PHP Course

Course Title: Comprehensive PHP Development

Week 1: Introduction to PHP

Week 2: PHP Basics

Week 3: Functions and Includes

Week 4: PHP and HTML/CSS

Week 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP

Week 6: Exception Handling and Error Reporting

Week 7: Working with Databases (MySQL/MariaDB)

Week 8: File Handling and Manipulation

Week 9: PHP and Web Services/APIs

Week 10: PHP Security Practices

Week 11: Content Management Systems (CMS) and Frameworks

Week 12: Final Project and Conclusion

This syllabus covers the foundational aspects of PHP programming, including data handling, database connectivity, security practices, and integration with web services. The duration and depth of each topic can be adjusted based on the course's intended audience and depth of study. Practical exercises, projects, and real-world examples are crucial components for a hands-on learning experience.