AS General Arrangements Clerk
job description
POSITION: Annual Session General Arrangements Clerk (GA Clerk)
Position description approved by NPYM Steering Committee, January 2009
Revisions approved by Coordinating Committee, April 2013
NOTE: The positions of General Arrangements Clerk and Physical Arrangements Clerk were combined into a paid position "Event Planner" in 2019 and first implemented for Annual Session 2020.
NOMINATION AND APPROVAL: NPYM Nominating Committee is responsible for filing this position. Usually nominations are approved at Annual Session; however, nominations may also be approved by Coordinating Committee or Executive Committee.
TERM LENGTH: 2 years
TERM BEGINS: October 1
REPORTS TO: NPYM Coordinating Committee and NPYM Annual Session Planning Committee (ASPC)
WORKS PRIMARILY WITH: Presiding Clerk of NPYM; Site Committee, facility where Annual Session is held, members of the Annual Session Planning Committee, NPYM Secretary, NPYM Treasurer
• Is Co-Clerk (with the Presiding Clerk) of the Annual Session Planning Committee.
• Is in charge of coordinating site arrangements for Annual Session including scheduling of time and space for activities and services during Annual Session.
• Acts as the principal in negotiating arrangements and contracts with the site of Annual Session.
October - January
• Negotiate contract with site.
• Seek legal advice before signing contract.
• Arrange insurance contracts for Annual Session (AS).
• Assist Presiding Clerk in organizing and setting Annual Session Planning Committee (ASPC) meetings.
• Prior to the first ASPC meeting, work with the Registrar to draft a preliminary AS budget, based on NPYM budget al ocation for AS and on anticipated registration income.
• Draft ASPC budget (for the committee’s work in planning Annual Session) based on NPYM budget al ocation.
• In consultation with others (Presiding Clerk, Nominating Committee, ASPC members) appoint Friends to the fol owing positions:
o Bookstore Manager;
o Daily Bulletin Editor;
o Food Coordinator (as needed);
o Transportation Coordinator;
o Others as needed.
• Work with Nominating Committee and Presiding Clerk to fil any vacant positions on ASPC.
• Distribute files and reports from previous years to the various AS planners (both those appointed by NPYM and those listed above).
January - February
• Clerk the arrangements subcommittee of ASPC (Physical Arrangements Clerk, Registrar, and others as requested). This group shall identify any site-specific tasks related to facility, housing, meals, camping, and accessibility.
• Work with the Children's Program Coordinating Team and Junior Friends Advisors regarding children and youth’s needs concerning space and programming at AS.
• Contact other AS planners regarding expectations, budget allocation, itemization of expenses (whether “in kind” donations or reimbursed), etc.
• Work with Finance and Legal Committee and Treasurer to finalize the budgets.
• As needed, arrange for a site visit for ASPC members.
• Work with Registrar and Presiding Clerk to draft registration form and information.
• Work with Presiding Clerk to draft schedule for AS.
• Continue contact with AS site to clarify needs, expectations, etc.
March - Annual Session
• Continue duties when/where as needed.
• Provide Nominating Committee with suggestions for the next year’s ASPC members.
• Work with Registrar and Secretary to get the registration information completed and distributed.
During Annual Session
• Be available to oversee functioning of Annual Session.
• Troubleshoot between ASPC members, YM officers, and other YM volunteers.
• Troubleshoot between site personnel and AS participants.
• Initiate AS evaluation process. At the end of AS, begin to col ect files and reports for other AS planners (Due Sept. 1).
After Annual Session
• Synthesize committee reports and prepare AS report.
• Sort through General Arrangements file, and prepare it for the next person in this position.
• Consult with Coordinating Committee Clerk and Nominating Committee Clerk about any changes in the ASPC members’ job descriptions.
• Report to Coordinating Committee’s fall meeting and make recommendations for procedural changes.
• Transfer all of the AS Planning Committee files and reports over to the new General Arrangements Clerk.
Reimbursement is provided for office expenses (copies, postage, long distance phone cal s) needed to carry out the responsibilities of this office. Travel expenses are reimbursed according to the NPYM travel reimbursement policy. Submit all requests for reimbursement, with receipts, to the NPYM Treasurer as soon as possible and no later than August 31.
The Annual Session General Arrangements Clerk is approved for a fee waiver at Annual Session. If an individual’s job for Annual Session prevents a person from participating in the majority part of the Annual Session, he or she is not expected to pay to attend. Thus the amount of the fee waiver is whatever the person’s expenses would otherwise be, including program fee, lodging, and meals.