DCLT Virtual Forum: 

Developing Intercultural Competence (ICC) Through Music: a series

On Intercultural competence is the ability to interact and communicate with people from different cultures in a respectful and effective way. It is the bridge between diversity and inclusion and is key to creating welcoming learning environments for children of all backgrounds. This series of professional development events includes three events focusing on strategies to develop students' intercultural competence through a powerful tool: music. This series is cohosted by China Institute and NYU DCLT. 

The first event of the series: Learn Chinese through Songs; presented by Zhang Hong was hosted in October 3rd

The third event of the series: Developing Intercultural Competence (ICC) Through Music, a discussion of content and pedagogical implications & Project-based learning was hosted on November 13th. 

Pauline Huang & Robin Harvey gave an special presentation on Project-Based Learning through Music and Song. Project-based Learning and songs are useful tools for remote teaching, and for students of all ages. Teachers enjoyed learning about using songs and chants in classrooms and are even leaned about methods to design their own song!

Developing ICC Through Music III.mp4

To view the chat file of this event, click here