Lesson 2

Lesson II: Networking

Part I: Speaking

Introduce yourself

Name and Surname:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:


Workplace or Studying Place:

Mobile Phone:

Part II: Reading Comprehension I

Computer network

The nodes of a computer network may include personal computers, servers, networking hardware, or other specialized or general-purpose hosts. They are identified by hostnames and network addresses. Hostnames serve as memorable labels for the nodes, rarely changed after initial assignment. Network addresses serve for locating and identifying the nodes by communication protocols such as the Internet Protocol.

Computer networks may be classified by many criteria, including the transmission medium used to carry signals, bandwidth, and communications protocols to organize network traffic, the network size, the topology, traffic control mechanism, and organizational intent.

Computer networks support many applications and services, such as access to the World Wide Web, digital video, digital audio, shared use of application and storage servers, printers, and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications.


A com­puter net­work ex­tends in­ter­per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tions by elec­tronic means with var­i­ous tech­nolo­gies, such as email, in­stant mes­sag­ing, on­line chat, voice and video tele­phone calls, and video con­fer­enc­ing. A net­work al­lows shar­ing of net­work and com­put­ing re­sources. Users may ac­cess and use re­sources pro­vided by de­vices on the net­work, such as print­ing a doc­u­ment on a shared net­work printer or use of a shared stor­age de­vice. A net­work al­lows shar­ing of files, data, and other types of in­for­ma­tion giv­ing au­tho­rized users the abil­ity to ac­cess in­for­ma­tion stored on other com­put­ers on the net­work. Dis­trib­uted com­put­ing uses com­put­ing re­sources across a net­work to ac­com­plish tasks.

Answer the questions below:

1. What is a computer network?

2. What do protocols means in a computer network?

3. What are the purposes of a computer network?

4. What is an application?