English Midterm 2022_2023

1. PC (personal computer)

a. n

b. a

c. v

2. Data

a. n

b. a

c. v

3. Perform

a. v

b. a

c. n

4. Financial

a. a

b. n

c. v

5. Connect

a. v

b. a

c. n

6. Give

a. presentation

b. record

c. a PIN

7. Keep

a. record

b. presentation

c. database

8. Access

a. database

b. money

c. record

9. Enter

a. a PIN

b. database

c. record

10. Transfer

a. money

b. record

c. database

11. PDA

a. Personal Digital Assistant

b. Personal Digital Aids

c. Person Digital Assistant

12. PC

a. Personal Computer

b. Person Computer

c. Personal Compute

13. CPU

a. Central Processing Unit

b. Central Process Unit

c. Central Processing Union

14. RAM

a. Random Access Memory

b. Random Access Memorization

c. Random Accessing Memory

15. ROM

a. Read Only Memory

b. Reading Only Memory

c. Read Own Memory

16. 8 bits = ?

a. 1 byte

b. 1 KB

c. 1 MB

17. 1 GB = ?

a. 1024 MB

b. 1024 KB

c. 1024 bytes

18. 1 TB = ?

a. 1024 GB

b. 1024 MB

c. 1024 KB

19. What is a main memory?

a. Section that holds programs and data while they are

executed or processed

b. The information which is presented to the PC

c. Programs which can be used on a particulars PC


20. What is software?

a. Programs which can be used on a particulars PC


b. Section that holds programs and data while they are

executed or processed

c. The information which is presented to the PC

21. What is not an input device?

a. A monitor

b. A mouse

c. A keyboard

22. What is not an output device?

a. A microphone

b. A speaker

c. A monitor

23. What is a storage device?

a. A hard drive

b. A printer

c. A scanner

24. What is CPU?

a. The brain of the computer

b. Section that holds programs and data while they are

executed or processed

c. The information which is presented to the PC

25. What is hardware?

a. Physical parts that make up a computer system.

b. The brain of the computer

c. Section that holds programs and data while they are

executed or processed