Basic Composition

This assignment was a lot harder than I expected. I realized that photography is more than just taking a photo on a camera. You have to look for something interesting and unique and make sure that the photo is well balanced and straight. I had to take a lot of photos of the same thing because some of them were crooked, too busy, or there was no focal point. This assignment taught me a lot about photography. It taught me that a good picture is more than just clicking a button; a good picture has a good sense of design.

This photos uses the rule of thirds. The focal point of the picture, the hat, sits on the right vertical line. This photo also has contrast of colors.

This photo has balance by having two different textures and colors. The two different textures bisect the photo and adds contrast.

This photo has good contrast between two colors. It has unity because the two different colors in the photograph have a sense of harmony. It creates balance because half of the photo has a distance farther than the other half.