
Thespian Guild Meeting 4/6/22

Staci - opening last meeting after being president for 5 years - will cry at banquet

Officer Elections - going through positions and descriptions - will have people named and sent out to the whole guild for voting

President Elect - Payal Kondisetty

Vice President Elect - Connie Gallagher

Vice President Nominee - Stacie Mosely  (Updated May 11, 2022)

GL Script - Rebecca Weaver (Updated May 11, 2022)

Still needed (could wait until Fall) - Secretary, 2 Candy Gram Coordinators

Need job descriptions - find in previous email

Trivia Night - great night - Missy did a great job and would like to have her back.  Have a separate basket person next time.  Made between $2400 - $2500 

Banquet - May 22nd - Everyone invited - Thespians will pay for the ice cream bar - back to $34 per person.  Mrs. Roney will pay for the banquet and we will reimburse her from the guild account.  The Guild will cover the cost of the students attending the banquet. Students give awards.  Kelly is in charge of the banquet.


Lots of food and volunteers needed

Jenn Czulada - sign up genius for volunteers and food

Baked Potato Bar - hugely popular 

Google form has been sent to the kids via classroom to sign up - Deadline is 

Saturday April 16th - Lite Breakfast

Saturday April 23rd - Breakfast, Lunch

Wednesday April 27th - Gold Card Show - provide breakfast - feed them all day - Jenn got a donation and Chef Chipper will make the sandwiches 

Thursday April 28th - 

Friday April 29th - 

Saturday April 30th - Senior Circle day - senior parents provide the food - Potato Bar, taco bar, pasta on the side

Sunday May 1st - 

Cast 43, Crew TBD, Pit TBD


Candy Grams - raise it to $2.00 - unanimous decision

Better Signage - talk to Ryan about running off big signs 


Ticket Sales

Ticket Scanning

Lobby Sales