Provost Faculty Travel Fund

Provost Faculty Travel Fund Processing

​The college is notified when an application for Provost Travel Funds has been approved. The Provost Office sends the following to the college:

  • Instructions for Processing Provost Faculty Travel Funds.
  • Copy of the award notification and travel fund application.

College responsibilities:

  • Modify the Instructions to address the DBA/Department instead of the CDA/college.
    • Replace 'College Business Adminstrator' with 'Department Business Administrator.'
    • Replace 'college' with department
    • Add a comment stating that the following should be attached to the Budget Journal:
      • Approved Travel Request
      • Award Notification Letter
      • Travel Fund Application
  • Save the award notification and travel fund application in the Google Drive
  • Forward the modified instructions, the award notification letter, and the travel fund application to the DBA.
  • Create a task in Smartsheet assigned to the DBA.

Department responsibilities:

  • Create a budget journal as indicated in the instructions
    • Route the journal using the "Dept-Coll/Div-Prov-Budgt" path.
    • Attach the following to the budget journal:
      • Approved Travel Request
      • Award notification letter
      • Travel fund application
  • Funds are transferred to a 2064-M&O cost center or a designated 2064-Faculty Travel Fund cost center. Department must create an applicable cost center if it does not have one.
  • The department reimburses the faculty member upon return from his/her trip. If the faculty member is unable to attend the conference in which the travel fund was awarded, please notify Olga Selley as soon as possible.

For questions about the application, contact Olga Selley. For questions about the funding process, contact Bradley Eanes, Provost Central Business Office.

Google Drive Documents