
The lake was still, tranquil

in the morning light.

I too was still, watching and listening,

What would God say to me today?

A dragonfly danced and darted,

Then rested beside me,

Amber -iridescent in the sun.

Being not doing.

God said I could be like that,

Being not doing,

Receiving his love.

(Hillary Allen)

A meditation on Joy: The things we enjoy are part of what God enjoys about us

Times of stillness wrapped in the gift of childlike wonder make it easier to grasp reality in a way we seldom do – we are immersed in the presence of God. This presence is all around us, deep within us, always embracing us and available to us at every moment. (adapted from Christine Aroney-Sine)

I’m fascinated and comforted by the idea that God is a God of joy; that God enjoys us and that things we enjoy are also the things God enjoys about us.

This means that our favourite pastimes can be creative and contemplative pathways into God’s presence. Ways to welcome God's saving grace into our daily lives.

So whether you enjoy walking in nature, fishing, canoeing (or canoe building), painting, writing, making music or just relaxing on the deck at the cottage, invite Jesus to join you on your walk, invite God to the cottage, take God fishing with you.

Let us pray,

Lord our God, you have come to live among us, your presence is all around us, deep within us, always embracing us and available to us at every moment.

You sing and rejoice over us. May the sound of your joyful song lead us into moments of child-like wonder and joyful rest. May our pastimes lead us to delight in your company, this life, this place, this time (moment by moment) is incredible.

D.I.Y. Retreat

For the times you need more than a holiday, here's a short guide to creating your own personal retreat.

Jesus asks: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out by work ? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

(cf. Matthew 11:28-30)

Holidays and retreats have a lot in common: rest, relaxation a change of scenery or a nice destination, but it's only on retreat that we find the rest and growth we long for. If you think you need more than a holiday; if you're longing for deep rest and renewal; if your heart is crying out for something more, something more than a holiday, then get away with the one who made you; learn the unforced rhythms of grace; learn to live freely and lightly again.

Your heart's desire is itself God's personal invitation.

How to create your own

personal retreat.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Get creative with what you've already got at home. A comfy chair, your backyard or even your room, any quiet and distraction-free space will do. Click here for a short guide to create your own d.i.y. retreat.

School Based Retreats

We're always looking for creative ways to enjoy much needed times of refreshment and reflection throughout the year.

7&8 Student Retreat Experience:

Offered annually to all 7& 8 Students (dates and format to be announced)

A retreat experience is an opportunity to step back from the regular routines to reflect on how we are doing and where we are at. It’s an opportunity to be refreshed spiritually and find new inspiration for daily life. Retreats are meant to be enjoyable and meaningful and so they offer a blend of active and reflective experiences. All grade 7&8 students are offered this yearly opportunity.

9 to 12 Student Retreat Experience:

Offered each semester (dates and format to be announced)

This event is a day-long retreat for those who feel they are being lead to get closer to God. If you're interested in spending the day in the company of a supportive group of young people seeking to a deeper relationship with God, please contact the chaplaincy office for more information.

Staff Retreat Experience:

Offered each semester (TBA)

This retreat is an overnight retreat for OCSB staff held at the Galilee Center in Arnprior. The retreat begins in mid-evening and ends the following day in the early afternoon. Guided by Chaplaincy leaders from across the School Board, participants will be invited to slow down and enter into a deeper awareness of God’s presence already at work in their lives.

Note: 2-3 spots are allocated per participating high school please see chaplaincy leader for details

Retreat Houses

The Divine Mercy Center

Time away from time – a place where the heart can beat free, the mind expand and the body find rest. Come anytime of the year to read, relax and pray