First Week of Lent: (Feb. 21st to Feb 27th)

The Gift of Desert Eyes

I'm told that when travelers first enter the desert everything seems dull and bland. Everything appears monochromatic. It all looks the same for miles around. At first, people traveling in the desert only see what they expect to see. They see the emptiness; an emptiness that only reminds them of what isn’t there. But as their eyes adjust, as their fears and impulses melt, they receive their “desert eyes”. Eyes capable of seeing fresh bursts of colour almost everywhere they look.

Colour returns to our world when we allow wonder to return.

It's tempting to get caught up in the seriousness of these times; it's super easy to take ourselves too seriously when we're in survival mode, but that's when we need the gift of desert eyes; eyes that find delight in simple things and the things we naturally enjoy.

During our time in the wilderness, during a season that has taken away so many good things, let us allow wonder to return and ask God for the gift of desert eyes this Lent.

Point to ponder:

Q. So, what fills you with wonder? What goosebump producing-moments do you delight in? Is it a favourite place, a certain sight, a painting, a song or particular moment with those you love? Seek out this place and make a little time to delight in it this week. Allow God to look over your shoulder and enjoy it with you.