Faculty Leaves/Sabbaticals/Workload Relief

To Apply for Sabbatical/Goddard Leave/Personal Leave without Pay/Global Appointment:  

Please note leaves and sabbaticals are administered electronically via OASIS, the (O)-Arts and Science Information System. In addition to leaves and sabbaticals, we are also asking that global appointments that are under discussion for AY24/25 be entered in OASIS. This will be a great help as we would like to capture related plans we were otherwise unaware of. Please note this request is inclusive of NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai, Global Study Abroad Sites, and Washington DC. 

You are invited to submit your application/s for AY24/25 by November 1, 2023 via OASIS using your NYUHome credentials 

We encourage you to discuss your leave/global appointment plans with your Chair prior to applying online.

We welcome electronic submission via OASIS of applications for sabbatical (inclusive of deferral requests), personal leave without pay, Goddard leave and global appointments. Please visit the Arts and Science Sabbatical/Leave page for details regarding sabbatical eligibility rules and terms associated with other type leaves, as well as guidance regarding the application process for Leave Without Pay for Professional Activities. For assistance with requests related to illness, please contact Rafael Acevedo, Jr (ra6@nyu.edu).

Navigate to the Faculty Leaves Section under Faculty from the OASIS home page:

Please select the relevant type of leave/global appointment for which you are applying and fill in the required accompanying details where prompted. Space is available for comments near the bottom of the application. 

Following submission, your request will be reviewed for approval by your Chair and Divisional Dean; sabbatical applications will be subject to final review and approval by the Provost. Should you need to withdraw an application, this option is available via the Faculty Leaves page.

If you are applying for a sabbatical you have the option to write in or copy and paste details of your project description (required) in the expandable field provided. For questions regarding your leave history or eligibility, please use the [?] at the top of the screen or email fas.academic.hr@nyu.edu.

If your tenure review is pending and you anticipate requesting a sabbatical following receipt of tenure we encourage you to submit an application at your earliest convenience.

Should you wish to request a deferral of your sabbatical eligibility, please initiate a sabbatical application, select the deferral option and provide relevant comments.

To apply for more than one type of leave please submit a separate application for each, i.e., one semester of Goddard leave and one semester of personal leave without pay would require two applications.

Please look for an email receipt via your NYU email address to confirm successful submission of your application/s. In the event no receipt is received, please return to OASIS and ensure the "Submit" button has been clicked. 

Note that upon return visits to OASIS, the Faculty Leaves page will show your current requests, if any, for your reference, in which case you can initiate a new request by selecting the green "New Request" button.


For technical assistance with the online application process, please use the [?] button at the top of the screen or the “Request Help” button at the bottom of the application. 

Submission of applications via paper form (available below) is also welcome; please send inclusive of Chair signature to fas.academic.hr@nyu.edu