Forced Perspective

This assignment was a lot harder than I expected. It was hard to find new ideas for photos and sometimes those ideas couldn't work. This assignment forced me to look at everything in a different way compared to the last few assignments because you had different layers to a photo. I learned a lot during this assignment about how proportion and scale can make a big difference in a photo.

I really like this photo because I liked the proportion and scale of this one. The hydro flask and the guy balancing on it have the same color scheme. I took this photo by having my friend go far and act like he was balancing on the hydro flask which was closer to the camera.

This is one of my favorite photos because it looks like the hand clawed through the clouds. It created movement because you look from the right to the left.

This photo was very hard to take because the person's leg kept shaking and it was hard to make it look like he was stepping on the tree. It was very difficult because there was so much movement and I had to keep readjusting to get a good photo.