Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee (CC) supports and enriches the life of NPYM. It is the venue where Standing Committees and Monthly Meetings share about their work and inspiration. The committee identifies and links converging and emerging issues, and offers support to groups within NPYM. In addition, the committee provides support and oversight to NPYM Standing Committees. 

CC meetings are meetings for worship with a concern for business, and members participate in discernment and decision-making according to the good order of Friends, under the leading of the Spirit. All members of CC bring their experience from their committees and Monthly Meetings as they share together in the work on behalf of NPYM. 

CC Clerk's Message

The Coordinating Committee will meet on March 23rd  

from 9 AM PDT (10 MDT) to noon PDT. 

You should receive a Zoom link from 

Please send any agenda items to:

Thank you!

Yours in Unity,

Celia Castle

Coordinating Committee Clerk

The Coordinating Committee is composed of: