Lesson ideas

These resources for remote teaching were developed by students in the NYU M.A. program in Teaching Chinese. Many were developed as part of student teaching experiences which suddenly went to emergency remote teaching in early March as a result of COVID-19.

The Chinese Food Culture modules embed Chinese food, and Chinese traditional culture. This website has into two modules: festival with food targeted to novice-mid level Mandarin learners and regional special food targeted to intermediate high-advanced low Mandarin learners.

By Tongtong Hao, Lishu Peng, Shuyu Wang, Wanyu He, Wanheng Zhang

The Qixi Festival module: 《 牛郎织女》的故事 and 中国人怎么过“七夕”节?In the first lesson, students will read the story of Qixi Festival and achieve some language objectives. In the second lesson, they will know more about how Chinese people celebrate Qixi Festival now and discuss the way of celebrating Chinese traditional festivals.

By Xi Li, Yimeng Zhang and Yuzi Gao

The Poems of Four Seasons modules introduces four widely known classic Chinese poems according to four seasons. Students will learn characters, vocabulary, and expressions for describing spring, summer, fall, and winter. With the video, students will experience the meaning and rhythm of classic Chinese poems. They will also practice picturing poetic mental images to understand the beauty of poetry.

By Ruizhe Li, Yuwei Xia, Ziyi Yan

Chinese Powerpoint Games: games for recognizing characters, categorizing, and matching in powerpoint format. Instructions for modifying these powerpoints or creating your own games in powerpoint are also provided.

By Xingyue Yun, Zexian Wang

Pear Deck Lesson: 出行计划. This lesson, created using the Pear Deck application, is supplemented by a lesson plan. Finally you can watch a video presentation discussing the experience of creating and using the Pear Deck lesson plan, including successes and challenges.

By Yunji Zhang, Lili Qian