
Please note AY23/24 applications for faculty leaves/sabbaticals are welcome via faculty self-service in OASIS beginning September 1, 2022.

For details please refer to Faculty Leaves/Sabbaticals. Submissions are due November 1, 2022; please make every effort to ensure all applications are received at the earliest convenience. Sabbatical eligibility is available via OASIS.

Status updates regarding AY23/24 leave applications will be posted via OASIS in early spring; navigate to Faculty Leaves Report under Faculty from the home page.

The report displays details at the department level, and can be sorted, filtered and exported to Excel. Leave types are as follows; terms are outlined here.



Sabbatical Deferral

LWP: Leave with Pay

LWPP: Leave with Partial Pay

LWOP: Leave without Pay

Note that per FAS policy, Goddard leaves are approved pending a positive Third Year Review. In some instances pending applications may display "zero" in the percent column. This will be amended to reflect applicable pay terms upon approval.

Confirmation of external funding, where applicable, will be solicited from individual faculty members. Application status will be further updated following the Dean's review of awards received.

Feel free to email fas.academic.hr@nyu.edu with questions.