Fast Shutter Speed

I took the most photos for this assignment the previous ones because I was trying to get the shot at the right moment. This assignment was my favorite so far. These shots where you're capturing the motion of someone or something are super cool.

In the photo to the left you see my brother at the plate batting. While his form is good what makes this picture really cool is that you can see the ball right before it's being hit. You can also see if you follow his right leg, you can see the dirt getting kicked up.

This photo of Duke almost looks like he's floating. The viewers eye goes straight to the focal point (being Duke) and wondering how he's up there. Originally Duke was on the ground but as Duke jumped and crossed his legs, I was able to capture him at the perfect time to look like he was floating.

This photo was by far my favorite that I took because of all the elements in the photo. The viewers eye goes first the dirt being kicked up by Justin (the slider) who is also on the third line following the rule of thirds. The third basemen Zach is also on the first line of the rule of thirds. Finally what I think adds an extra element to the photo is that if you follow Zach's eyes you can see the ball in the frame.