North Pacific Yearly Meeting


Ministry & Counsel plays many vital roles in the life of NPYM:  What M&C Does 

Annual Session 2024 

At the University of Montana, in Missoula from July 10th - 14th.   

Check Back: Registration Opens Soon

Theme: Cross the Divide

Friends, this summer we gather in Missoula after a long absence to cross the divide of distance. But though there are many miles and mountains between the far-flung Friends of our yearly meeting, there are more divides between us than are measured in hours traveled or altitude gained: divides of age, experience, and attitude—divides of intention and expectation, of patience and of practice. There are divides between us and the world around us, as well. We are divided from our neighbors by politics and poverty, race and resources, history and hostility. We are divided from the earth itself. These divides are dark enough, but as we hear of wars and rumors of war in other lands, we look down at our own feet and see, not the seeds, but the sprouts of war, putting out their spines and thorns. 

Friends. Let us meet in the stillness of the Spirit and choose our better ways. To help this, everything in the planners’ power is aimed at making room for spirit, love, courage, and community, among ourselves and among all nations. We will have more time for worship as a full, gathered yearly meeting (children included). We will hope to be surprised by the Spirit, and we will set time aside for answering those surprises. We will have more time for connection with Friends, and with friends, and with the earth around us. Let us make the canyons of division into valleys of delight, and take home pocketfuls of all the seeds of peace. Let us come together, Friends—to Cross the Divide.

Paul Christiansen

Clerk, North Pacific Yearly Meeting

Upcoming Events

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop

Meeting Registration - Zoom  This series is offered by Indivisibile Washington, but is available anywhere in NPYM. Please share this opportunity with your Meeting.

Willamette Quarterly May 17-19 at Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp - Register

FGC Gathering 2024 June 30 - July 6 at Haverford College - Register

Decolonizing Quakers videos

“Land Acknowledgment: A First Step Towards Right Relationship with the Land and its People “

Part I

Part II


Toward Right Relationships 

Newsletter Submissions

We would love to hear what is happening in your part of Quakerdom. Our newsletter is published Quarterly on the 1st of Aug, Nov, Feb and May. 

Send your articles to

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