Teaching - Leaning Method

  1. What is English for Specific Purpose and how does it concern on English for Engineering?

  2. Explain the roles of teacher

  • teacher

  • course designer and materials provider

  • collaborator

  • researcher

  • evaluator”

  1. Explain the roles of student

Some specific situations differ across fields. The focus of ESP learning in different research and scientific fields is not on the knowledge of a particular subject, but on core skills that can cover any discipline. All ESP students have some issues in common – for all of them it is of utmost importance to acquire particular skills, viz. describing functions and processes, explaining how devices or systems operate, specifying and describing properties of a particular system, discussing various issues, explaining methods and techniques, presenting results, diagnosing problems and providing solutions, etc. An ESP teacher’s job in this case is multiple – they need to develop the best understanding possible of their learners’ target context, create lessons that give students the opportunity to hear and use authentic language in the specialist context, and lead them to proficiency in the said skills (Palurović, Lena, & Ana, 2014).

  1. Learner - Center Learning

As a learner-centered approach, its main purpose has been that of fulfilling the specific needs of target learners to satisfy either their professional or vocational demands (Ramírez, 2015). Content and skill specificity, material design, and the instructor as an expert were topics of debate during the 70s and 80s. ESP has existed as a separate branch of language teaching for around 40 years. At the beginning, it focused upon the specific lexicon of technical and scientific texts, but it soon changed its emphasis towards the rhetorical uses of language in precise discourses. Next, the four skills, which were neglected by all previous methods, were assessed and addressed through the introduction of needs analysis studies.+ Dudley-Evans (2001) also cited Strevens’ definition, which aims at defining ESP by distinguishing both its absolute and variable characteristics. Among some of the absolute features, he mentioned ESP’s relationship with other disciplinary areas and occupations by using their methodologies and activities, its focus on and analysis of the language related to a particular area, and its contrast to General English. Anthony (1997) stated that, during Japan’s Conference on ESP, Dudley-Evans included another feature within this definition, that “ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners” (p. 2). According to Anthony (1997), Dudley-Evans also stated that ESP is usually aimed at professionals or tertiary-level students with some target language basic knowledge but is not limited to these populations exclusively.

It is basically a responsibility of a teacher to plan the course and what to do in the class but it is a little bit. The learners normally have their own interest, their own needs and their own structure to negotiate in the class. Teachers cannot get to their heads; therefore, teachers really don't have access to a lot of the information that we might actually need to have access to in developing our courses. ‘The best way of dealing with this fact, then, is to simply be very sensitive in the classroom and really try to keep tabs on how individuals are reacting to the plans you have put together, always being ready and willing to change what you have planned if there is good enough reason’, Mohammad Kaosar Ahmed (2014: P. 25-26).

  1. What is different between soft skills and hard skills?

  2. How do you evaluate the result of your teaching