My Best Shots

This photo has really cool silhouettes and shapes and patterns

The buttons in this photo have a cool texture and variety in shapes

This photo has a cool and prominent focal point that bisects the photo

The movement in this photo gives it a unique element

This photo has a strong focal point that brings the eye directly towards it

This picture of my dog, Appa, has a strong focal point and the colors of his coat adds unity to the similar colors in the background

The repetition and different shapes gives the photo both variety and a pattern

The bike has a cool color that pops amongst the neutral colors

This photo has a lot of geometric properties that gives the photo a sense of unity

The contrasting shapes of the shadows adds a cool element to the pattern of the objects

The bright colors in this photo makes it pop and adds variety

The neutral and grey tones of the tire adds a lot of variety

The repetition of the stacked chairs is interesting because it is not a constant repetition

This photo of Appa has a lot of character because my dog is looking off to the side

The different shades coming from the glasses adds a new twist to the basic photo of glasses