
This assignment was one of the easier ones. It focused on the composition of the photo versus last assignment where we got to straighten our photos is they were a little off. All though this assignment was easier I still really enjoyed taking the assignment.

The picture to the left shows some great examples of texture. The picture was very balanced in the different textures. The focal point is the Carson circle and you can see the bumps on it as well as you can see the rocks and leaves.

In this picture you can see the texture in the metal and you can see the rocks which add more depth to the picture. You can also see the unity and pattern within the different metal pieces.

The picture to the left has a couple different levels to it. When first looking at the picture your eye first goes to the bolt and you can see the letters on it. Next you can see the washer that connect the metal and the bolt. Finally you can see the different texture in the metal plate and that it has groves in it.