Scholarships & Financial Aid (cont'd)


The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics administers financial aid awards in the form of competitive scholarships, non-competitive scholarships, tuition and fee payments, and stipends.


PT. I:

Competitive Scholarships


Non-Competitive Scholarships


Tuition and Fee Payments



PT. V:

Document & Approval for Scholarships and Financial Aid Payments


Communication of Scholarships Available

Review and Responsibility:

  • Responsible Party: Director, NSM Business Operations
  • Review: Every two years, on or before August 31


  • Director, NSM Business Operations - Fred McGhee
  • Dean, NSM - John Bear
  • Date of Dean's Approval: 09/01/2008

III: Tuition and Fee Payments

Definition: These payments are made to a student's financial aid account to credit the student's tuition and fee bill. Selection Process: The student may be pre-selected by a donor/sponsor and paid with donor funds. The process for donating the funds should include a check made payable to "University of Houston" and a letter or other written agreement detailing the purpose of the funds. A sponsor agreement is required and must be paid with sponsor/donor funds. Some grants allow tuition/fee payments to students. Such agreements must be administered through the Office of Contract and Grants (OCG) via project funding.

IV: Stipends

Definition: Stipends represent scholarship/fellowship payments to "students" for tuition, fees, books, supplies and living expenses. They cannot be tied to any obligation for past, present, or future services. There can be no employer/employee relationship associated with a stipend payment. There are no fringe benefits associated with stipend payments as they represent scholarships/fellowships. Selection Process: The recipient may be pre-selected by a donor/sponsor and paid with donor funds. The process for donating the funds should include a check made payable to "University of Houston" and a letter or other written agreement detailing the purpose of the funds. If the sponsor is a granting agency, the agreement must be administered through Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG). Disbursement: The department will prepare Purchase Voucher to request a stipend check for the student. The voucher requires the approval of the Scholarships and Financial Aid Department.

V: Document & Approval Requirements for Scholarships and Financial Aid Payments

Methods of Payment:

  • Scholarship Award Memo
    • Used to disburse a scholarship to a student.
    • The credit will appear on the student's fee bill after the 12th class day of the upcoming semester.
    • All Scholarship Memos over $1,000.00 awarded to an out-of-state student should include the Scholarship Memo In-State-Tuition Waiver form which allows the student to be charged the in-state tuition rate.
  • Purchase Voucher
    • Used to disburse a stipend check to a student.
    • May also be used to disburse a scholarship check to a graduating student who will not be returning.
  • SCR Voucher
    • Used to pay a student's tuition and fees.
    • The credit will be issued to the student's tuition/fee bill.


  • Scholarship and student loan payments or reimbursements and stipend payments to students on vouchers require the approval of the Scholarships and Financial Aid Department. (MAPP 04.01.03 - PT VI - SEC H)

VI: Communication of Scholarships Available

On an annual basis, scholarships available in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will be advertised by email, flyers, and/or posters. A list of scholarships available within the college will be available online, along with eligibility criteria. The College will also use its Facebook page to communicate scholarship information and deadlines to students and will make information more accessible in the Undergraduate Advising Center and to student organizations.