
For centuries, Christians have used the four weeks leading up to Christmas to prepare themselves for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. It’s a time to appreciate the gift of his first coming and look forward to his second coming. Let the countdown to Christmas begin!

First Week of Advent

This week we reflect on the theme of hope.

Let's face it, these are challenging times to be an optimist. But the biblical hope invites us into a different way of seeing our circumstances. In the Bible, hope is about waiting, not for our circumstances to change but for God himself. (See Day 1 for a biblical study of hope)

What is Hope?

What is Advent?

A Prayer for Hope

A Song of Hope

Second Week of Advent

This week we explore the theme of peace.

The word "Peace" means different things to different people. It's also a very important word in the Bible that refers not only to the absence of conflict but also to the presence of something else. Biblical peace points to a person; it points to Jesus. (See day 7 for biblical study of "peace.")

What is Peace?

Advent: More than a Chocolate Calendar

Our Advent Anthem

A Prayer for Peace

Peace Came in the form of a Baby (song)

Third Week of Advent

This week we explore the theme of joy.

The unique type of joy to which God’s people are called is more than happy mood, but rather a choice to trust that God will fulfill his promises. (See Day 14 for a biblical study of "joy".)

What is Joy?

Joy Vs. Happiness

A Prayer for Joy

A Joyful Song to Sing

What is Love?

Forth Week of Advent

As we enter the final week of Advent, let’s take a close look and the theme of love. Love is more than a feeling or a figure of speech; love is an action. In the New Testament, love refers to a way of treating people. Redefined by Jesus himself love means seeking the well-being of others regardless of their response. (See day 21 for a biblical study of "love".)

What is Love?

A Prayer to Love

Silent Night


The King has Come!