CC Clerk

job description


Approved by NPYM Steering Committee, October 2008, one change November 2008

Job description re-approved by NPYM Steering Committee, January 2009

APPOINTED BY: Annual Session

APPPOINTED AT: Annual Session

NOMINATED BY: NPYM Nominating Committee

TERM BEGINS: October 1

TERM LENGTH: The clerk serves as clerk for 2 years, but serves as Associate Clerk both the year before and the year after clerking. Therefore, the whole commitment is for 4 years.

QUALIFICATIONS: The CC clerk shall be a member of a Monthly Meeting that is part of North Pacific Yearly Meeting. This Friend shall have clerking experience, and shall have a working knowledge of NPYM

The CC is primarily a coordinating body which may make some decisions. The clerk of this committee must be able to discern where matters should be referred or if a decision must be made by the CC. The CC clerk must be able to refer, and follow-up on matters that go beyond CC. This Friend must have good organizational, communication, networking, and listening skills.


1. Clerks Coordinating Committee, which meets twice during the year between annual sessions and at least once during annual session. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Setting the agenda, including carry-over items, contacting committee clerks and the presiding clerk to see if they have items, making sure agenda items are ready for consideration, working with the NPYM Secretary to be sure the agenda and appropriate background material is distributed to CC members in advance of the meetings.

  • Arranging time and place of meeting

  • Working with the CC recording clerk to draft an accurate set of minutes for each CC meeting. Has final responsibility for minutes.

  • Assuring follow-up after meetings, including being sure recommendations are clear and that CC members know what they are to do and working with the NPYM Secretary to distribute relevant information, including draft minutes.

  1. Responds to concerns, requests and questions, referring them to the appropriate body or person.

3. Facilitates networking between and among meetings, individuals, and committees. Stays in touch with and provides support to Meeting appointed members of CC. Stays in touch with, provides support to and keeps knowledgeable about the work of the NPYM standing committees.

4. In relation to Annual Session:

a) plan time and place for CC. meeting, in consultation with Annual Session Planning folks;

b) work with standing committee clerks to make sure there are written reports from each.

c) work with presiding clerk to develop how and what to include in annual CC report to Annual Session in addition to items listed in the Evaluation Plan.

d) be available to sit at the clerk’s table during business sessions.

5. In consultation with others (Executive committee, or committee clerks, or members of the CC), set up ad hoc committees or subcommittees requested by CC. Stay in touch with, support and invite their participation in CC as appropriate.

6. Clerks Executive Committee, arranging meetings (usually by phone) when needed, assuring information is available and reporting any decisions at the next CC meeting.

7. Serves on the Personnel Committee.

8. Works closely with Associate Clerk

EVALUATION:/RECORDS: Prepares a report/evaluation for the Coordinating Committee Clerk files on, or before, September 21. This report should include information useful to next year's CC Clerk (what worked, what didn't) and any changes you think should be made in the job, or the job description.

If you received a file with material from previous CC Clerk, sort through it, update the information, and add your report/evaluation (and any materials you think are needed).

EXPENSES & TRAVEL: Reimbursement is provided for "office expense" (LD phone calls, postage, and photocopy) Travel expense is reimbursed according to NPYM travel reimbursement policy. Submit reimbursement request with receipts to NPYM Treasurer.

Nominated By:

Nominating Committee