Full Time Faculty Onboarding

~ New Hires ~

Benefits, Payroll & Fiscal

IT & Payroll Onboarding

Benefits Elections

Onboarding Questions

Teaching & Instructional Technology

Teaching Excellence & Innovation

The Office of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (TEI) is the first stop for Arts & Science faculty looking for support for their teaching, including but not limited to the use of educational technology. The team consults with faculty on questions and projects of all sizes and designs engaging materials and experiences that have the potential to cross departments and disciplines. 

Additional Teaching Services

Computer & Technology Onboarding

Computing & IT Services (CIT)

Computing & IT Services (CIT) provides guidance and recommendations on new computer, printer, and peripheral purchases for full time faculty. Any machine to be covered under the CIT support umbrella should be approved in advance by the Director, A&S/CIT

Academic Life

Academic Appointments

A&S Academic Appointments serves academic populations inclusive of faculty, adjuncts, researchers, post‐docs, visiting scholars, unpaid interns, and research affiliates. Focus areas include:  

Faculty Advancement

The A&S Office of Faculty Advancement is responsible for handling issues concerning full time faculty, specifically those transactions involving initial appointment, third-year reviews, promotion and tenure, and retirement