
This assignment was easier then other assignments because we got to choose between old approved photos and taking new photos. I had choose to do half and half because out of the photos that I had I felt they didn't work in black and white. I liked how in this assignment I added different elements we learned from past assignments to use in this assignment.

In the photos above you can see a globe in the school library. the globe is the main focal point of the photo and I'm using the rule of thirds by putting the globe on the vertical third line. I'm also using aperture to make the background blurry and put more emphasis on the globe. I really liked this photo in black and white because when looking at the globe the lines and color green became more emphasized. As well as when you're looking at the photo you can see the swirls in the wood also come out more.

This shot is by my favorite that I've taken for multiple reasons. The placement of the boys are inline with the rule of thirds, proportional and the ball is even in the shot. The thing that stands out to me when comparing the black and white version and the colored one is the dirt. In the black and white version the kicked up dirt is darker and you can see the definition between the dirt coming up and the dirt on the field. Unlike in the colored picture the dirt theres not that much definition. the black and white photo also shows more emphasis on the different colors in there jerseys.

I used a photo I took in informal portraiture of my brother to change to black and white because I thought it took the photo and made it more serious. I changed it to black and white because in the black and white photo the texture on the tree comes out a lot more as well and the shades in the grass. I like how the light shadow's on Zach's face come through in black and white. I also like the change in lighting in black and white.