The Fourth Week of Lent (Mar 14th. to Mar. 20th)

"I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."

Psalm 139:14

The Gift of Delight

Note: The fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally known as "Laetare" Sunday, which translates as "Rejoice" Sunday.

The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."

Zephaniah 3:17

I’m convinced that everyone needs a chance to discover God’s delight for them. We all need to know the answer to the question: What does God enjoy about me? What is it about me that brings joy to God’s heart?

Don't worry if you can't think of an answer right away, God's answer is in many ways already part of you. It's part of what you naturally enjoy and what others enjoy about you too. As we open up to the possibility that God's not only loves us but actually enjoys us, our hearts will melt with joy.


Q. What excites your interest, what makes you smile, what do you enjoy? What is it about you that makes others smile?

Make a list. Doodle around each word as it comes to mind. Don't overthink it. You might even try indulging your left brain by making an acrostic poem with your name . For every letter, list something that brings you joy.

As you ponder the list, allow yourself to wonder: Is this part of how God made me? It it possible that what I enjoy is what God enjoys about me? Is it possible that each time I enjoy this gift I bring joy to God's Heart? Make a plan to enjoy something on your list this week. Invite God to delight in it with you.

Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest

Here a list of compassion games to play this week.

Try to pick one from each category.

Emotional self-Care

■ Learn to say “no.”

■ Intentionally schedule “down time” or “me time” on your calendar or planner.

■ Reward yourself for completing small tasks.

■ Use online tutorials to learn something new.

■ Develop a relaxing evening ritual.

■ Try some mindful exercises to help bring you into the present moment.

■ Try some coloring or doodling as a form of anxiety and/or stress release.

■ Remind yourself of the good stuff in life by writing a list of things you’re grateful to have.

■ Take a moment to allow your feelings to be present without judging them.

■ Stop being your harshest critic. Focus one something you like about yourself and compliment yourself.

Physical Self-care

■ Do some stretching exercises.

■ Take a walk or go for a bike ride to nowhere in particular.

■ Take a nap.

■ Drink more water.

■ Workout or do something to tire yourself out physically.

■ Spend 10 minutes outside.

■ Go hiking, camping, or backpacking and spend some time in nature.

■ Go to bed early.

■ Get up early.

■ Eat a healthy snack or bake a special desert.

Social self-care

■ Avoid toxic conversations (in person or online).

■ Ask for help. Let people know you need some help.

■ Talk things out with a trusted friend or family member.

■ Choose who you spend your time with today. Spend time with people who are enthusiastic and positive.

■ Reconnect with someone you’ve lost touch with or have unresolved conflict with.

■ Write a positive note and leave it for someone to find.

Edit who I follow on social media.

Spiritual self-care

■ Make time to pray, meditate or sit quietly during your day.

■ read the bible or find an inspirational bible verse and post it where you can see it.

■ Do something nice for someone in secret.

■ Declutter your room.

■ Set up a sacred space in your room.

■ Donate to a charity of your choosing.

■ Help someone in some way (without being asked).

■ Find an opportunity to use your strengths, the things that energize you, more often.

■ Forgive someone (yourself) or ask forgiveness