been shocked, saddened and angered by the discovery of the remains of 215 children found in unmarked graves at a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.

Since the discovery, there has been an outpouring of grief across Canada and the world. Communities across the country have been spontaneously building memorials using orange hearts, candles and 215 pairs of children’s shoes.

Today we pause in silence and solidarity, along with the entire Ottawa Catholic School Board, to pray for these innocent children and for all who have suffered and died in residential schools throughout the country – they must not be forgotten.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus...

"Our hearts break with sadness for the 215 children who died in the Kamloops Residential School. Guide us into the light of Truth, so that there may be Justice. Lead us in the way of healing as we journey in reconciliation. Spark in us passion for the work ahead as we continue to walk humbly with You, our Loving God."

~Jay Williams, Chaplaincy Leader St. Peter HS, OCSB

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 4th.mp4

"There is no greater love than this, to lay down your life for your friends"

(John 15:13)

Personal Connection:

We all know the shadowy of the cross; the disappointing and discouraging side that has made things feel meaningless. But of all the sacrifices you have had to make this year, did you realize that where making a gift of yourself; that you were laying down your "life" for your friends, that is the luminous side of the cross was shining through you?

June 4th: The two faces of the Cross

The Sacred Heart is topped with a cross. In the overall design, the cross is meant to stand out and catch our attention. But have you ever wondered why the cross (an instrument of death) became the primary symbol of Christian life?

The cross is both a proof of the powerlessness of good in the world and a powerful proof of love's victory over division and death. The cross has two faces, a shadow side and a luminous side. A side that makes it easier to see the value of our efforts and gives purpose to our struggles.

Let us pray,

Sacred heart of Jesus, in a world that would crucify an innocent man, you returned love for hatred. From the cross you choose to say: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34), from the cross you opened for us a way of life.

Wherever the shadow of suffering and loss has left us angry and bitter, Lord shine the light of the cross upon our struggles. Show us the side of the cross that makes sense of our sacrifices and makes the process of dying to self a gift to our brothers and sisters.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 3rd.mp4

"The teaching of Jesus so clearly run counter to the way things are usually done in our world...Even if we find Jesus’ message attractive, the world pushes us towards another way of living."

Pope Francis,

Gaudete et Exultate # 65

Personal Connection:

The teachings of Jesus (the way of the Beatitudes) are not ordinary or undemanding, quite the opposite. We can only practise them if the Holy Spirit fills us with his power and frees us from our weakness, our selfishness, our complacency and our pride.

  1. For the times we have not been able to love as Jesus loves, we ask forgiveness and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  2. For the times we have been able to show love in unexpected ways to who those least expect our love, we give thanks.

June 3rd: The Crown of Integrity

The Sacred Heart is portrayed as encircled by a crown of thorns. It's an unexpected kind of crown for an unexpected kind of king. Compared to any worldly kingdom, the kingdom of God is an upside down kingdom where worldly values and priorities are reversed. Where the least among us are treated as the most significant. Where authority is used to serve the needs of most vulnerable, the marginalized, bullied and rejected. In an upside down world, the kingdom of God turns things right side up.

"As with the wound in the heart, the crown of thorns reminds us that real love, faithful love, totally committed love for others, can lead to rejection and suffering. If we only act in order to attract applause, and shift our principles to guarantee that approval, we will never truly live or love at all, and we will lose our very self. Real love is inseparable from integrity, and may well include a crown of thorns, which reminds us of the cost of discipleship." (Cardinal Collins)

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, your teachings so clearly run counter to the way things are usually done in our world. Your way of loving pushes us towards a new way of living.

Whenever people are mocked, marginalized, bullied or rejected in any way, we must be with them to care for them with the same compassion you showed us.

This years has shown us that real love is inseparable from integrity; that the cost of loving includes the possibility of rejection and misunderstanding, but that it also includes the possibility of loving beyond our natural limits; of going beyond what we previously thought possible to show love in unexpected ways to who those least expect our love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 2nd.mp4

Personal Connection:

  1. Do you look back on the sacrifices and hardships of this year as acts of love?

  2. Where have you been wounded by the unending and unbearable trials of this year?

Allow the love of the Sacred Heart show you the true significance of your efforts. and know that Jesus shares your wounds so you might share in his healing.

June 2nd: A Wounded Heart...

The Sacred Heart image shows the heart of Jesus as wounded. This not only reminds us of his suffering on the cross, or the wound that led Thomas to believe in the risen Jesus, it reminds us that "the love of Jesus for us was not some theoretical love. Jesus actually suffered with us and for us, in the midst of brutality and injustice greater than anything you or I will ever experience." (Pastoral letter on the Sacred Heart by Cardinal Collins)

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, your wounded heart reminds us that real love cannot be superficial. This year we have learned to really love; to love like you; to make sacrifices for those we love and even those we do not know.

You know the crosses we have had to carry to protect our neighbour and keep one another safe. Help us to look back and see every sacrifice, every effort and every hardship we endured as the act of love that it truly is.

Sacred Heart of Jesus bring healing to every part of our being that has been wounded by the unending and at times unbearable trials of this year.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

June 1st.mp4

"The Gospel invites us to peer into the depths of our heart, to see where we find our security in life...Jesus calls blessed those who are poor in spirit, those who have a poor heart, for there the Lord can enter with his perennial newness."

Pope Francis

(Gaudete et Exultate # 67-68)

Personal Connection:

  1. How has this past year led you to peer into the depth of your heart; to acknowledge your own suffering with gentleness?

  2. How has this past year opened your heart to the suffering of others. How has this past year led to you to become more compassionate?

June 1st: Heart of Compassion

There is a story about a little girl drawing a picture with crayons. Her teacher asked, "What are you drawing?" The Little girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher remarked, "No one really knows what God looks like." The little girl, looked up said: "They will when I'm done."

I wonder if Jesus could have said the same.

We are fragile creatures and life can be hard on us. The image of the Sacred Heart is a sketch of divine love; of a love that dared enter into the human condition; a love that didn't hesitate to feel the weight of human suffering or injustice.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus you reveal the the closeness of God to the human condition. Your love unsettles us, challenges our weakness, our selfishness, our complacency and our pride. Your love makes it possible to open our eyes and our hearts to the pain and suffering of others.

This past year our hearts have felt the weight of injustice and learned to beat in solidarity with the marginalized, the vulnerable and the afflicted.

As we pray for victims of injustice, especially the victims and survivors of residential schools in Canada, we pray that our hearts will become more like yours; more compassionate; more just; more divine; more human.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

May 31st.mp4

Plan to Celebrate:June 11th

Plan a special activity, bake a cake, write a much-needed thank you note, dress up and take a cheesy class screen shot photo, share stories, etc. Whatever you choose, do something to mark this incredible year and celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart.

Q. What could you do to celebrate all the heart; all the effort; all the determination that has carried you through this unbelievable year?

May 31st: Plan to celebrate...

Traditionally, June is the month of the Sacred Heart, and since our school is named after the Sacred Heart, I thought it would be good to celebrate the symbol and significance of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

So over the next 9 school days leading up to the special feast (Solemnity) of the Sacred Heart on June 11th, I would like to talk about an aspect of the Sacred Heart each day; to use the symbol of the Sacred Heart itself to not only name but to celebrate all the heart; all the effort; all the determination that has carried us through this unbelievable year.

By the time we get to Friday, June 11th, it should feel like a party. It's our feast day. So I hope you'll find your own way (as a family, as class or group of friends) to make it a day of celebration and a day of joy.

Let us pray,

Sacred Heart of Jesus you reveal the unending heartbeat of God, a heart that beats with love, day by day, moment by moment. This past year, our hearts have had to beat with the same steady, reliable, faithful and life-giving love. Our hearts have become more like yours and for that we have reason to celebrate.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 28th.mp4

Personal connection:

The real “work” of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me... to pray is to listen to the One who calls you my beloved daughter, my beloved son, my beloved child. To pray is to let that voice speak to the center of your being, to your guts, and let that voice resound in your whole being."

(Henri Nouwen)

Do we expect God to say good things about us, why or why not?

If we expected to hear God say good things, how would that change the way you pray?

May 28th: Come out of hiding...

"It might sound strange, but God wants to find me as much as, if not more than, I want to find God." (Henri Nouwen)

So we pause now, thoughtful and aware. To come out of hiding, to step out of restlessness, to sit quietly and let God find us.

Whatever fills our thoughts; whatever pulls at our heart for attention, we pray for stillness of mind and peace heart.

We pray to hear the voice of God that has good things to say to us. To listen to the voice that speak to the center of our being and brings calm to our whole being.

Father God, you are constantly at work within the circumstances of our lives, teaching us the sound of your true voice and drawing us closer to understanding your ways.

Lead us and walk with us today.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

May 27th.mp4

"As for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked."

Psalm 73

Personal Connection:

"Everyone experiences doubts about the faith at times (even me, says pope Francis), but such doubts can be “a sign that we want to know God better and more deeply."

Have you ever considered that you doubts may be a sign that you want to know God better?


Here is an example of a nine-day prayer designed to let your doubts to lead you step by step to greater trust and deeper surrender.

May 27th: Doubt is part of a thinking life.

"Doubt happens when the superficialities of your faith meet the realities of the world." (Tim Keller)

Doubt is part of a thinking life. Taking an honest look at the world, it's injustices, it's inequities and suffering, should raise honest questions.

When the things we see upset us, cause us to lose our balance or make us feel like our feet are slipping out from under us, maybe our doubts are really a sign that we want to know God better; that deep down we want to understand God's plan to heal a broken world more clearly?

Instead of letting our doubts push us further from God we can use them to drive us more deeply into God's loving presence.

Let us pray,

Lord, when we are sleepless, upset, tempted to judge everything; to direct everything and to "see" everything with human understanding, help us.

When our doubts remove us from your protection and presence and throw us into the jaws of human initiative, help us return to you. In your presence we can rest, we can trust and we can surrender everything to you. From this place of faith and stability, show us how to respond; show us how to act.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 26th.mp4

Personal Connection:

God doesn’t require complete faith to work in our lives, God is willing to work with whatever faith we have. Complete faith is only possible, because God draws us step by step towards it. Faith is God’s gift to us, not something we produce on our own. It’s not a matter of how much faith we have, but a matter of using every ounce of what we have.

Have you ever asked God for healing or to increase your faith?

May 26th: The Gift of Sight...

Jesus once healed a blind man in stages. It's worth noting that he could have healed him all at once. So why did he choose to restore his sight in stages?

Jesus healed the man's physical sight in a way that would restore his faith. The man not only saw the world around him more clearly, he saw God at work in the world as well.

Today we ponder why we don’t see the action of God more clearly. What would happen if we looked for God's helping presence in our lives a little more.

Let us pray for the gift to see God at work in our lives, let us pray for new eyes to see.

Lord, we thank You for patiently leading us step by step to complete faith. Open our eyes and increase our faith.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 25th.mp4

Personal Connection:

"The patience of God is a mystery! How much patience he has with us!

Pope Francis

  1. How patient has Jesus been with me in my life?

  1. Who has shown me the best example of patience?

  1. Who do I need to love more patiently

May 25th: Love is Patient...

Many times, Jesus offered love only to be misunderstood and rejected. The Gospels tell us that in these moments of rejection, Jesus “sighed from the depth of His spirit.” He wasn’t hurt or offended. He sighed out of his deep love for those who missed out on his generous offer of love.

Let us pray,

Today we pray for the people in our lives who resist or even reject the love we try to offer. We pray for those who are so hurt, confused or bitter that they find it very hard to let love in.

When they put up every sort of defense; when their lack of response tempts us to give up,may our Christ-like response be to keep loving just as he did and continues to do.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 21st.mp4

Personal Connection:

"Today, then, let us learn what to do when we are in need of real change. And who among us does not need a change?

Plenty of people promise change, new beginnings, prodigious renewals, but experience teaches us that no earthly attempt to change reality can ever completely satisfy the human heart. Yet the change that the Spirit brings is different. It does not revolutionize life around us, but changes our hearts. It does not free us from the weight of our problems, but liberates us within so that we can face them. It does not give us everything at once, but makes us press on confidently, never growing weary of life."

(Pope Francis)

May 21st: A Prayer for Pentecost...

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is compared to “the rush of a violent wind” (Acts 2:2).

"What does this image tell us? It makes us think of a powerful force that is not an end in itself, but effects change. Wind in fact brings change: warmth when it is cold, cool when it is hot, rain when the land is parched... this is the way it brings change. The Holy Spirit, on a very different level, does the same. He is the divine force that changes the world...The Spirit enters into situations and transforms them. He changes hearts and he changes situations." (Pope Francis)

Let us pray,

Holy Spirit you free hearts chained by fear. You overcome all resistance. To those content with half measures you inspire whole-hearted generosity. You open hearts that are closed. You compel the comfortable to go out and serve. You drive the self-satisfied to set out in new directions. You make the lukewarm dream new dreams.

You lead us to greater intimacy with the Father. You heal our wounds and you give us the inner strength to keep going.

Come, Holy Spirit, change us from within and renew the face of the earth. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 20th.mp4

Personal connection:

  1. Who has given you the gift of their time? Let them know how much you appreciate it.

  2. Who needs the gift of your time today? Share it and they will appreciate it.

May 20th: Give the Gift of Time...

Let us pray,

"Lord, grant us the courage to go out of ourselves, to love and help each other, in order to become one family." (Pope Francis)

We can deepen our sense of family by spending time together.

"Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time. (Rick Warren, A purpose Driven Life)

This is the moment to say to the Spirit, "Come, Holy Spirit and warm my heart, show me how to give the gift of time." (Pope Francis)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 19th.mp4

Personal Connection:

  • Where do you need the help of the Holy Spirit today?

  • Where is the help of the Holy Spirit needed in our world this week?

Take a moment to pray for it...

May 19th: Holy Spirit, we need you...

Ultimately, without the help of the Holy Spirit, we might not be able to understand Christianity or keep going as Christians.

That's why Pentecost is such a big deal.

We simply can't make sense of the bible; what Jesus taught or hope to follow in his footsteps without the support of the Holy Spirit. We rely on the Holy Spirit for insight and power.

So, even if we've not prayed in a long time, or we've lost the desire to pray, we can pray to the Holy Spirit and say, "Help me Holy Spirit; help me to understand, help me to trust, help me to know know what to say, show me what to do and give the power to do it. Or, "Holy Spirit I need you..." He will always answer.

So where do you need the help of the Holy Spirit today? Where is the help of the Holy Spirit needed in our world this week? Let us ask for his help.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 18th.mp4

"I say to you, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened..." (Luke 11).

Personal Connection:

If you would like to be filled with the Spirit you might like to find someone who would pray for you. If you don’t have anyone who would be able to pray for you, there is nothing to stop you from praying on your own.

  • Ask God to remove any fear, doubt or sense of unworthiness.

  • Seek forgiveness, turn away from the things you know are wrong and forgive others.

  • Ask God to fill you with his Spirit. Go on seeking him until you find. Go on knocking until the door opens

May 18th: Ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit and see what happens...

Many people know a certain amount about God the Father and Jesus the Son. But the Holy Spirit is much less known.

One day, someone prayed for me to be filled with the Spirit and it transformed my life.

When the Holy Spirit filled my life, the experience was marked by a profound sense of God’s love for me. It was a powerful moment. Every part of me was overwhelmed by the fact that God would show up just for me. I felt presence then and I still feel the effects of that encounter 25 years later.

God wants all of us to experience being filled with his Holy Spirit (to know his love and power). This experience is unique for each person. Let us seek this gift and see what happens.

Let us pray,

Lord, your desire to share your spirit with us expands our faith, opens our hearts and makes room in us for gifts we can hardly imagine. Lord, we believe help our unbelief (cf. Mark 9:24). Increase our faith, remove any fear, doubt or sense of unworthiness that might keep us from asking for the gift of your Holy Spirit.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 17th.mp4

‘I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you…’

Ezekiel 36:26

Personal Connection:

If you could have more of any of these gifts, which one would most impact your life today? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.?

May 17th: Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do?

As we prepare for Pentecost (The Gift of the Holy Spirit celebrated next Sunday) I think it's helpful to ask: "Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do?"

The Holy Spirit is God with us. He is God with you! He is a source of strength and freedom. He brings change in our character. The Spirit gives us power to serve, and he fills our hearts with the love of God. "

The Bible uses many names when referring to the Holy Spirit. Comforter, Advocate, Spirit of Wisdom, Guide, Teacher, Gift of God, Spirit of Jesus, and Helper. I think you get the picture that the role of the Holy Spirit is make God's help real. To increase in us the gifts we need.

Let us pray,

Holy Spirit, you were present at the beginning of creation and you breathed life into the first people. Breathe new life into us now. Through your gifts you create a new heart within us, a heart that is open, a heart that listens and a heart that trusts. Produce new fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Come Holy Spirit, help us today.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 14th.mp4

Want to know more:

Most of us have trouble thinking about the concept of heaven the way the Bible actually describes it. Check out this video by the Bible Project to find out how God's plan has always been to reunite heaven and earth.

May 14th: Ascension and Pentecost: what goes up, must come down...

This Sunday, and the next Sunday after, that are two particularly significant Sundays in the church year. This weekend we celebrate Ascension Sunday (When Jesus ascends (goes up) into heaven) and next Sunday we celebrate Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit comes down from heaven.)

"We tend to imagine it (heaven) as a beautiful place where we go after we die, but it’s so much more than that. Heaven and earth—God’s space and humans’ space—were originally united as one...Jesus made a way for the two spaces to be one again." (Bible Project)

The next two Sundays celebrate the close of Jesus' earthly mission and the moment Jesus hands on his mission to us (his church).

Let us pray,

Jesus, prepare us to carry on your mission in the world; in the days ahead help us to once again welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we might create little pockets of heaven in our hearts, in our homes and beyond; places where people can know Your presence in the middle of a struggling world.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 13th.mp4

“We are called to reach out to those who find themselves in the existential peripheries of our societies and to show particular solidarity with the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters: the poor, the disabled, the unborn and the sick, migrants and refugees, the elderly and the young who lack employment.”

(Pope Francis' message to the 10th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches Oct. 4, 2013)

May 13th: “Every life counts: from the beginning to the end, from conception to natural death.”

"We are living in a culture that measures the value of the human person by degrees of success and productivity."

(Henri Nouwen)

  • How much money do you make?

  • How many friends (or likes) do you have?

  • How busy are you?”

But, We didn’t start out life thinking this way. If you think about it, little children don’t measure themselves that way and they're perfectly happy. Eventually old age will affect our ability to do many things, we’ll feel weaker, more vulnerable and more dependent, so unless we find a better way to measure our value, we’ll be perfectly miserable.

Perhaps it is better to ask: is my life fruitful? Fruitfulness is very different from success and accomplishments. It's measured not in how much we can do, but in how much we care for life and how much we cherish it. Measured this way, every life is fruitful.

Let us pray,

Heavenly Father, help us to care for life with tenderness and warmth. Show us how to give life by opening hearts to others and help us to care for life by giving of ourselves.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 12th.mp4

“All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’ creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”

(Pope Francis’ message to Catholics participating in Day for Life in Britain & Ireland, July 28, 2013)

May 12th: Every life is a Masterpiece of God’s creation...

When you look in the mirror what do you see? When you look at another human being (regardless of appearance) what do you see?

Do you see a masterpiece of God’s creation, a being made in God’s own image; a being destined to live forever and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect?

Whenever you notice that you’re losing sight of your own value or the worth of another person; when challenging circumstances make it easy to overlook the awesome mystery of a human life, say “God, thank you for life”. Saying thank you “is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that you are not an “accident,” but a divine choice… (Henri Nouwen)

Let us pray,

Heavenly Father, the next time we see ourselves in the mirror; or look at the next person we see, may our first thought be thank you for life, Thank you for this miracle of life.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 11th.mp4

Forgiveness is most effective when it is applied in several steps: re-telling, releasing, returning, reclaiming and receiving.

  1. Retelling: telling our story in a way that promotes healing, i.e., with honesty and compassion is the first step.

  2. Releasing: Letting go of the debt (that we or others owe) so that we can get a deeper need met is key. The debt is real, but it's keeping us from meeting real needs too.

  3. Returning: Making poor choices is like buying a faulty product, the best thing we can do is return it.

  4. Reclaiming: Getting back what our poor choices and resentment have cost allows us to re-invest ourselves in healthier choices.

  5. Receiving: noticing the positive changes taking place in us inspires us to make positive changes around us.

For more on Emotional First-Aid

May 11th: Forgiveness makes us free...

Have you ever noticed that when you do something wrong and feel bad about it, but do nothing to make it right, more negative or even toxic feelings begin to grow; have you noticed that your thinking turns more distrustful, more critical, more suspicious?

If we notice that we've bought into resentment, bitterness or playing the blame game, we can start over. It starts by being honest with ourselves and surrendering every bitter feeling that we've “bought into” to God.

If you've bought into a strategy that failed to keep its promises; if not dealing with something is making you feel worse or robbing you of peace, God wants to give you your money back.

Let us pray,

Lord, I acknowledge my unpleasant feelings, I acknowledge the disappointing ways I have tried to meet my needs. I acknowledge all the harmful ways I have tried to protect myself from criticism. I'm sorry for holding onto bitterness and resentment. I want to un-choose all my poor choices and make things right. Help me to reclaim what was lost and "get my money back" so that I can spend it on something that will really make things better. I invite you to heal and restore every part of me that was affected or harmed. Please speak to my heart and show me how to start over.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 10th.mp4

"Gratitude is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that you are not an “accident,” but a divine choice... Every time we decide to be grateful it will be easier to see new things to be grateful for. Gratitude begets gratitude, just as love begets love."

Henri Nouwen.

May 10th: Gratitude makes God visible...

It’s a good practice to stop and think over our lives looking for the concrete ways God has loved us. More important than counting all our reasons for gratitude is the knowledge that our gratitude is always directed to a person; to a person who loves us deeply. Gratitude is all about remembering to place our trust in our God who loves us. Gratitude makes God visible.

Lord we are grateful for the ways you have loved us and the many ways you gently make yourself known to us. Be with us now as we begin this new week. Continue to make your presence known through all little things that announce that, above all else, we are loved.

Sacred heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

May 7th.mp4

Twitter Challenge: What in the natural world fills you with wonder and awe and speaks to you of God and the hope He offers us? Go on a nature walk and take close up pictures of nature.

What speaks to you about hope: An example – a tree branch that has buds on it promises new leaves and this is a hopeful enterprise. Share your response on social media using the hashtag #ocsbHope

May 6th: Nurturing hope by Marvelling in Wonder...

On this final day of Catholic Education Week, a week dedicated to nurturing hope, we pause to stand still and marvel at the beauty of creation; to stand in reverence before the awesome gift that is our common home. Whether you stop to look up at the stars, go for a walk in the woods or just stop to notice the first flowers of spring, opening ourselves to the beauty and mystery of creation nurtures hope.

Consider the gentle power the beauty of nature has on us. When the beauty of the natural world catches your attention, do you ever feel like you have to hurry up, quicken your pace and do more to fit in? The power of nature calms undoes restlessness,it restores hope and invites us to enter the joyful rest of our Creator.

Today's Special Intention:

Today we pray that we may embrace a new spirit of accompaniment and reaffirm our commitment to walk with our Indigenous sisters and brothers on the journey of healing towards truth and reconciliation. May we continue to engage in respectful dialogue and collaboration so that we might seek a deeper understanding and foster relationships in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 6th.mp4

Twitter Challenge:

We have witnessed people being kind, brave, and compassionate to one another in our families and our communities. Each one of us is called to nurture hope and contribute to positive change in the world. By your positive actions and your kind words you are “harvesting new fruit” in your community and the world! How do you harvest new fruit to make the world a better place? Have you seen others harvesting new fruit to make the world a better place? Share your response on social media using the hashtag #ocsbHope

May 6th: Nurturing hope by Harvesting New fruit...

This past year we have seen many examples of how we are in this together. We have seen hopeful people come up with positive solutions in the face of loss or difficulty.

Part of nurturing hope is about harvesting new fruit. Its about seeing where we've grown, appreciating our new skills, new found awareness or new ways of being. It's about taking note of the encouraging discoveries we've made about ourselves and the world we live in.

If you take time to think about it, despite all the challenges we've faced, we have grown and that growth matters.

Let us pray,

Lord in your goodness you nurture hope in our lives. From within our hearts you help us to see where we have grown. You help us to harvest and hold onto the new habits, new skills and all the good things growing and bearing fruit in our lives.

Today's Special Intention:

Today we pray for all persons who themselves, or within their families live with mental health concerns and for those who care for them. We also pray for those who face discrimination or stigma as a result of mental illness. May they find welcome and inclusion as branches of Jesus’ vine.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 5th.mp4

Twitter Challenge:

Jesus taught us the Golden Rule: “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.” He wants us to treat one another with love, kindness and respect as members of one family because when members of a family treat one another with care and love, their hope can grow and they can more easily become the people God calls them to be.How do you live the Golden Rule in your relationships with family members, friends, and towards yourself? Share your response on social media using the hashtag #ocsbHope

May 5th: Nurturing hope by Cultivating Relationships...

Part of nurturing hope is about cultivating relationships. The experience of staying at home for months has impacted our relationships with our families, friends, classmates, and nature itself, some relationships have grown stronger and others have suffered during our time apart. Part nurturing hope is about daring to be a good friend; daring to reach out and love the people God has given us to love.

Today's Special Intention:

Today we pray for the courage to have difficult conversations about racism, and for a better appreciation of how our words and actions – or even our silence – can impact our communities. May our hearts and minds be open to celebrate and welcome the diverse faces of Christ in our community and may God grant us the grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language or culture.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

May 4th.mp4

Twitter challenge:

Sow seeds of gratitude by sending a message of thanks to the difference-makers during these challenging times - health care providers, essential workers, educators, families, friends or volunteers. Share your response on social media using the hashtag #ocsbHope

May 4th: Nurturing Hope by Sowing Seeds of Gratitude...

The great Catholic writer, G.K. Chesterton once said, “When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”

Gratitude doesn’t come easily. It takes work, especially in times of stress and struggle. Thanking God at these times can feel fake and shallow. But thanking God is never shallow.

Like planting a seed, thanksgiving takes effort and faith. it takes effort to plant and faith to let grow.

Taking a moment to name what we're thankful takes energy, but it's worth it. If we take the time to give thanks, then thanksgiving, like a seed, grows into gratitude.

Let us pray,

We thank you, loving Father in heaven, for the amazing grace of the life we share. Let my heart overflow with thanksgiving and gratitude.

We thank You for all the ways You have helped us and intervened on our behalf without us ever knowing. We Thank You for being with us, through the ups and downs of this life. Thank You for all the blessings of life: for family, friends, teachers, mentors and all those who have helped us along the way. Bless them, Lord. Lord, we thank You for the wonderful gift of each life. We embrace each life as a priceless gift from You. Thank you for everything.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Today's Special Intention:

Today we recognize that all people were made in the image and likeness of God and that we have a responsibility to uphold the dignity of all those with disabilities. We pray for guidance as we pursue our call to provide justice and fullness of life for all people with disabilities and that everyone may develop their potential. Like Jesus, who dedicated much of his ministry to the disabled, may we work toward a welcoming community where preferential care is given to those in our community with special needs.

Catholic Education Week May 2nd to 7th

Join us for a week filled with virtual activities, reflection and learning. We invite you to use the hashtag #ocsbHope during Catholic Education Week (May 2-7) to share messages, photos, videos or drawings of hope related to the theme of Nurturing Hope.

Note: Each day feature virtual arts performances, concerts, mass with the archbishop or the Cardinal and other social media activities. Click here for links. Some links will only be added shortly before the event starts.

For additional resources in English and French, see the OCSTA site

May 2nd.mp4

Personal connection:

What can I do to prepare the soil of my heart to receive the seed of hope? Do I need give it one more chance? Do I need to give it time? Or do I need to give it special attention and plenty of encouragement?

“The gardener answered, ‘Sir, give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer.

– Luke 13:8

May 3rd: Nurturing Hope by Preparing the Soil of our Lives...

This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week in Ontario. The theme of the week is all about nurturing hope. Like faith and love, hope is something we need to grow in. When hope grows in us, we grow as God's people.

So like good gardeners we first need to prepare the soil of our heart; to make it ready to receive the seeds of new hope.

When we're faced with a growing season that appears to be unfruitful; where everything seems to go wrong, Jesus told a story in which the gardener says: "Give it one more chance. Give it time. Let me give it special attention and plenty of encouragement."

Let us pray,

Gracious God, You created us for joy and peace. For the days when we have so many questions and concerns you give us the gift of hope.

Help us to prepare the soil of our hearts for new growth and new freedom. Jesus, Loving gardener of souls, we are so blessed that you don’t give up on us. When we struggle to nurture hope you give us a chance to begin again, you give us time to grow and you promise to give us the special attention and encouragement we need to grow.

Intention of the Day:

Today we join with the entire Ottawa catholic School Board in praying we pray for all those deprived of their basic human needs, who are suffering from hunger, thirst, homelessness, and poverty, and for all those who are forgotten. May we work to practise charity and promote justice and peace in our communities, valuing each human life, as a priceless gift from God.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 30th.mp4

Note: the memorial of St. Joseph the worker will be celebrated this Saturday, May 1st

April 30th: The year of St. Joseph & the humble life...

This past December, Pope Francis announced the “Year of Saint Joseph,” He introduced this year with a Letter entitled “With a Father’s Heart.” In the introduction he said, “Each of us can discover in Joseph—the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence—an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble.”

Though Joseph is recognized and honored around the world today, during his lifetime he would have been someone who was mostly unnoticed. He was just an ordinary man doing an ordinary carpenter’s job. But that’s what makes Saint Joseph such an inspiration. Most of us are not called to serve others in the spotlight. Most of us will never be publicly praised for our day-to-day efforts. That’s why so many see the humble and hidden life of St. Joseph lived out in Nazareth, as an inspiring example of how to live out each day.

Let us pray,

Lord when our life is somewhat monotonous, hidden, unappreciated, tedious, and even boring at times, you offer us the life of Saint Joseph for inspiration. Through his humble and hidden life we learn to serve, day in and day out, with little or no earthly recognition. Thank you for his ordinary life lived with great love. When we get discouraged or feel overlooked, may we never underestimate the importance of serving in ordinary and hidden ways.

St. Joseph the worker, prayer for us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

Personal connection:

Reflect, today, upon the ordinary and “unremarkable” daily life of Saint Joseph. If you find that your life is similar to what he would have experienced as a worker, a spouse and a father, then rejoice in that fact. Know that what you do each and every day, when it is done out of love and service of others, is a holy way of life.

April 29th.mp4

How to start praying?

Follow along with Fr. Mike to answer these key questions:

  1. When do you pray?

  2. Where do you pray?

  3. What do you pray?

  4. Why do you pray?

April 29th: The gift of faith (acceptance)...

It has been said that the gift of faith is the gift of acceptance.

From God's point of view, all is gift. However, this isn't always true from our point of view.

We struggle to accept so many things. Whether it's the challenges of the day, our limitations or simply ourselves, we don't always respond to our day as a gift or treat ourselves as gifts either.

Accepting ourselves and our lives as a gift is an act of faith and like everything else, faith is a gift. A gift we can ask for every day if needed.

Let us pray,

Loving God, Giver of every good gift, give us the gift of acceptance. I know that it's only when I come to see myself or the events of my day from within my relationship with you that things become accepted and real gifts.

Give me the gift of light to see clearly. Give me the gift of wisdom to understand what I see and give me the gift of acceptance so that what I understand can be accepted and treated as a gift.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Personal connection:

Everything can potentially contribute to our growth if we make use of the faith vision which God gives us. Prayer is where we learn this vision; it's where we learn to see and accept ourselves and our lives as gifts.

The hardest part of starting to pray is putting in the time it takes. There's always so many other things to do.

If your want to grow in the faith vision God offers to us, take a look at Fr. Mike's video for practical ways to build your entire day around your own time of prayer.

April 28th.mp4

April 28th: National day of mourning...

Every year on April 28th we pay our respects and offer our prayers for the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents.

This year, we remember especially those who have suffered in their workplace because of the pandemic.

For all these men and women (who are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbours to those who love them) we offer Psalm 56 as our prayer for them and their loved ones.

"My heart is broken, my mind exhausted. I cry out to you and hardly know what to ask. All I can do is tell you how I feel and ask you to “keep track of all my sorrows. . . . [collect] all my tears in your bottle. . . . [and record] each one in your book” as I pour them out to you..."

Loving God, watch over those who serve on the front lines of service and community care. Protect all workers and keep them safe.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 27th.mp4

The Holy Spirit is God with us. He is God with you! He is a source of strength and freedom. He brings change in our character. The Spirit gives us power to serve, and he fills our hearts with the love of God.

April 27th: How to start a relationship with God...

This week we find ourselves in the fourth week of Easter. We've just past the halfway point in our Easter celebration.

Easter is so significant we take forty days to prepare for it, but we spent fifty days enjoying it. So why is Easter such a big deal?

Pope francis sums it up good news of Jesus' resurrection simply and beautifully. “Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.”

God isn’t asking for a flawless performance; God is asking for a relationship with you.

It’s as simple and as deep as that.

If you don’t know where to start, here a simple prayer:

"God, if you’re real show me. I need to know that you love me. Amen."

Let us pray,

Holy Spirit help us to know God; make our knowledge of God real. Make God's love real to us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 26th.mp4

April 26th: Let us never grow weary of showing concern or offering hope...

I hope you enjoyed a restful and sun-filled weekend. As we begin this new week, let us gather in prayer to start our day.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Loving God, we give you thanks and praise for you for all the blessings (visible and invisible, ordinary and extraordinary).

We are grateful for the return of warmer weather, the gift of one another and the many blessings you offer us. Help us to recognize and receive those blessings even now.

We thank you for all the staff of Sacred Heart working so hard to make a difference in the lives of others each day. We thank you for every student; for every act of perseverance and patience they make.

Lord, we want to be responsive to the needs of others and the struggles of our neighbours; we want to be sensitive to one another and never grow weary of showing concern or offering hope.

Help us today.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 23rd.mp4

April 23rd: A love that conquers fear...

On this twenty third day of April, let us pray Psalm 23.

Lord, you are like a shepherd to me, and so I have all that I need. You give me rest in meadows of green grass, and you lead me to water where I gain new life and strength.

You guide me along the way that is best for me. Even when I walk in darkness and everything around seems like death,

you are there, walking with me, and the promise of your love and faithfulness helps to conquer my fear.

In the sight of those who do me wrong, you invite me to sit at the table with you. There you offer me even more than I need, and you remind me that I am significant and special.

You call me to goodness and kindness every day of my life,

and your house will be my home my whole life long.

Personal connection:

What is God really like?

Jesus described himself as a shepherd so concerned for our well being that even if he owned a hundred sheep and lost one, he would leave the 99 to go and find the one who was lost. I'm convinced he wants us to know what it's like to be sought by such a faithful shepherd.

There's a song called "Reckless Love" that captures what God's love is really like. (see video)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 22nd.mp4

Pope Francis' message (Laudato Si) calls us out of our individualism so we can work together to preserve our common home.

See the short video below to learn more.

April 22nd: A prayer for our "Common Home"

Let us pray,

Loving God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them, You created us in your image and made us stewards of all your creation, of our common home.

You are present in the universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with your peace that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one.

O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle, for justice, love and peace. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Personal connection (discussion):

Note: See optional video (above) for more on pope Francis's message.

Q. What are we already doing well and what could we do better?

  • better recycling (sorting)….

  • reuse (what about clothes?) …

  • food waste (leftovers?) …

  • turning lights off …

  • Did anyone take up gardening last year or plan to take it up this summer?

  • What kinds of things do you already do?

  • What else could you do?

April 21st.mp4

"You put gladness into my heart. As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep, for you alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling."

April 21st: A delicate balance of honest struggle and hope...

In moments of struggle, the psalms (God's templates for prayer) won’t let us, in any way, “minimize the difficulty, the reality, the depth, the heaviness of the struggle or the burdens in our lives.”

But that's not all. The psalms won't allow us “to reduce the goodness, the presence, the activity, the power of God at work in our world and in our lives” either. They're too honest for that.

In Psalm 4 (verses 2,4,7-8,9) we see the honesty and the hope that we are called to in prayer and in life.

Lord, let your face shine on us.

When I call, answer me, O my just God,

you who relieve me when I am in distress;

have pity on me, and hear my prayer!

Know that the LORD does wonders for his faithful one; the LORD will hear me when I call upon him.

O LORD, let the light of your countenance shine upon us!

You put gladness into my heart. As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep, for you alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling.

Personal connection:

Which word or phrase caught your attention? Why do you think it stood out to you at this time?

Let us pray,

Lord help us to hold onto your "word" to us. May it become like a seed planted in our heart were it can take root and in time bear much fruit.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

April 20th: Let us Pray for one another...

Lord God we place before you the needs of our world, our province and the needs of our community. We want to hand over the reality and the heaviness of our struggle so that your presence; a presence that is larger, stronger, and quieter can come flowing in.

Continue to watch over us and guide us.

Bring wisdom to our leaders and give strength to health care workers.

Bring healing to those who are ill and protect those who are most at risk.

Stabilize our new routines and unite us in our daily efforts to learn together and care for one another.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

April 9th: Heal us and grant us rest...

Jesus, you passed through the towns and villages "healing all sickness among the people."

Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through medical treatment.

Heal us of the fear, which keeps us from working together and from helping each other.

Heal us of our pride, which causes us to pretend to be invulnerable in the face of a disease that knows no borders.

Jesus, healer of all, remain by our side in this time of uncertainty and difficulty.

Grant us rest in the days ahead...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Adapted from America Magazine

April 8th: Guide and lead us...

Lord God we place before you the needs of our world and the needs of our community. Continue to watch over us and guide us. Bring wisdom to our leaders and health care workers. Give understanding to scientists. Provide caregivers with a renewal of compassion and generosity. Bring healing to those who are ill and protect those who are most at risk. Comfort the weary. Stabilize our routines and unite us in our daily efforts to care for one another. Bless this day and fill it with what we need most...

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.


"The hardest part of rowing properly: eyes and mind in the boat..."

Phillip Thomas

April 7th: “Let me do it..."

When we face a challenge or problem, human logic is helpful and good, but God’s wisdom brings our problem solving ability to a whole new level. It adds faith into the mix.

It’s logical to look at the demands of each day and our limited supply of energy and conclude it’s all too much and we’re not up to it. But the eyes of faith help us to see what we can't see with ordinary eyes, namely: that God is here with us.

St. Margaret Mary (who promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus), came to understand that in the midst of life’s difficulties, God often whispers, “Let me do it.”

Let us pray, that, like St. Margaret Mary, we may hear Jesus saying to us a hundred times a day, “Let me do it.” May we hear his offer every time life leaves us asking, “What will I do? How will I get through this?”

Lord, when things get overwhelming, you draw near to us so that our trust can grow. May our efforts be multiplied, and when our limitations or the demands of the day discourage us, may we hear you say, “Let me do it.”

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

3 Practical takeaways for the week:

1. Take your tensions to prayer. Who or what is your greatest source of tension in these days of staying at home? Pray lovingly for that person or situation. Ask for gift of tenderness.

2. Vulnerability in Communication. We all have the need to listen and be listened to. Being attentive to the words and needs of others isn’t easy. It takes energy (a lot of energy). We need to be listened to as well. This means keeping the channels of honest communication open. Who is listening to you as you listen to others?

3. Meditate on the tenderness of God. Tenderness is the heartbeat of God. Every little thing you do for those you love is a fresh declaration of the unending rhythm of the Risen Jesus at work in our world. Pray for families and situations this week that need the immense tenderness and tranquility of God. Pray for their safety and well-being.

April 6th: Christ is risen…

Did you know every day this week is celebrated as if it were still Easter? Each day is offered to us as a meditation on the resurrection.

Jesus chose to reveal the truth of his resurrection through ordinary encounters. He entered the homes of his fearful disciples and shared meals with them. He spoke tenderly to them and listened to them. He reassured them in their doubts and made time for their questions.

The resurrection of Jesus shows us that our ordinary lives are now saturated with a sacramental quality. Some have called it the sacrament of the present moment.

We know that thinking about the future or getting emotionally involved in things outside the present moment can make us feel tense and fragmented.

Tenderness is the antidote to this tension. Whether is it shopping for groceries, placing meal after meal on the table or bearing with one another patiently our actions reveal the tenderness of God for others to see.

May the tenderness of the risen Jesus fall upon your family and those you encounter today. As you attend to the priorities of the moment; as you think of the needs of others, you bear witness to the risen Lord alive among us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

“Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”

John 13:12–15

April 1st: Do you realize what I have done for you...

Before sitting down for his last passover meal, Jesus humbly washed the feet of his disciples. It was a task normally performed by servants. Naturally, the disciples were deeply puzzled.

Jesus asked them, “Do you realize what I have done for you?" That's the ultimate question.

Over the next three days, (known as the holy Triduum) we will see Jesus be condemned, crucified and buried and on the third day, we will see him rise from the dead. No matter how puzzling these things may appear, we must allow Jesus' question to echo repeatedly in our hearts, “Do you realize what I have done for you?"

In time, the disciples would realize what Jesus had done for them. They would eventually build their entire lives around the things he did during their final days together.

If we allow ourselves to puzzle over Jesus' question, like the disciples did, we will find that it's also his response to our deepest questions about God and human suffering.

Let us pray,

Lord, through the eyes of those who witnessed your final days, we ponder what you have done for us. Through these sacred events, made present to us through the great sacraments and the liturgy of the church, we receive the ministry of reconciliation that you established among your disciples. Through these holy days offered to us so that we might rebuild our lives around what you have done for us, let us find the grace to do for others what you have done for us.

Sacred heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

"What will you give me if I betray

Jesus to you?"

Matthew 26:14

March 31st: Betrayed by my own thoughts and desires...

Before his final meal with his disciples, the plans for Jesus' impending arrest were already set in motion. Judas had struck a deal with those who wanted Jesus eliminated. For thirty pieces of silver he would betray Jesus to them.

Judas played his part perfectly, right up until the moment he realized he had been played. He had been set up by his own love of money. His desire clouded his thinking and by the time, he realized that he had betrayed himself, it was too late. In a panic, he even tried to return the silver, but the damage was done, Jesus' trial had already begun.

So in the end Judas lost everything and ended up with nothing. It's a pattern we see repeated over and over again in our own hearts. We've all been betrayed by our own desires; we've all had our minds clouded by empty promises. That's the hidden trap behind every sinful temptation: to promise everything and deliver nothing.

Lord, admitting that we've been played, isn't easy. We know that temptations never show their true intentions until we've fallen for them. Give us clarity of mind when temptations cloud our thinking and when our poor choices leave us feeling discouraged and empty, let us not despair or let ourselves fall into the even greater trap of thinking it's too late to change. May the events of Holy Week shine a light on every empty promise and dishonest thought that would keep us from knowing your forgiveness and mercy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

"Where I am going, you cannot follow me now; but you will follow afterward."

John 13:36

March 30th: Lord where are you going?

During their final meal together, the disciples began to understand what would happen to Jesus.

Jesus knew his hour to depart from this world had come and that where he was going, they would not be able to follow (at least not yet).

Jesus not only knew the difficult path set before him. He knew the fear and anxiety it would bring to his closest friends. So in his final words, he planted a seed of hope.

He promised them that despite the dark and terrible events about to unfold, that God's power and goodness would shine even brighter.

They would not understand it at first. Only in the light of the Resurrection, would the disciples come to understand the power of Jesus' promise.

In the hours that followed the last supper, his friends would betray him and abandon him in his hour of need. So like a seed buried in the earth, Jesus entered the darkness alone.

Lord, when we find ourselves buried in fear and discouragement, we struggle to hold onto your promise of light. Under the weight of our own crosses, we cannot see clearly. Shine the light of hope on us so that we might place our trust in you no matter how dark things appear.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 26th: Holy Week begins this Sunday...

Holy Week begins this Sunday. It is the highlight of Christian life because it plunges us into the heart of our faith.

Let us pray, Lord Jesus, despite the cheers of the crowd that greet you as the awaited messiah, it is as a man abandoned and delivered to solitude that you walk the path upon which you will soon carry the cross, under the cries of insults from the same crowd. You will be betrayed, denied, condemned, tortured, ridiculed, insulted, put to death. You will appear to have been forsaken even by God.

But those familiar with suffering will recognize their face in yours.

Lord, help us to discern in the testimony of your unlimited love a path for us to follow; a path that will transform the world into the image of your Kingdom.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

The problem of good advice...

Are you tired of good advice; of statements like: "simply do this" or "follow these steps" and presto all will be well?

It seems the path to peace, fulfillment or whatever we hope for, always lies in doing one more thing. That’s not good news, that’s a formula for disappointment and burnout.

The difference between good advice and good news is that good news tells us what’s already been done. Our faith is rooted in the good news of what God has done and continues to do for us and through us.

It's the good news that sustains us (not good advice only).

In this moment of challenge and perseverance may our lives be fuelled by the Good news of God’s never-ending love. May our love, and all that we do, be a sign of the Good News at work in us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 25th: the feast of the Annunciation

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation where the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to proclaim that she is to become the Mother of God. Her response, her yes, changed the world forever.

God of goodness, God of surprises, Send angels of inspiration to guide and enlighten as you did Mary. Awaken us again to our true calling, our true mission: to walk with you on the paths laid out to us. Teach us to listen for you in every corner of our lives and to await your messengers in the most unexpected situations and conditions.

We ask this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you

March 24th: Guide our preparations...

This Lent, as we prepare for the celebration of Holy Week and Easter, we give thanks not only for this time of preparation, but above all for the way God is at work in us. It is our highest joy to celebrate God's goodness and mercy.

This Lent, let us pray for...

  1. Confidence in God's love for us and trust in His power to work things out for the best in our lives.

  2. A clear mind and the ability to clearly and honestly communicate, in prayer and in conversation, what we need most during this holy season.

We ask the Holy Spirit to guide these final days of preparation and reminds us of what matters most at this time.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 23rd: The Land upon which we live, learn and pray...

For thousands of years, the Algonquin people have sought to walk gently upon this land. We pause to recognize their hospitality and generous spirit. We join our prayers to the prayers of all indigenous peoples from coast to coast to coast.

In this moment, we are reminded of the importance of relationship and the need to come back to togetherness through concrete acts of reconciliation and respect.

Let us pray,

Loving Creator, Creator of all peoples, you love everyone without exception or partiality (you do not play favourites). Heal the wounds of all people and restore all creation to wholeness. In gratitude, we pledge ourselves to living more justly, acting more kindly and most of all walking more humbly upon the land with you and one another.

Let your Spirit of counsel rest upon us today and guide us in the days to come.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 22nd: Sacred Heart of Jesus...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you have brought us to the light of a new day. Bless us with the gift of faith, unshakable hope and unlimited love for you and the people around us. We trust that you will lovingly provide all that we need for the day ahead. May the days challenges not overwhelm us; its circumstances not discourage us, and in all things may we remember that you are with us. With humility, generosity and perseverance, we welcome this day.

Watch over us and keep us at close to you and thoughtful of one another the whole day through.

March 19th: St. Joseph

The entire month of March is a month traditionally dedicated to Saint Joseph: and March 19, saint Joseph's Day, is an important occasion to celebrate this great patron saint.

The New Testament introduces Saint Joseph as a man entrusted by God with a unique mission: that of raising and protecting his son Jesus.

This carpenter from Nazareth is described as patient, kind, humble, but above all as a faithful and solid man. All the qualities of this great Christian saint make him the obvious choice for patron of families, couples, students and for those who find themselves wrestling with impossible challenges and great spiritual struggles.

Let us pray,

Glorious Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, grant us your fatherly protection. Pray for us and pray with us. Confidently we entrust the needs of this day to your powerful and prayerful support.

Saint Joseph, pray for us,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust you.

"Sometimes prayer can feel like your just talking and no one's listening..."

March 18th: No matter where "here" is, God is here...

Sometimes prayer can feel like your just talking and no one's listening. It might even feel like your just talking to yourself. Part of the reason we feel this way is that we just start saying words without reminding ourselves that we're in God's presence.

The starting point for prayer is always acknowledging that God is already here. It doesn't matter where here is, God is here. It's doesn't matter if your struggling with faith or atheism; it doesn't matter if you think religion is just a way to make people behave or the biggest reason why we can't get along; it doesn't matter where we are at morally, spiritually or physically, it doesn't matter where you are, God is here.

Lord you are here and you hear us. Make yourself known to us; make your presence real to us. Stay with us throughout our day. To know you are here is enough.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

Psalm 84:11

March 17th: St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick was a man who knew what it was like to live through hardship. Kidnapped and taken as a prisoner to Ireland at age 16, he lived in slavery in for many years. Once freed he dedicated his life serving and ministering to the very people he once knew as enemies. Through his ministry Ireland was transformed.

Shaped by his unshakable confidence in God and surrounded by the beautiful land he came to love, he wrote one of the most beloved morning prayers:

Let us join in his prayer:

I arise today through the strength of heaven; light of the sun, splendor of fire, speed of lightning, swiftness of the wind, depth of the sea, stability of the earth, firmness of the rock.

I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me; God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me, God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me, God’s hosts to save me

Afar and near, alone or in a multitude. Christ shield me today against wounding.

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me... (Longer version: Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me.)

I arise today through the mighty strength of the Lord of creation.

St.Patrick, pray for us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

March 16th: Prayer for joy

We pause now thoughtful and aware. We pray for refreshment in our work and we give thanks for moments of laughter and lighthearted moments that lift our spirits

Let your Spirit of joy rest upon us. Show us where to find joy in our day and remind us to play when we start to take ourselves too seriously.

We thank you that you are constantly at work within the circumstances of our lives, blessing us with moments of celebration and enjoyment. Lead us into greater joy and gratitude today.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."

Zephaniah 3:17

March 15th: What does God enjoy?

I’m convinced that everyone needs a chance to discover God’s delight for them. We all need to know the answer to the question: What does God enjoy about me? What is it about me that brings joy to God’s heart?

Don't worry if you can't think of an answer right away. God's answer is in many ways already part of you. It's part of what you naturally enjoy and what others enjoy about you too. As we open up to the possibility that God's not only loves us but actually enjoys us, things begin to change.

Lord, may your delight in us and our delight in you guide our prayer, our reflection and our choices this Lent. Lead us to discover your delight; lead us to greater joy and childlike wonder.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 12th: Gift me with your presence...

Lord, you who know how to recognize what is lovable in each of us and you who know how to see the light beyond our shadows, because you are love; because you are light.

Allow me, during this Lent, to fast from all judgment and criticism so that I might feast on your acceptance and approval. Heal criticism; help me to fast from all anxiety and all worry so that I might enjoy peace of heart and mind.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

March 11th: 365 days...

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring a global pandemic. We have been through a lot, both collectively as a school community and in our own personal experiences.

Despite all it's ups and downs we have grown and continue to grow.

We've learned to improvise, to compromise and to slow down. We've realized what we could do without and what we could do with what we still had left.

We've learned new ways to reach out and let others know how much we missed them and care for them.

Our celebrations. Were muted. Understated. But no less joyous.

At times we've mourned. For the unnecessary deaths. For job losses. For social justice.

We have seen both the gift of the human solidarity and the great disparity that still fragments us. Economic disparity. Social disparity. Racial disparity.

We've adapted and adjusted. We've broken-down and we've picked ourselves over and over again.

We've empathized. We've sympathized. We've stepped up. And we've stepped in where needed.

It is with gratitude that we mark this day with prayer.

Gratitude for every single effort and sacrifice made by each and every person in the Sacred Heart Community. Your kindness and your perseverance have kept us safe and continue to carry us along.

Lord, be with us, God, walk with us one step at a time. Help us meet the challenges of today and the days ahead.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you,

March 10th: Fasting and feasting...

Lord during this season of Lent help us to:

Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.

Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.

Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.

Fast from self-interest; feast on compassion.

Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.

Fast from anger; feast on patience.

Fast from worry; feast on trust.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 9th: What has God been growing in your lately?

As we approach the halfway point on our Lenten journey, as we look back on the past twenty days, we look to see what we're learning about ourselves and about our time in the wilderness.

Hopefully we’re beginning to see the gentle ways God is present and involved in our daily lives.

If we’re open to it, perhaps we’re beginning to see how God is trying to speak to us during this wilderness season.

Like a gardener, God is leading us to remove the things that prevent growth and encouraging us to explore new areas of growth. By these gentle promptings, so gentle that we might not even notice, God is patiently transforming us.

Maybe you’ve discovered a habit, an inner attitude or a discouraging message that has been getting in your way this week. Let us ask God to prune it and may we find the freedom to let it go.

Maybe you’ve discovered an opportunity to grow, an insight or inner desire to pursue something more fully, let us ask God to clear the path ahead and may we find even more desire to set out on the next step of our journey.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust in you.

March 8th: International Women’s Day.

March 8th of each year is designated as International Women’s Day. This global celebration, focusing on equity and social justice, reflects our own Catholic vision that equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusivity are integral to the overall community.

Today we honour the women of all times and all places:

Women of courage. Women of hope.

Women suffering Women mourning.

Women living fully. Women experiencing joy.

Women delighting in life.

Women knowing the interconnectedness of the human family.

Women honoring the sacredness of the relational, the affective.

Women quietly tending the garden of human flourishing.

Women boldly leading the transformation of unjust global structures.

Women seeking Wisdom. Women sharing Wisdom.

Women receiving Love. Women giving Love.

Women: life-giving. Women reflecting the glory of God.

Women: the image of God.

Loving God, compelled by your faithfulness and love we commit ourselves to celebrating and honoring the full gift and dignity all women everywhere. We know that whatever denies, diminishes, or distorts the full humanity of women is not from you. Bless our mothers, our sisters, our grandmothers; our daughters and granddaughters today; bless all women everywhere.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 5th: To Dwell in your Presence...

O Lord, during this Lent, I desire to dwell in your presence. To be sheltered by your love. To live under the radiant light of your gaze and to dwell with you alone in the peace that surpases all else.

This is where transformation will take place, where I will become like you... This is why I only want your holy Presence...

Adaptation of a prayer of Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust you.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above... "

James 1:17

March 4th: Uncover goodness and gratitude...

If you're looking for something to add to your daily life this Lent, here are a few more suggestions:

  • Add a small ritual to the beginning of each meal. Say grace, give thanks, share something that made your day, or just pause to breathe, whatever you choose start each meal with a reminder to feed your inner-life.

  • Add a pause before you speak. Count to three before you speak. This little pause frees us from the need to speak first or get the last word in. It makes it easier to listen more.

Let us pray,

Help us make the most of this Lenten season by adding practices that bring us joy, multiply blessings and uncover goodness and gratitude.

"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Psalm 37:4

March 3rd: Survival of the Kindest...

Yesterday we spoke of adding something to our day that gives us life.

Here are a few things to try:

  • Start or end the day with an act of gratitude. Commit to finding one reason to give thanks.

  • Spend time in the “classroom of silence”. Set aside time each day to unplug. Set you device on airplane mode and enjoy a little time unwinding in the silence. It’s amazing what you’ll learn about yourself when you make time for silence.

  • Do a simple act of love every day. Challenge yourself to a game of "survival of the kindest." Send a kind note, smile, pick up after someone, help out or spend time with a friend. It doesn’t have to be big to be meaningful.

Let us pray,

Lord God help us the fill the gaps in our day with something creative and helpful. Lead us into the classroom of silence, to sit quietly and rest in sacred moments and to never underestimate the value of doing small acts of love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

"...I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."

John 15:11

March 2nd: Don't give up chocolate this Lent, add something delightful instead...

When was the last time you had a really memorable Lent? Or even a life-changing Lent?

So often, we just give up something like chocolate or coffee like we always have, without giving it much thought. And we don’t really stick to it. Or if we do manage to get to Easter without eating said chocolate, we realize we haven’t really grown spiritually since the beginning of Lent. And isn’t that the point?”

The point of giving something up, of fasting, is to awaken a deeper sense of delight in God alone.

Delight unlocks the joy hidden in the ordinary things of life. It may surprise us, but God doesn't want to deprive us of joy, God wants to make our joy complete. To make it full.

So during a year that has taken away so many enjoyable things, instead of giving up chocolate or coffee, consider adding something that unlocks the joy hidden in the ordinary things of life. Sharing these holy moments with God will change us.

Let us pray,

Lord God, help us to step out in new ways; to do something creative; to do something to make ourselves more available to you. This Lent, reshape our priorities and awaken holy longings. Make our joy complete.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

March 1st: Fill us with the desire to change ourselves in a way that will change the world...

Spirit of God, We have heard your call to share in building up the Kingdom of God. This Lent fill us with the desire to change ourselves in a way that will change the world. Enflame our passion for service into a commitment to address unjust situations and structures. Deepen our concern for our sisters and brothers who endure the burdens of poverty, war, exploitation and persecution. Let us faithfully play our part in your mission through solidarity and service.

Most Merciful God,

We place before You the needs of our world:

Bring wisdom to doctors.

Give understanding to scientists.

Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity.

Bring healing to those who are ill.

Protect those who are most at risk.

Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one.

Welcome those who have died into Your Eternal Home.

Stabilize our communities.

Unite us in our compassion.

Remove all fear from our hearts.

Fill us with confidence in Your care.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.


"What you're going

through matters."

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February 25th: The pain is real, but so is the hope

In prayer this morning, I invite you to pray for those struggling with mental illness and those seeking better mental health.

If I think of my own friends and family members living with mental illness, I believe they are among the most understanding and most spiritual people I know. So I would ask those living with mental illness to pray for us. We need your prayers.

Lord, you know the struggles we face and the burdens we've been carrying. We pray for those who have been treated differently; as if mental illness was some sort of character flaw or personal failure; as if mental illness was somehow less serious or not as real as any other kind of illness. Through our own struggles with mental health lead us to be more compassionate. Help us to offer hope to those who struggle; help us to listen and respond to one another without judgment; help us to offer one another an experience of your persistent and patient love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.


(Grade 7 to 12)

Join St. Maurice, St. Mary, Holy Redeemer, and Holy Spirit Parishes with students from across the OCSB for a conversation about life, faith, and Jesus.

Mondays at 3:45

Starts March 1st.

Scan QR code to sign up

or click link below

“It’s up to all of us — Black, white, everyone — no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it (racism)out.”

Michelle Obama

February 24th: Awakenings & Truth

Black history month is both a moment of celebration and awakening. Hopefully celebrating the accomplishments and amazing contributions of black Canadians has inspired you. We hope it's also given you a chance to think about the story behind the story. Black history month reminds us, that today in Canada, the colour of a person skin still offers advantages to some and creates hardships for others. It's a painful truth: racism, prejudice and unchallenged cultural conditions still make life easier for whites than it does for non-whites. Now that doesn't mean life is easy, it just means that unlike black indigenous or people of colour our racial identity will not be part of what makes our life harder. For many Canadians life will be made more difficult, more unfair, and more intolerable simply because of the colour of their skin.

It's important to ask ourselves: will Black History month leave us more convinced that action is needed; more committed to change and more engaged in the work that still needs to be done?

Lord, you never cease to awaken our hearts to the cry of those most in need of justice. You know how often our own struggle for stability and security; resources and influence have lead us to tolerate and even perpetuate harmful conditions for black, indigenous people of colour. Help us commit to making repairs of every kind; help us to invest in movements of change; help us join in the work of healing and transformation.

May our black, indigenous and brothers and sisters of colour come to see that they no longer have to do the work alone.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 23rd: Help us to never forget...

As the end Black History Month approaches, it's important to remember that appreciating and remembering the role that Black Canadians have played in the history of Canada, never ends. Our faith compels to respect the dignity of each and every person. This means that as people of faith it is our duty to acknowledge our history and to make changes where change is needed.

Today we recognize and give thanks for the ongoing work of Dorothy Williams. Dorothy is a historian, author, educator, researcher, and community consultant specializing in Black Canadian history. Her goal is to make Black history available to everybody and her various projects reflect this important goal.

Lord, we give thanks for those who help us to remember the whole story of our shared canadian experience. We give thanks for their courage and perseverance. Help us to listen, to discern and respond to their message that tells of a long struggle for dignity and equality that we cannot forget; a truth that compels us to learn how to live as real brothers and sisters.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 22nd: The Courage to Step Out in new ways...

On January 18, 1958, Willie O’Ree stepped on the ice at the Montreal Forum to play his first game in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Boston Bruins — and made history.

Like many Canadian kids, as a young boy Willie played hockey with his friends. And like most kids he dreamed of playing in the NHL. He not only realized his dream, he became the first Black player in the NHL. Known for his speed and strength, his career was unfortunately cut short by an injury.

Today, Willie O’Ree is the director of the NHL’s diversity program. He travels across Canada and the United States promoting and teaching the game of hockey to children from all cultural backgrounds.

In January 2008, fifty years after his NHL debut, Willie O’Ree’s home town of Fredericton, New Brunswick, named its new hockey arena Willie O’Ree Place, in honour of his achievements.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

Heavenly Father, we give you thanks and we praise for the joy of sport. We give you thanks for great players like Willie O’Ree who who have shown leadership and courage on and off the ice. May their stories inspire our dreams and make us fans and allies willing to support the dreams of others.

Sacred heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

"For the salvation of our nation and for the salvation of mankind, we must follow another path."

Martin Luther King Jr.

February 19th: A New Path

God, source of all graces, we are listening.

For the salvation of our nation and for the salvation of humanity, remove all traces of racism from our hearts, our homes, our churches and our society. Grant us in your mercy, resolve to renew our commitment to unity; to encourage one another, and to live in peace. Grant us the wisdom to build a civilization of truth, justice and peace worthy of your Kingdom. This way, we will know that you are truly with us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust in you.

"The Lord has loved me so much: we must love everyone, we must be compassionate..."

February 18th: St. Josephine Bakhita.

Throughout Black History month we've been sharing stories that need to be told and more well known.

Today we honour St. Josephine Bakhita. Josephine was born to a wealthy family in Sudan and at age 9, was kidnapped by slave traders. Over the next decade, she was sold over a dozen times. With the support of a religious community she fought for her freedom in court and won. She joined the religious sisters and became a Daughter of Charity.

Josephine's humility, sweetness, and simple joy were infectious, and she became well known for her closeness to God and her willingness to undertake any task with kindness.

Josephine was canonized in the year 2000. She is the patron saint of the Sudan and of survivors of human-trafficking.

We join our prayers to hers as we pray for all survivors; for those who suffer the indignity of oppression or find themselves bound by chains of any kind.

St. Josephine, pray for us

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you

February 17th: Ash Wednesday

A New Kind of Lent:

I've been thinking that we probably all need a different kind of Lent this year, so I'm looking forward to trying something new.

Traditionally, Lent is a time to make sacrifices and intensify our spiritual practices. But If we’re honest, we’ve probably already had all the sacrifice we can handle. This past year has been intense. Think of all the things that we've had to give up, all the things we've had to forego for the good of others; for the sake of our grandparents, our friends, our neighbourhood, our city and our country.

In today’s Ash Wednesday service, we follow Jesus into the wilderness, but we also follow him into a landscape that will change our hearts; a place where we can recover our joy and our sense of childlike wonder.

Let us pray,

Lord, we need a different kind of Lent this year. At a time where everything seems dull and bland, we need a fresh burst of colour and creativity. Over the next forty days, change the landscape of our heart. Lead us into your joy; lead us into greater delight in you and let us know how much you delight in us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 16th: Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras)

Today is shrove Tuesday or in French, Mardi Gras.

God of feasting, we give you thanks for the richness of life. Bless us as we celebrate the joy of being your people.

Send us your Spirit to delight in you and the gift of this day. As we enter the Season of Lent tomorrow, may it, too, be a celebration of life: of an inward journey of discovery and wondering, of learning and exploring.

And in all of this, may we grow closer to one another, and to you.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust in you

February 12th: May my mouth be filled with good words...


Teach us how to live together, as people of dignity bound together by mutual respect and fraternity.

Cleanse my heart of anything that might spread prejudice, discrimination or rejection. Let me live out my commitment to respect for each person I meet regardless of their differences. May my mouth be filled with good words to spread peace.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 11th: World Day of the Sick

Today we recognize the World day of the sick and offer up our prayers for the healing of the world.

The world day of the sick is an opportunity to devote special attention to the sick and to those who provide them with assistance and care both in healthcare institutions and within families and communities. We think in particular of those who have suffered, and continue to suffer, the effects of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. To all, and especially to the poor and the marginalized, we desire to express our spiritual closeness and assure them of the our loving concern.

We pray for the healing of all who are sick, and we also pray for the strength and endurance of all those health care providers in our community. Please be with all who are suffering from illness of any kind and especially those dealing with the COVID 19 virus. Lord, we pray for your healing presence.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Pope Francis' Message For World Day of the Sick:

"The experience of sickness makes us realize our own vulnerability and our innate need of others. It makes us feel all the more clearly that we are creatures dependent on God. When we are ill, fear and even bewilderment can grip our minds and hearts; we find ourselves powerless, since our health does not depend on our abilities or life’s incessant worries (cf. Mt 6:27)."

February 10th: An Amazing story needing to be told...

Today we share the of story Anne Clare Cools.

Born in Barbados in 1943. Anne Clare Cools came to Canada in 1957 where she attended McGill University. As a student, she was a strong leader who sought equality.

After graduating from McGill, she moved to Toronto and founded one of the first shelters to support women, children and families. In 1984, she became the first Black senator in Canada as well as the first Black female senator in North America. Senator Cools retired in 2018 and was at the time the longest-serving member of the Senate.

Let us pray,

Lord God, may the stories we share this month remind us that each life is an amazing story needing to be told. When our circumstances leave us feeling that our story is not worth telling lead us take a closer look. Forgive us for the times our lack of interest and self-concern may have left someone doubting their worth or value. Help us to honour the stories of our neighbours, especially those whose stories are seldom told.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 9th: Work to be done...

Today we honour one of the many leaders of African descent currently on the road to sainthood.

Venerable Pierre Toussaint, was a noted philanthropist and the founder of many Catholic charitable works,

He was born into slavery in Haiti and brought from Haiti to New York as an apprentice under a popular hairstylist in the city. During the early 19th century, he became the most sought-after hairdresser in New York. As a result of his fame he became quite wealthy, but instead of spending lavishly on himself, he supported the Church and the poor.

He and his wife sheltered orphans, refugees, and brought the homeless into their home. He founded one of New York’s first orphanages and raised money for the city’s first cathedral. During yellow fever epidemics, Toussaint would risk his life to help others by nursing the sick and praying with the dying.

Let us seek his intercession today, may his prayers and his example inspire us to serve those most in need.

Venerable Pierre Toussaint, pray for us,

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

February 8th: Important work to be done...

This Month is an opportunity for all Canadians to learn about the many contributions Black Canadians have made to Canada.

There are so many powerful stories needing to be told and this month is a opportunity to hear them and make them better known.

But this month is not simply a chance to look back; it is also an opportunity to acknowledge the work that needs to be done in the present, and with God’s grace, shape a future that is free of racism and prejudice.

Let us pray for the grace to lean in; to listen to the challenging stories of courageous black Canadians; to be fully present to what they have to say to us today. May their stories help us rise to the challenges of our times and when their message uncovers important work to be done, may we act.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you. Amen.

February 5th: The Future is now

Did you know that it was 25 years ago that the Government of Canada officially declared February as Black History Month?

This was thanks to the efforts of the Honourable Jean Augustine, the first Black woman federal Cabinet minister.

While this is an important milestone to note – 25 years – we know that Black people have helped to shape communities from coast to coast to coast for more than 400 years, well before this country was even called Canada.

Lord God, You made us all good and equal, but we have allowed divisions to arise between us. Under your guidance, make us a united people; an inclusive and diverse country - a place where everyone has the chance to thrive.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 4th: Blessed Assurance...

Jesus stood with and will always stand with those who are treated unjustly by society. He stood with them as a way of calling his followers to stand with those most in need. For many Black Canadians, His choice to stand with the excluded, the oppressed and the suffering is the soul of traditional freedom songs and gospel music.

In times heartbreak, crisis and deep struggle, these musical prayers sing of God's infinite love for the world and each person in it.

For prayer this morning, I invite you to listen to "Blessed Assurance" performed by Cece Winans.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

(Click the video above to listen to Blessed Assurance)

February 3rd: "The Real McCoy"

From the underground railroad to an actual railroad engineer, meet Elijah McCoy. Born in Colchester, Ontario in 1844. Recognized for his extraordinary intellect he was sent to study mechanical engineering in Scotland and the age of 15.

After graduating, he signed on to the Michigan Central Railroad where he developed new designs to help the steam engines move more quickly and efficiently. His first invention was the oil-drip cup. Often imitated, but never duplicated, his invention became known as “The Real McCoy,” an expression we still use today when referring to something that's the real deal -- the genuine article.

Like Elijah McCoy we have all received talents, but so many of us are not aware of it. So Lord, help us to discover our talents and use them to make things better for the people around us. And when we are tempted to live as photocopies, helps us remember that we are all born as originals, the genuine article, the real McCoy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Like Elijah McCoy we have all received talents, but so many of us are not aware of it. So Lord, help us to discover our talents and use them to make things better for the people around us. And when we are tempted to live as photocopies, helps us remember that we are all born as originals, the genuine article, the real McCoy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

February 2nd: "I’m going to hold steady on You, an’ You’ve got to see me through."

Harriet Tubman is a name that many of us are familiar with. She led hundreds to freedom as the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad (an elaborate and secret network of safe houses organized for that purpose.)

Harriet has been referred to as the nineteenth century “Moses”. Having been enslaved herself, she freed roughly 300 slaves by bringing them to Canadian soil. Hundreds of their descendants remain in the country to this day. In fact, within Tubman’s own family tree, scholars estimate that there are roughly 100 descendants living in Ontario and British Columbia.

Harriet never lost a single person along the Underground Railroad and she herself attributed her success to her deep belief in God.

This is the prayer she prayed as she began to engineer one of her most daring escapes: I’m going to hold steady on You, an’ You’ve got to see me through.

Lord, We give thanks for this amazing woman. Help us to hold steady onto you right now. In the face of adversity, help us to call on you everyday just as she did.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I’m going to hold steady on You, an’ You’ve got to see me through.

February 1st: So many beautiful stories needing to be told...

February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month. This Month is an opportunity for all Canadians to learn about the many contributions Black Canadians have made to Canada.

There are so many beautiful stories needing to be told and this month is a wonderful chance to hear them and make them better known.

But this month is not simply a chance to look back; it is also an opportunity to acknowledge the present, and with God’s grace, shape the future.

Let us pray for the grace to lean in; to listen to the inspiring stories of courageous black Canadians; to be fully present to what they have to say to us today. May their stories help us rise to the challenges of our times and when their message uncovers important work to be done, may we act.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you. Amen.

January 28th.mp4

January 28th: Overcome all Fear...

It’s tempting to get defensive and stop reading the bible because we fear God is going to ask us for something we’re not prepared to give.

January 27th.mp4

January 27th: Dwell in my Word...

The words of Jesus are like a room you can walk right into, close the door and find yourself standing in the middle of God’s Heart.

In this place God is all yours...

January 26th.mp4

January 26th: The word Spoken to Us

Jesus chose to speak with those furthest from the center to tell us too that no one is far from God’s heart.

I think that’s why a lot of people have fallen in love with the Words of Jesus. His words have brought them closer to understanding the heart of God.

January 25th.mp4

January 25th: The Word of God

During this week dedicated to the word of God, keep an open bible on your desk (or make it a tab in your web browser). Open it to one of the Gospels and whenever you feel like it, just browse through it casually. Skim over the pages and let yourself be drawn into the story of Jesus who comes to speak with us.

January 22nd.mp4

January 22nd: Given

In being given, we discover that the real question is not “What can we offer each other, but “Who can we be for each other?”

January 21st.mp4

January 21st: Broken

Sharing our deep struggles with someone we trust is often a sign of a deep friendship and a big part of the reason why that friendship is so deep.

January 20th.mp4

January 20th: Blessed...

To bless someone, literally means to say good things or speak well of them. Jesus wants to bless us. Believe it or not, he has something good to say about us.

Facing the Day.mp4

January 19th: Facing the day…

The first thing Jesus does with our daily offering is lift his face to heaven and pray. Jesus isn’t just looking up at the sky. He's linking our small gift to his plan and purpose; he’s deliberately working our small offering into God’s loving plan for the world (even if our world right now is limited to the few people we live with).

January 18th.mp4

Make Me/Us Part of the Blessing that Someone Needs this Week...

Whatever goodness God has in mind for the week; whatever blessing we need get through the week ahead, you need to know that you're part of it.

January 15th .mp4

January 15th: Letting ourselves be transformed by our discoveries.

Happy Friday,

As we look back at this week, what we learned about ourselves, the encounters we had, the fresh starts we needed each day, hopefully we’re beginning to see the gentle ways God is present and involved in our daily lives.

If we’re open to it, perhaps we’re beginning to see how God is trying to speak to us through these discoveries.

As time goes on, I think we’ll begin to see that we’re being shaped, or as the bible says, pruned by these discoveries. Like a gardener, God is leading us to remove the things that prevent growth and encouraging us to explore new areas of growth. By these gentle means, so gentle that we might not even notice, God is patiently transforming us.

Maybe you’ve discovered a habit, an inner attitude or: something that has been getting in your way this week. Let us ask God to prune it and may we find the freedom to let it go.

Maybe you’ve discovered an opportunity to grow, an insight or inner desire to pursue something more fully, let us ask God to clear the path to growth and may we find even more desire to set out on the next step of our journey.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust in you.

January 14th.mp4

January 14th: When our journey leads to prayer...

“I do not call you servants any longer…

but I have called you friends” (Jn 15:15)

Yesterday we spoke of discovering our limitations and the reassuring possibility of always being able to start over. There’s nothing like making a fresh start. Pausing to pray together each morning is another way to make a fresh start.

Sometimes we have the desire to pray, but for whatever reason, we feel unable to. It’s then that praying together can help. In prayer we can feel united in our hopes and struggles. In these times we discover that prayer strengthens the bonds of friendship with God and others.

Let us pray,

Jesus, you have called us friends. You taught us to pray so that we might know you as a friend. You taught your disciples to pray because you wanted to introduce everyone to that which is most precious to you: your relationship with the Father. Send your Spirit into this moment of common prayer. Gather us together as one, reveal the Father’s love to us and strengthens our bonds of friendships.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 13th.mp4

January 13th:

When our Limitations Lead to a New Beginning...

“Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12b)

Yesterday we spoke of encounters; these life-giving moments prepared for us by God. But living together isn't easy, especially when people are stressed, tired or anxious. In these moments living together brings us face to face with our own limitations; when patience, gentleness and kindness stop flowing. But it's in these moments that God nudges us to make a new beginning.

Asking someone if we can start over is powerful. A little honesty and humility is often all it takes to restart the flow of goodness and rebuild the sense of momentum that allows us to start moving forward again.

Let us pray,

Jesus you understood the difficulty of living together, so you opened for us a way to start over. In your compassion you lead us to countless new beginnings. So when the flow of human love slows, may your love open a new way for life and love to circulate again. We trust that when we love each other with our strengths and weaknesses, it is then that you are surely in our midst.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 12th:

When a discovery lead to an encounter...

“Abide in me as I abide in you” (Jn 15:4)

Yesterday we reflected on how journeys, even unexpected ones, hold the promise of discovery. But every once in awhile a simple discovery turns into something more, it turns into an encounter.

For example, encounters happen when a simple meeting turns into a real moment of connection with someone who simply gets us or understands what we're going through. It happens when we come to a place of insight that allows us to rest and relax. It happens when we come to see things in a way that makes us more gentle or compassionate with ourselves or others.

You can always tell that you’ve come to a place of encounter because you don't want to leave. You just want to hang out in this place for as long as you can.

Even though we can’t make these encounters happen, we can make the most of them when they do. Encounters need to be pondered and unpacked; we need to make time for them to move from our head to our heart; to let them settle in and become part of us.

Everytime we bring our discoveries to prayer, take a moment to reflect on the meaning of our journey; everytime we share a part of our journey with someone we trust or put our discoveries into practice, we experience the depth of an encounter that God has had in mind for us all along. Little by little these encounters can reveal God’s loving plan for us.

So may your discoveries turn into encounters. And when they do, may you allow yourself to simply hangout with God and savour these moments. May you allow the goodness of every encounter to work its way deep into your life.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 11th.mp4

January 11th:

When a Journey Leads to a Discovery...

“Go to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1-4

Last week certainly upset our familiar routines and placed us on journey to a "new" place. Where the journey will take us and what lies ahead is somewhat unclear. But I'm hopeful, journeys always carry the promise of discovery. For example, what did discover about yourself last week? Maybe it was something you already knew, but after last week you came to appreciate it at a whole new level. So looking back, what did you came to appreciate a little bit more because of last week?

This week is going to be filled with many prayers for unity, especially among Christians. This week is dedicated to Christian unity. That means millions of prayers will be prayed for us this week. And the people of world could certainly use our prayers too.

I thought we'd begin this week reflecting on our spiritual roots, our spiritual origin story and where our faith journey began.

It all begins with an encounter between Abraham and God. Abraham heard the call: “Go to the land I will show you.” And like Abraham, we are being asked to leave that which is familiar and go to the place that God has prepared for us. It's not somewhere out there, it's a place in the depths of our hearts. It may seem hard to believe, but along the way we will become more and more ourselves; we will become more and more the people God has wanted us to be from the beginning. And by following the call to journey, we will become a blessing for our loved ones, our neighbours, and the world.

So this week I ask God's Blessing upon you. That you would be the person God is calling you to be and that you would answer the call to be a blessing to the people around you.

January 8th: Before our day begins, we come to rest in you...

We experience the full weight of our troubles when we try to carry them alone. We might be convinced that we have to look out for ourselves because no one else will. We might even think we deserve the burdens we carry. But Jesus showed a special concern for the weary and the heavy burdened. He called them to draw near and find rest in him.

Let us pray,

Lord God you see everything we endure. You know every the burdens we carry and our deep need to find rest. In this moment of quiet, before our day begins, we come to rest in your company; we choose to let go of the belief that we must carry our burdens alone. We place every worry, irritation, and concern before you and ask you to take care of everything. We choose to leave our troubles with to you so that we might enjoy this day to the fullest. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 7th: We believe that Jesus will give us his peace in proportion to our confidence in Him...

Father through your Son you taught us not to be fearful of tomorrow, but to commit our lives to your care. Send us the Spirit of confidence and help us find peace after these days of trouble.

Let us pray for a renewal of total and unshakable confidence.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we pace our trust in you.

January 6th: The Feast of Epiphany

One of the ornaments of the Christmas season is the star. It is a symbol of the star followed by the Magi to find the newborn king. The star pointed to the one who would become a guiding light for all who follow him. Jesus is the star that remains always before us. He is the star that reveals it's light to us wherever we go.

Let us pray,

Lord you are the light that shines constantly on our path; you are the beautiful light of love given to this world to lead us to safety. In this season be our star and may we discover the infinite love of God that surrounds us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 5th: Be Gentle with Yourself...

Dear Friends how important it is to be gentle with ourselves. And how often we move in the opposite direction. Jesus said to love our neighbors as ourselves. Perhaps he meant to suggest that our first neighbor is really ourselves. He knows that if we can't be gentle with ourselves, it will be difficult to be gentle with others as well. So let us seek the gift of gentleness so that we might be gentle with ourselves and everybody else.

Lord when we grow angry or impatient with ourselves, infuse our thoughts and our feelings with your gentleness. Heal all self-inflicted wounds and whisper to our hearts: "Rest now, be gentle with yourself, be gentle."

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

January 4th: New Year’s Blessing...

Dear friends, the holy days of Christmas and the recent feast of Epiphany celebrated this past Sunday reveal the good news that our hearts need to hear over and over again,especially in these challenging times...God is with us. Even when circumstances would lead us to believe otherwise, God is nearby.

These holy days do not remove the reality of the challenges we face, rather they renew our trust in the reality of Jesus who is living at our side every day to enlighten, strengthen and set us free.

Let us pray.

Lord of all kindness and encouragement, bless our community, our neighborhoods and our parishes throughout this coming year. May your Spirit of wisdom and good counsel be sensed among us and may your peace accompany us. Make us a people of hope so that we might be a source of comfort for those most in need. Ready our hearts to support one another with patience and kindness. Nourish our spirits with the inner strength we need most at this time and renew our confidence in your abiding goodness.

Watch over us, keep us safe and bless us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

What to expect this Christmas...

In the book of the prophet Isaiah we read a beautiful description of what to expect this Christmas:

“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Lord God, as your children, never have we needed your joy and peace more than now. You promise rest for the weary, peace for the anxious, and healing for the broken hearted. In this Christmas season, release all the joy, all the happiness; the stockpile of good things that have been held back by our personal troubles and world events. Give us a calm and quiet spirit. Show us again the beauty of that holy night so long ago.

As we think upon your birth, we thank you that your love for us never changes, never fades, and that you never abandon the purposes for which You came. In the coming days, be for us a Wonderful Counsellor, a Mighty God, an everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace.

Hold on to all that God has already done and allow it to bless us today...

Today we reflect upon the ways that God has already been present in our lives.

It’s easy to quickly forget all the good things that have already happened. Advent is a time to hold on to all that God has already done and allow it to bless us as we go about our day and lead us to greater hope for tomorrow.

This Advent we pray for:

  1. Openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance.

  2. A genuine awareness of God's grace in our life and the humility to extend that grace to others.

  3. The passion to pursue reconciliation and justice.

Joyful praise is the essence of pure prayer...

As we prepare for the celebration of Christmas we give thanks not only for the many gifts we enjoy, but above all for the goodness of God. Greater than any gift is the giver who give us all good things. It is our highest joy to celebrate God's goodness. Joyful praise is the essence of pure prayer.

This Advent, let us pray for...

  1. Confidence in God's love for us and trust in His power to work things out for the best in our lives.

  2. A clear mind and the ability to clearly communicate what we need and what value most to others.

  3. For single heartedness and focus on what matters most, so we can grow and open ourselves to God more fully.

We rejoice in bringing joy to others...

In this week dedicated to joy we rejoice in the talents and gifts we have received to bring joy to others. May God bless our community with the gift of joy as we...

  1. Pray for an enlivened imagination that helps brings creativity and beauty into the world.

  2. Pray for the inner freedom from all that weighs us down- past mistakes, fears, old habits, the hurts we carry, and more.

  3. Pray for the capacity to celebrate and savour the good and a unshakable sense of humor.

Welcome the gift of joy that come from knowing that God is near to us...

As we begin the third week of Advent, we are invited to rejoice in the good things God has done for us. Joy is the theme of this week. Even in the midst of all we still need to do; no matter our circumstances or situation, let us welcome the gift of joy that come from knowing that God is near to us.

Let us...

  1. Pray for the grace to be able to rest; to become aware of God's presence, and enjoy it.

  2. Pray for strong relationships and deeper bonds within our community.

  3. Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.

Desire more, not less...

Here's a few more things pray for this Advent:

  1. Pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God's presence, and enjoy it.

  2. Pray for strong relationships with other people in the bond of a loving community.

  3. Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.

Advent Simplicity....

The beauty and power of Advent often get lost amid the bustling activity that fills the Christmas season. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you seek a simpler life; a less complicated life, the season of Advent can help. Advent focuses us on what matters most; and challenges us to let go of what doesn’t matter as much as we thought. Here is a list of three things to pray for this Advent:

  1. Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things.

  2. Pray for opportunities to regularly learn or discover something new.

  3. Pray for discernment of how God would lead you to set your priorities and ask for the grace to focus on them consistently.

This Advent, we are grateful...

Lord, in this season of Advent you are showing us where we are needed and strengthening us in our efforts to love; you are using us to bring comfort and joy to the places where they are needed most; you are helping us to see the beauty and dignity of each person. In this season of giving you have let us not just speak of justice, but have led us to act in just ways and under the guidance of your Spirit you are changing us in ways that are changing the world around us.

We are grateful to take part in building your kingdom; we are grateful that during this holy season of Advent you give us a vision of your world as your love would have it.

This Advent, we call to mind your presence within us and around us...

God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, this Advent, we call to mind your presence within us and around us. Open our ears that we may hear your Word. Open our hearts that we may understand your Word. Open our eyes so that we might celebrate all that is life-giving; restore hope where it has been lost, and work to bring about change where it is needed. May we be faithful to you in our daily choices and decisions. May we make your love known through our words and actions. Amen.

Fill us with the desire to change ourselves in a way that will change the world...

Spirit of God, We have heard your call to share in building up the Kingdom of God. Fill us with the desire to change ourselves in a way that will change the world. Enflame our passion for service into a commitment to address unjust situations and structures. Deepen our concern for our sisters and brothers who endure the burdens of poverty, war, exploitation and persecution. Let us enthusiastically play our part in your mission of solidarity and service.

Help us to notice one another, to speak words of comfort and encouragement...

Heavenly Father, we pray for the poorest and most vulnerable in our communities and among us. But, let us not just speak of justice, but let us act in just ways. Help us to notice one another, to speak words of comfort and encouragement to one another and to reach out in friendship and service.

Speak Lord your Servant is Listening...

Father, we come before you in trust. At the start of our day we pause to pray; to abide with you. Even when we struggle to stand still or find it difficult to express ourselves in words, we do not lose hope. You know us well. You understand our needs at this time. We stand still to allow you to meet with us and care for us. We come to you in the quiet of our hearts to receive your assistance. We fall silent so that we might hear what you have to whisper to us. With all those who wait upon your word, we say, "Speak Lord your servant is listening."

Pierce the pettiness of prejudice so that we can see the beauty and dignity of each person....

Lord Jesus, look with tender mercy upon the multitudes in our day who bear the indignities of poverty and injustice. Raise up leaders in every place who are dedicated to Your standards of service. We seek the grace to share in your work of serving the most vulnerable and forgotten among us. Pierce the pettiness of prejudice so that we can see the beauty and dignity of each person. Guide us to a meaningful understanding of the challenges faced by the poor, the oppressed and the unemployed. Guide our hearts to a place of humble service; to a place of concern for those we seek to support.

Advent Blessing:

May this season of waiting be filled with more desire, not less. May we allow God to see us just as we are, and whenever we don't feel well enough to wait, may God's faithfulness awaken our faithfulness. May our hearts be stirred to celebrate even while we wait and may this Advent remind us that something truly beautiful has already arrived. Amen.

Grant us, Lord God, a vision of humanity as your love would have it:

Grant us, Lord God, a vision of humanity as your love would have it: a big family where the poor are protected; where the riches of creation are shared, where everyone lives in harmony and respect.

Use us to bring comfort and joy to the places where they are needed most....

O Lord, open our eyes that we may see the needs of others; open our ears that I may hear their cries; open our hearts so that their needs will be met; show us the places where hope and help are needed this season. Use us to bring comfort and joy to the places where they are needed most.

Be our strength, our courage and our guardian this day...

Lord, we praise and adore you for your abundant goodness. All your works are wonderful. Help us to rest in you, to rely on you and surrender all things to you. We place our hopes, our prayers and all our efforts of this day into your hands. Father God, you are good. all good, supremes good, you are enough for us. Be our strength, our courage and our guardian this day.

Show us where we are needed and strengthen us in our efforts to love...

Grant us, Lord God, a vision of your world as your love would have it: a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry; a world where the riches of creation are shared, and everyone can enjoy them; a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect; a world where peace is built upon justice and guided by love. We are grateful to take part in building your kingdom; show us where we are needed and strengthen us in our efforts.

Awaken our sense of wonder and revive our capacity for discovery...

We believe that faith and reason are both gifts. You can’t replace one gift with the other, just like you can’t replace the gift of sight with the gift of hearing. Both offer us the insight into reality in different, but complementary ways.

Lord direct our learning today. Awaken our sense of wonder and revive our capacity for discovery. Help us to perceive the deeper meaning of our existence and to interpret the events of our lives in the light of faith and reason. Each day brings us new reasons to give thanks for the rich heritage of faith and understanding handed down to us by our teachers and mentors.

Give us back what was stolen; heal what was broken...

Lord when our dignity is trampled; when our identity is attacked; when our sense of worth is called into question by acts of bullying, teasing, name calling or gossip, it's tempting to take these experiences deep into our hearts where they continue to lie to us, rob us of hope and make us feel worse. Help us to bring the fear and pain that these experiences have caused out into the open and into our prayer. As we lay out feelings before you, speak the truth of our situation to us; give us back what was stolen; heal what was broken. You are a shield around us; you are the true source of our significance and worth; you are the lifter of our heads, you keep our heads high. (c.f. Psalm 3)

Lord, reshape the feelings that keep us from praying into something fruitful, even prayerful.

Lord, when people abuse their power or use their privilege at the expense of others, we are tempted to give into anger and resentment. When anger and frustration would drive us far from you, may these same feeling lead us to a more authentic prayer. In the Psalms we find examples of prayer that show us that it's okay to approach God with intense feelings; it's okay to be angry about the way the world is, it's even okay to be upset with all the inconsistent and broken ways humans fail to make things right. In these moments. we ask the Lord to use the same feelings that keep us from praying and to reshape into something fruitful, even prayerful.

Fed by true Friendship...

Lord we pray for those who are caught in the trap of thinking only about themselves. We pray for those whose hunger for social status and popularity prevent them from being fed by true friendship. Lead all of us to a place of real freedom and connection. Guide us to stand up for what is right even if it is not popular. Help us to look out for the good of others as if it were our own. Amen.

Restore our heart by making them more like yours...

Lord, we pledge this week to showing kindness; to supporting one one another and doing all that we can to undo the harmful effects of bullying.

Lord, we pray for those who feel overwhelmed and silenced by their circumstances. We pray for those who feel no one is listening. For those who feel it would be pointless to speak up or call out for help. Lord help us to call out in hope. Silence the inner voices that discourage us from leaning on one another. In these times, let us hear your voice; a voice of reassurance and empathy; a voice that enables us to take heart. This week, restore our hearts by making them more like yours so that we might help one another, even if it means having to stop what we’re doing to stand still and listen to one another.

We Welcome this New Day...

Almighty Father, you have brought us to the light of a new day. Bless us with the gift of faith, unshakable hope and unlimited love for you and the people around us. We trust that you will lovingly provide all that we need for the day ahead. May the days challenges not overwhelm us; its circumstances not discourage us, and in all things may we remember that you are with us. With humility, generosity and perseverance, we welcome this day.

Watch over us and keep us at close to you and thoughtful of one another the whole day through.

Prayer for the Fallen...

O God of truth and justice, we hold before you those whose memory we cherish, and those whose names we will never know. We pray for the fallen, those who remember them, those who serve in the armed forces, especially those in danger this day. Help us to lift our eyes above the torment of this broken world, and grant us the grace to pray for those who wish us harm. As we commemorate this Remembrance Day, may we put our faith in you; for you are the source of peace, life and hope, now and forever. Amen.

Guide and lead us...

Lord God we place before you the needs of our world and the needs of our community. Continue to watch over us and guide us. Bring wisdom to our leaders and health care workers. Give understanding to scientists. Provide caregivers with a renewal of compassion and generosity. Bring healing to those who are ill and protect those who are most at risk. Comfort the weary. Stabilize our routines and unite us in our daily efforts to care for one another. Bless the week ahead, fill it with good things and lead us to discover new reasons to give thanks always.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

Lord, We Remember...

Lord, as we start this week, we acknowledge your goodness and the gift of this day. Watch over us this week and guide our efforts. Sustain us in our studies and direct all things to a fruitful conclusion.

Bless our community and bless all those we hold in prayer. During this week of remembrance, we pray for souls of the fallen and we remember their sacrifice.

Watch over our family Lord...

Creator God, source of all goodness and grace, pour out a ray of your blessing and favor on our friends and family, our teachers, all members of the maintenance and administration team. Watch over and protect the entire Sacred Heart School family.

Heal the wounds of the past and restore our human family to wholeness...

God of all nations, you love all people without exception or partiality. As we reflect on nation to nation relationships between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities, please heal the wounds of the past and restore our human family to wholeness. We seek to live more justly and care for all our neighbours equally and without hesitation. Let a spirit of reconciliation and service rest upon us and guide us.

Walk Humbly...

God our Creator, walk with us, help us to us walk together in unity and peace, and help us to walk gently upon this land. We ask for a spirit of deep respect for our common home. Help us strengthen our understanding and connection to the gift of creation. Gather all people of the earth; unite us in humility and truth and lead us to walk humbly upon this land in solidarity with one another.

Prayer for Justice and Healing... (Treaty week Nov. 1-7)

Creator of all, we are grateful for the rich heritage of our country and the bounty of this land. We pray that our government with the support of all Canadians will continue to honour the treaties created long ago. Help us overcome our blindness to injustice and deafness to cry of our brothers and sisters. Help us overcome indifference and cynicism so that we might hear the voice of our indigenous brothers and sisters when they speak out against injustice and inequality. We pray for the wounded and suffering among us.

Prayer for All Souls Day...

Today we celebrate the Feast of All Souls. On this day of memorial, many visit the graves of their ancestors and pray for those they mourn. But this day is more than a spiritual family reunion. All Souls Day expresses a longing for a deeper bond with our heavenly Father; for the ultimate reunion of all God’s family in heaven.

May the prayers of the church on earth and those of the saints in heaven assist our departed brother and sisters to enter the fullness of God’s holy presence.

In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters. In this life you embraced them with your tender love; deliver them now from every evil and bid them enter the fullness of joy in your presence.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

Give us a Pure and Trusting Heart...

Jesus give us your grace; give us the gift of a pure and trusting heart so that we can see you as you really are; give a heart that is free of worry, distraction, discouragement and all heaviness. Give us all that we need to be fascinated by you; to be wholeheartedly devoted to your love and the way you love. We offer you anything that stands in the way of a truly loving and trusting heart. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Nudge me gently when I get caught up in myself...

Lord God, walk with us today. Speak peace into our hearts. Give us an a share in your unending patience when it comes to understanding and responding to one another. Help me to slow down and notice others. When I’m in so much of a hurry to get my own stuff done; when I forget to stop and notice what’s going on with everyone else, nudge me gently. Nudge me when I get caught up in myself. I know that I need my family and friends, and that they need me. Thank you for the opportunity to show your love and care for one another.

Prayer for Guidance

We pause now thoughtful and aware. We pray for guidance and light. We pray for openness of mind and heart. Lord be with us. Let your Spirit of good counsel rest upon us. We desire your wisdom. Teach us and remind us of all that we need to know. We thank you that you are constantly at work within the circumstances of our lives, drawing us closer to understanding your ways and the way we must go. Direct us now as we offer you our work on this day. Let it bear fruit now and in the life to come.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you.

Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything...

Father, we praise and adore you for your abundant goodness. All your deeds are wonderful. Help us to rest in you, to rely on you and surrender all things to you. We place our hopes, our prayers and all our efforts of this day into your hands. Father, you are good. all good, supremes good, you are enough for us. Be our strength, our courage; our guardian and defender.

Father I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.

Jesus I surrender myself to you, take care of everything,

Holy Spirit I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.

For more information look up the Novena of Surrender by Don Dolindo

Student's Prayer (an adaptation of a prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas)

Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know You, a heart to seek You, wisdom to find You, conduct pleasing to You, courage to trust in You, faithful perseverance in waiting for You and a hope of finally embracing You. Amen.

It is Jesus you Seek when you Dream of Happiness...

Today we remember Saint John Paul II. Long before Pope Francis earned the nickname, St. John Paul II was known as “the people’s pope.” St. John Paul II recognized the value of modern travel and mass media in spreading the Gospel and a global message of good will. Travelling to more than 130 countries, he used his personal visits to reinvigorate local church communities and canonized more saints than any pope in history. In 2002, he visited Canada for the third and final time. On the last day of his visit, 800,000 young people crowded Downsview Park in Toronto for an extraordinary outdoor mass. Praised for his strengths, accomplishments and personal holiness, he was canonized in 2014.

Let us pray,

God of love, you strengthened Saint John Paul II with a passion to reach the people of the of the world, especially the young. Speaking to young people he said, “It is Jesus you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you when nothing else satisfies; he is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is he who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world a more human place.” May these words be our prayer today as we seek to live the example of Saint John Paul II.

Ready to Receive...

Father we come before you in trust and gratitude, knowing that you care for us and that you make yourself available at every moment. You know the burdens we carry; in your mercy you are drawn into the depth of our struggles. Nothing is hidden to you. No person, no situation, no matter how things appears is beyond your reach our your help. In confidence we lift up our prayers to you. Reassure us and strengthen us in hope. Although we might hesitate to ask for help, we come to you as children, hopeful and confident; ready to receive your blessing.

Living in Wonder and Awe...

Father, yours is the earth and all its fullness. We stand in awe of all that you have made. The unfolding of the universe and the wonders of the natural world reveal your goodness. Open our hearts to the gift of your divine Presence made visible in creation, and the gift of love made manifest in the people we share life with.

All that is good, all that is beautiful and all that is true comes from you. May the gifts wonder and awe lead us to walk gently on the earth; to live in solidarity with one another and lead us to the joy of lasting communion with you. We offer this prayer to you through Christ our Lord. Amen.

My day begins ...

Lord, my day begins. You have given it to me freely. I want to live it freely by drawing inspiration from You, avoiding criticism and complaint. Give me the grace to serve You in others. Let you peace flow through me.

Lord, I want whatever You want, just how You want it, when You want it.

God has been pursuing this moment with you...

Father, we are grateful and thankful to you and we adore you in this moment. We thank you for pursuing us. We thank you for your reckless love for us. Give us grace today to respond to this love; give us the grace today experience the truth of this love. In this moment, comfort us, console us and heal us. Help us to experience the newness of this day with you, especially in the gift of prayer, in the gift of following you. Bless us and keep us from fear, anxiety and anything that would distract us from you; from the peace your presence brings. Uses every means possible to get our attention; to remind us that you have been pursuing this moment with us simply because you long for our company.

Speak from the Heart: Dear Father...

Dear Father always near us, may your name be treasured and loved, may your plan be completed in us- may your will be done here on earth in just the way it is done in heaven. Give us today the things we need today, and forgive us our sins and impositions on you as we keep forgiving all who in any way offend us. Please don’t put us through trials on our own, but deliver us from everything bad. Because you are the one in charge, and you have all the power, and the glory too is all yours-forever- which is just the way we want it!

Patience is "Faith-Waiting"

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” - Romans 12:12

"Rooted in gratitude and renewed by the goodness of this past weekend we lift up our morning prayer to you.

God, teach us what it means to have faith in times of patience and waiting. When we face prolonged challenges that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. Help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. You set all things in accordance to your time. Remind us to wait patiently, and find peace in your plan. " (adapted from Crosswalk.com)

Prayer of Thanksgiving

In this morning’s prayer we pause to give thanks for all the wonderful things that happen at Sacred Heart. We give thanks for the friends who make us laugh; for the teachers and mentors who never give up on us. We give thanks for all the little details that make our school welcoming and enjoyable; the kindness and patience of the office staff; the countless hours of care shown by our caretakers and the unseen efforts our vice-principals and principal put into making our community stronger.

Litany of Thanksgiving

Thank you, loving Father in heaven, for the amazing grace of the life we share.

Thank You for all the ways You have helped us and intervened on our behalf without us ever knowing.

Thank You for being with us, through the ups and downs of this life.

Thank You for enabling us to rise out of discouragement and walk in joy.

Thank you for science and art and medicine, cell phones, and satellites and all the things that improve the quality of life.

Thank You for all the blessings of life: for family, friends and all those who have helped us along the way.

Lord, I thank You for the wonderful gift of my life. I embrace it as a priceless gift from You.

Thank you for everything.

Closing Prayer

We pray for our world, our city, our church, our leaders and care workers; for the hungry, the homeless and the lonely; for farmers and all who help provide the food and services we rely on; for the sick, those who have died and those who mourn. Father, in your goodness help your people, especially those most in need.

Heavenly Father, thank you for drawing us into this moment of gratitude and thanksgiving. Watch over us and bless this season of Thanksgiving.

Get your Heart in the Game

We've all heard the expression, "Get your head in the game." It means, pay attention, focus on what your doing. Each morning we pause to get our head in the game, and if we take time to focus; if we actually make the effort to pray, our hearts join the game too. When our hearts join the game we're not only paying attention and focused, we're open new insights and experiences.

Lord help us to get our hearts back in the game, help us to push through our shared challenges with trust and to fight off discouragement with hope. Help is discover the hidden graces and unexpected blessings hidden in the familiar features and routines of our day. You promised that if we seek, we we'll find. Our minds are watchful and our hearts long to see every promise fulfilled.

World Teacher Day

The teaching profession is a fundamental part of society. Our teachers know the tremendous potential that enters their classroom each day. Our teachers strive to bring out the best in us. They encourage faith and the pursuit of excellence. In these difficult times, they work endlessly to help every person reach their full potential.

So, today is a day of deep gratitude for our teachers, for the work they do and the difference they make in so many of our lives.

Let us pray...

Loving God, we praise you as always. We thank you for the gift of all the teachers who guide us at Sacred Heart. Some are quiet, centered, and solid as a rock, others are energetic and very passionate. All are good people, doing their very best to open our minds and our hearts to the beauty of both knowledge and faith. Grant them courage, as they work tirelessly through this pandemic. We couldn’t do it without them. We are grateful for their commitment to us; for their care and concern for our well being.

Bless our teachers, Lord. AMEN

Guardian Angels

Today, On october 2nd we honour the work and gift of our guardian angels.

Throughout the bible we see angels carrying God’s messages and supporting people in times of difficulty. Jesus even spoke of the angels watching over the little children gathering around him. Wild and wonderful stories are told of how modern day saints like Padre Pio employed the assistance of guardian angels on many occasions.

Angels are just another part of God's loving plan for our lives. God wants us to experience good things in this life and avoid the traps that might keep us from getting home safely. Knowing the tough road we often face, God lovingly assigns individual guardian angels to serve as trail guides.

Let us pray,

Lord as part of your wonderful plan to get us home safely, you entrusted your holy angels to us. Even though we cannot always see how they intervene and intercede on our behalf, we trust that they do. In times of danger and temptation remind us to call on them. In times of uncertainty and difficult decision making, help us remember their ministry of guidance and inspiration. May our guardian angels stand on guard; be our defence in times of trouble and lead us home to the light of your presence.

Prayer to see God's Gifts

Lord God, You have blessed us with a new day. With every breath and new moment, we feel Your gifts around us. we sense Your compassion as like the sunshine. We recognize Your presence like the wind. Your gifts are plentiful and abundant in this world. Please renew our eyes, so that we can see these gifts with gratitude and joy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Walk gently, walk humbly...

For thousands of years, the Algonquin people have sought to walk gently on this land. We pause to recognize their hospitality and generous spirit. We join our prayers to the prayers of all indigenous peoples from coast to coast to coast.

In this moment, we are reminded of the importance of relationship and the need to come back to togetherness through concrete acts of reconciliation and respect. We believe that what we do impacts those around us and that the effects of our actions can last a long time; for generations in fact. As we look upon the injustices of the recent past, we see the harmful ripple effects that continue to crash down upon indigenous families and young people today. This remains a humbling history. But what we do today, our listening and our learning; our sharing and our exchanges can also can benefit generations to come. God is calling us to act.

Let us pray,

Loving Creator, Creator of all peoples, you love everyone without exception or partiality (you do not play favourites). Heal every wounded heart among us, and restore all creation to wholeness and togetherness. In gratitude, we pledge ourselves to living more justly, living more kindly and most of all walking more humbly with you and one another. Let your Spirit of counsel rest upon us today and guide us in the days to come.

Prayer for "Orange Shirt Day"

On September 30th (also known as orange shirt day) we commemorate the painful history of the residential school experience in Canada. On this day we recommit ourselves to the healing journey of reconciliation with all survivors and their families.

The Residential School System was an attempt to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian society and to educate them in an environment that removed them from their families and their culture.

Today we remember those who have overcome suffering and injustice; those who have stood up to prejudice and discrimination and those who continue to work for dignity and justice with courage and faith.

As we begin our school day, our school community respectfully acknowledges that we are located on the ancestral, traditional, unceded (un-surrendered) indigenous territory of the Algonquin people, on whose territory we pray, learn, play and work.

Let us pray,

God of all nations, you love all people without exception or partiality. Heal the wounds of your people and restore to wholeness the entire human family. We pledge ourselves to living justly and loving all our neighbours equally and walking humbly towards peace and reconciliation. Let your Spirit rest upon us and guide us.

Prayer for Friday

Lord, we thank you for this Friday. Thank You for seeing us through another work week and bringing us to the weekend. We pray that this weekend will be filled with rest, refreshment, and quiet time with you and the ones we love.

We rejoice in the many good things we have lived this week and we trust in your patience and power to forgive in the areas we still hope to improve.

Hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters around the world and walk with us throughout this day.

When it's hard to pray...

Heavenly Father, sometimes it's hard to pray. I forget to thank you for all that is good in my life. No matter my circumstances, your blessings are countless and I am grateful for the gift of this day. At this moment, when I feel less than thankful, I want to thank you for the ability to love and be loved, for the opportunity to see the wonders of creation and in hope I thank you for those things in my life that are less than I would hope them to be.

When things seem challenging, unfair, or difficult, when my heart feels stretched and empty, when I am weary and worn out, I will rejoice that you are as near to me. I will persist in giving thanks.

Sacred Heart of Jesus , we place our trust in you.

Our first appointment of the day...

Lord your steadfast love never ceases, and your mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning. It is our joy to begin each day in prayer; to lift up our needs afresh to you. In faith we know that you will provide enough mercy to get us through all of today’s troubles. In faith we know that our morning prayer is the most important appointment of our day and the first priority on our daily to-do list.

Lord, show us your steadfast love. Provide the new and unique graces that we need for today. Great is your faithfulness. In your unbreakable promises we place our hope.

Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in you

Prayer of Trust

Lord help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together can’t handle. Amen.

Dedication of the Day (prayer for workers by St. Ignatius)

Father, I dedicate this new day to you; as I go about my work. I ask you to bless those with whom I come in contact.

Lord, I pray for all men and women who work to earn their living; give them satisfaction in what they do.

Spirit of God, comfort the unemployed and their families; they are your children and my brothers and sisters. I ask you to help them find work soon. Amen.

Discovering What Hasn’t Changed

Lord God as we gather this morning we give thanks for the gift of this day and gift of those around us.

As we begin this year, we look forward to discovering what hasn’t changed: the faithfulness, the kindness, and generosity of the people around us and where things have changed, we look forward to trying something new, to being surprised; to making new connections and exploring new opportunities.

Help us to recognize the gift we bring to this place. Help us to look out for one another and to always lift each other up; being patient, bearing with one another; being kind and compassionate and forgiving one another.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, We place our trust in you.

God is Already at Work in Your Life

Today we reflect upon the ways that God has already been present in our lives.

It’s easy to quickly forget what God has done. Our goal is to hold on to all that God has done and allow it to bless us as we go about our lives.

Let us pray,

Lord, I know that You have been alive and active in my life in countless ways. Help me to hold on to those gifts of grace always. Help me to let Your presence in my life be a continual source of trust in Your perfect plan. And when it appears as if You have left, help me to know that You are always near and always working in my life.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.

Hope Comes from Remembering

If we are blessed with loving providers and caregivers, we learn to trust. Through their care we begin to see the world as a trustworthy place. If people fail to meet our basic needs we learn to protect ourselves from an untrustworthy world.

God has wired us with a memory. Whenever we discover something that gives us life, we remember it so that we can get it again. This is where hope comes from--- remembering the good things have come our way in the past and that they are likely to come our way again. Our memory works the same way when things are bad. Painful experiences teach us what to avoid and where not to go.

Our memories remind us that life is filled with moments that call for hope and a little shrewdness. Do you need to recall the good things that have come your way in order to give you hope for the days to come? Do you need to recall the dead ends that have proved to be unhelpful in the past in order to avoid making the same mistakes?

Let us pray,

Lord you are with us at every moment, nudging us to trust and grow through the challenges we face. You know our needs at this moment, and we trust you to lead us to the things that satisfy and keep our minds from wandering into discouragement. Help us to handle the challenges of this week with faith and a little shrewdness. Let the gift of memory helps us to serve our best interest and your purposes.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.