
I. Overview

All financial commitments must be approved for budget by the Dean and Executive Director. In general, commitments are categorized in two broad categories:

  • New faculty Commitments
  • Other Commitments

II. New Faculty Commitments

Commitments for new faculty hires are submitted via a Costing Sheet as part of the new hire request process and also require the approvals of the Provost and VP for Research.

Once fully approved, the department or college will enter new faculty commitments in the Commitments Form located at:

III. Other Commitments

  • To request a new commitment, complete a Commitment Request Form (in progress)

IV. Commitment Payments

  • Commitment payments are typically made via a budget journal to transfer the funds to a departmental or faculty cost center. However, there are instances in which a commitment expense may be charged directly to a college cost center.