Informal Portraiture

This assignment was one of the most easiest for me as well as one of my favorites. I got all my photos approved the first round. My favorite part of this assignment was that I got to shoot photos of my brother. I got some great photos of him and got to spend some time with him as well.

In this photo my brother is sitting on the slide at our local park. Zach is sitting in the center of the frame and instead of empty space around him the space is filled with the park and the slide. The eye also follows the slide up and you can see where he is.

I loved this photo because you got to see my brothers more serious face. I also used what I learned in the past assignment on aperture and made my background blurred out. Normally portraits are taken vertically but in this case the space is being used and not taking away from the focal point. This picture also makes you wonder what he's looking at.

This photo by far was my favorite because of my brothers facial expression. Zach is in the center of the photo and you can only see from his chest up but, the space is being filled with the slide. Zach is also framed a bit in this photo by the castle slide.