Writing a paragraph

Part I. Answer the following questions

1. What is a paragraph?

2. How many parts are there in a paragraph?

3. How many parts are there in a topic sentence? What are they?

4. How many types of supporting sentences are there? What are they?

5. What is the main technique of writing?

6. How many types of brainstorming are there? What are they?

7. What parts of speech is used to describe people?

8. How many parts of speech are there? What are they?

Part II. Circle correct verb to complete sentences

1. Mary has / had cooked for us before we go to work every morning.

2. John loose / lost his wallet while he is / was jogging this morning.

3. I have / had sold my old car and I bought a new one last week.

4. My mother will have / has already cooked when I arrive home tonight.

5. What did you eat / have you eaten when you visited John last night?

Part III. Select one topic to write a paragraph

1. My hometown

2. My childhood

3. My best friend in school

4. The favorite place to visit

5. Describe a person you like best

6. Describe a place you like to visit