Basic Composition

This assignment taught me about not only how hold a camera and take a picture but, what it is that makes a picture a good picture. Two things that I struggled with this assignment was taking a straight photo and when taking a horizon line I had two much sky. This assignment has given me a really good bases on how to take a good photo and now I can build off of that base in later assignments.

The photo to the left is a good example of the Rule of Thirds. When looking at the photo your eye immediately goes to the trash can. The focal point ,which is the trash can, falls on the intersection on the bottom first line.

The photo to the right is a example of Horizon Line. You can see the line going right across the building leaving about one-third of the picture sky and the rest the building and scenery.

This picture shows an example of leading line. When you look at the picture your eye starts in the bottom left corner and follows the rail to the walkway where it then leads you to the focal point of the door.