AP Exams

 May 2025 AP Exams

Dates TBA

Use the link below to view the complete exam schedule and start times for each exam. AP Exams will start at either 7:45 or 11:30 AM. 

Complete Exam Schedule: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/exam-dates/2024-exam-dates*

*dates subject to change


Registration is not complete until all of these steps are complete and payment is received in the Counseling Office. 

Registration Deadlines:

Advanced Placement (AP) EXAMS & College Credit

AP courses give students the chance to try college level work in high school. Thousands of colleges will give credit or advanced placement depending on how well the student scores on the exam.  Usually a score of a 4 or 5 is required. For a list of which colleges accept AP Tests and what scores those schools require please visit the link listed below.
