Youth Committee

job description

COMMITTEE: Youth Committee

Position description approved by NPYM Steering Committee, January 2009

Revisions approved by Coordinating Committee, 4/2013 and 3/2022

NOMINATION AND APPROVAL: NPYM Nominating Committee is responsible for filling this committee. Nominations are usually approved at Annual Session; however, nominations can also be approved by Coordinating Committee or Executive Committee.

TERM LENGTH: 2 years

TERM BEGINS: October 1

MEMBERS: Four to five members, with staggered terms to avoid complete turnovers. If possible, the committee should be diverse in terms of geography, meeting size, and age. It is helpful for committee members to have experience with First-Day Schools, Quarterly Meeting children and youth programs, NPYM Central Friends and Junior Friends, or other youth groups.

The NPYM Youth Coordinator is an ex officio member of the Youth Committee.

REPORTS TO: NPYM Annual Session and Coordinating Committee

WORKS PRIMARILY WITH: NPYM Youth Coordinator, religious education committees and Central Friends and Junior Friends leadership at the local and Quarterly Meeting levels. May also work with NPYM Junior Friends Advisors and Friendly Adult Presences (FAPs). Consults with Coordinating Committee and other NPYM committees as needed, especially Ministry & Counsel, Finance, and Annual Session Planning. May work with Young Adult Friends group if requested.

The Youth Committee Clerk or a designated member shall be a member of the NPYM Coordinating Committee.

NPYM encourages the committee to ask others to help work on special tasks or ad hoc subcommittees.


The Youth Committee serves North Pacific Yearly Meeting by supporting Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly Meetings in their work with children and youth. The committee nurtures spiritual development and a sense of community for our children and youth and supports their transition to adult participation in the life of Friends.

The Youth Committee works closely with and provides ongoing support to the NPYM Youth Coordinator. The Youth Coordinator and the Youth Committee work together to encourage the spiritual development of infants and very young children, elementary-school-age children, middle-school-age youth (“Central Friends” or CFs), and high-school-age youth (“Junior Friends” or JFs). The Youth Committee may also support the Young Adult Friends group (18 to about 35 years old) as requested.

Although the main focus is on children and youth at NPYM Annual Sessions, the Committee is also a resource for children and youth programs at the quarterly and local meeting level (monthly and preparative meetings).

The Youth Committee has significant responsibility for carrying out the NPYM Youth Safety Policy. The Youth Committee reviews the Youth Safety Policy on a regular basis and brings suggested changes forward as needed, as described in the policy.

The Youth Committee administers the NPYM Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF). YOF grants are intended to help young people in NPYM take part in events, activities, and other experiences that will nurture their spiritual lives and encourage Spirit-led action. The YOF supports spiritual growth among the Central, Junior, and Young Adult Friends of North Pacific Yearly Meeting -- that is, among young Quakers from middle-school age to about 35.


Committee as a whole:

  • Assist Youth Coordinator as needed in recruiting AS Children's Program staff to work with children in age groups infant through Central Friends.

  • Assist Nominating Committee as needed in recruiting Junior Friends Advisors.

  • Assist Central Friends Camp Coordinator and Junior Friends camp planners as needed in recruiting adult volunteers for these two events.

  • Organize other family supports for Annual Session (such as a family quiet room or child care during committee meetings).

  • Communicate with NPYM as a whole about all child- and youth-related activities and opportunities before and during Annual Session.

  • Support Children's Program and Children's Activities staff during Annual Session; provide back-up in implementing the Youth Safety Policy, especially about consequences for non-compliance.

  • Advocate for resources for Children's Program, Junior Friends, and Young Adult Friends.

  • Serve as liaison as needed among Children's Program, Junior Friends, Young Adult Friends, and older adults of the YM.

  • Assist Youth Coordinator, as requested, when there are issues to resolve: serve as sounding-board and resource, help coordinate dispute resolution as needed.

  • Networks with Meetings, Worship Groups, and Quarterly Meetings to share ideas, resources, and concerns. This could include (but is not limited to):

  • Education regarding NPYM safety policies;

  • Curriculum resources;

  • Transitions for children moving from one age group into another;

  • Transition of youth into adult roles in the meeting;

  • Raising children with Quaker values, and other support for NPYM families.

  • Administer the Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF); Youth Committee responsibilities include:

  • Set timelines (two funding cycles per year as of 2021) and application procedures

  • Publicize YOF grant opportunities widely within NPYM

  • Consult with NPYM Finance Committee about total funds available

  • Review applications and make award decisions

  • Do fundraising for specific opportunities

Youth Committee Clerk:

  • Review and approve Youth Coordinator monthly timesheets and expenses

  • Working with the Personnel Committee, conduct an annual performance evaluation for Youth Coordinator in time for the NPYM budget development process; consult with Personnel Committee concerning Youth Coordinator’s salary and hours, as appropriate

  • Review Youth Coordinator’s annual background check

  • Maintain committee documents such as internal procedures and to-do lists

  • Report to Coordinating Committee regularly and to Annual Session as necessary

EXPENSES & TRAVEL: Reimbursement is provided for office expenses (long distance phone calls, postage, and photocopying). Travel expense is reimbursed according to NPYM travel reimbursement policy. Submit reimbursement requests with receipts to NPYM Treasurer.

Submit all expenses relating to Annual Session to the NPYM Treasurer, with receipts, as soon as possible and no later than August 31.

Nominated By:

Nominating Committee

Committee Type:
