Lesson 9

public void Dat(){

Calendar ca = new GregorianCalendar();

int y = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR);

int m = ca.get(Calendar.MONTH);

int d = ca.get(Calendar.DATE);

D.setText(y +  "/" + (m+1) + "/" + d);  


 public void CB(){

   String sql = "select * from Product";


   st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

   rs = st.executeQuery();





   catch(Exception e){}


 public void WinClose() {




        WindowEvent W = new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING);


         }catch(Exception e){}


public void Updatetb55() {

        String sql = "select * from Sell";

        try {

            st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

            rs = st.executeQuery();


        } catch (Exception e) {



String R = c1.getSelectedItem().toString();



      String sql = "select * from Product where Name like ? ";

      st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

      st.setString(1, t1.getText());

      rs = st.executeQuery();





      catch(Exception e){}


 public void TT(){

    T.append("\n\t\t\t ໃບສັ່ງຈ່າຍ\n\nຮ້ານ ໂມເດີ້ນຄອມພິວເຕີ້\t\t\t\tວັນທີ "+D.getText()+"\nໂທ: 22229999\t\t\t\tເລກທີ:" +N.getText()+


            + "ລາຍການ\t\tລາຄາ\t\tຈໍານວນ\t\tລວມເງິນ \n"

            + "=================================================================================\n");


7. Add TextArea


        String sql ="insert into Sell (Item, Price, Amount, Total) values (?, ?, ?, ?)";

        st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

        st.setString(1, t1.getText());

        st.setString(2, t2.getText());

        st.setString(3, t3.getText());

        st.setString(4, t4.getText());



        catch(Exception e){JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Not Save");}

        finally {

            try {



            } catch (Exception e) {














        String sql = "select * from Sell";

        try {

            st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

            rs = st.executeQuery();


        } catch (Exception e) {


         8. Table Click

 int row = b3.getSelectedRow();

        t1.setText(b3.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0).toString());

        String sql = "select * from Sell where Item = '"+ t1.getText()+"' ";

        try {

            st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

            rs = st.executeQuery();

            if (rs.next()) {






        } catch (Exception e) {



        try {

            String sq = "delete from Sell where Item = '"+ t1.getText()+"' ";

            st = c.prepareStatement(sq);




        } catch (Exception e) {




9. Sum

 float sum = 0;

//int sum1 = 0;

for(int i=0; i<b3.getRowCount();i++){

sum = sum + Float.parseFloat(b3.getValueAt(i, 3).toString());

//sum1 = sum1 + Integer.parseInt(b3.getValueAt(i, 2).toString());


       r3.setText(String.format("%.2f", sum));


       float R = Float.parseFloat(r1.getText());

       R = sum/R;

       r4.setText(String.format("%.2f", R));


       float R1 = Float.parseFloat(r2.getText());

       R1 = sum/R1;

       r5.setText(String.format("%.2f", R1));

          T.append("\n\n\t\t\t\t\tລວມ\tກີບ "+r3.getText()+"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tບາດ "+r4.getText()+"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tໂດລາ "+r5.getText());

    10. Print

 int J = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Confirm print", "Print", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);




        String S = "insert into SOwner (Date, Money) values (?,?)";

        st = c.prepareStatement(S);

        st.setString(1, D.getText());

        st.setString(2, r3.getText());


        String sql = "delete from Sell";

        st = c.prepareStatement(sql);


       // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Delete");





        catch(Exception e){}

       finally {

            try {



            } catch (Exception e) {






11. Rate show

public void R(){

    String sql = "select * from Rate";

        try {

            st = c.prepareStatement(sql);

            //st.setString(1, "11");

            rs = st.executeQuery();





        } catch (Exception e) {


        finally {

            try {



            } catch (Exception e) {





Java Date Time Formatter 

Date Time2

12. Date time

import java.time.LocalTime;  // import the LocalTime class

public class Main {  

  public static void main(String[] args) {  

    LocalTime myObj = LocalTime.now();


LocalDate myObj = LocalDate.now(); // Create a date object

    System.out.println(myObj); // Display the current date



import java.time.LocalDateTime;  // Import the LocalDateTime class

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;  // Import the DateTimeFormatter class

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {  

    LocalDateTime myDateObj = LocalDateTime.now();  

    System.out.println("Before formatting: " + myDateObj);  

    DateTimeFormatter myFormatObj = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");  


    String formattedDate = myDateObj.format(myFormatObj);  

    System.out.println("After formatting: " + formattedDate);  




import java.time.LocalDateTime;  // Import the LocalDateTime class

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;  // Import the DateTimeFormatter class

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {  

    LocalDateTime myDateObj = LocalDateTime.now();  

    System.out.println("Before Formatting: " + myDateObj);  

    DateTimeFormatter myFormatObj = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("E, MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss");  


    String formattedDate = myDateObj.format(myFormatObj);  

    System.out.println("After Formatting: " + formattedDate);  



13. Full window


14. Method

public void Academ(){

 c = DBCon.A();



      String sql = "select distinct Academic from StudentRe ";

      st = c.prepareStatement(sql); 

      rs = st.executeQuery();





      catch(Exception e){JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "");}

      finally {try {rs.close(); st.close(); c.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} }  


15. Key Enter

    private void t12KeyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {             }

16. Loop sum

 float sum = 0;

//int sum1 = 0;

for(int i=0; i<b3.getRowCount();i++){

sum = sum + Float.parseFloat(b3.getValueAt(i, 1).toString());

//sum1 = sum1 + Integer.parseInt(b3.getValueAt(i, 2).toString());


17. close window
