Workload Relief/Personal Leave


In order to provide relief to faculty members faced with the additional demands of being the primary care-giver to a newborn child, newly adopted child, new foster care or guardianship placement, or newly-established legal custodial care, New York University's workload relief policy grants one (1) semester of workload relief from classroom teaching and administrative committee work or two (2) semesters of half relief from such duties based on the individual's normal yearly workload at full salary. Workload relief is not considered a leave as faculty members are expected to make themselves available to the extent reasonable and practicable for their customary responsibilities of research, student consultation and advising.

The faculty member's School shall remain financially responsible for the faculty member's salary during the workload relief period. Funding support for hiring appropriate adjunct replacements for workload relief of classroom teaching is provided by a University Workload Relief fund. We welcome Workload Relief applications via OASIS; please review the Workload Relief Policy prior to submitting your request.


Personal Leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Dean for a variety of reasons. A leave of absence for more than seven days requires approval by the Office of the Provost. Women and men may be granted one or more full semesters of leave without pay for compelling personal reasons, such as the care of a seriously ill child, parent, spouse or same-sex domestic partner. Leave by either parent for the purpose of taking care of a child or related activities, as distinguished from inability to work because of pregnancy or childbirth, is treated as personal leave. Faculty members are entitled to all provisions of the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 that are not specifically provided for herein.

For details regarding personal leave, or to apply, please contact Rafael Acevedo, Jr. at or extension 83566.


Parental Bonding Leave may be available for full time faculty whose titles fall in the category of Other Faculty as described in the Faculty Handbook (see also, Faculty Titles).     Please note Bonding Leave does not apply for Tenured/Tenure-Track and Full Time Continuing Contract Faculty. 


Tenure clock stoppage may be granted automatically for up to two separate events, each for a maximum of one academic year or two academic semesters, for the following personal reasons:

Tenure clock stoppage may be authorized during a period of full service to faculty members who are primary caregivers of a child and to primary caregivers of a parent, a spouse, or a domestic partner in a health crisis of extended duration.  A domestic partner qualifies if he or she is registered with the University for benefits purposes. A primary caregiver is defined as "an exclusive caregiver for at least 20 hours during the work week, during the hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.” 

Tenure clock stoppage may be authorized to a faculty member who is granted one or more full semesters of leave for any one of, or combination of, illness/disability leave, maternity leave, or personal leave. Please note request to stop the tenure clock is administered via  OASIS

Tenure clock stoppage for up to two semesters will be granted automatically in the case of a parent primarily responsible for the care of a newborn child, newly adopted child, new foster care or guardianship placement, or newly-established legal custodial care, upon notification to the Chair of the Department or, in the case of Schools without departmental organization, the Dean.  In other cases, a request for tenure clock stoppage will require advance approval by the Office of Faculty Advancement, the Dean and the Office of the Provost.  Requests should be made as early as possible, and when feasible, approvals should be in place no later than the onset of the semester preceding the period of tenure clock stoppage.

Note:  The granting of tenure clock stoppage does not influence granting of tenure in the future.