Service as Action

Service as Action


Service as Action is a requirement of the IB Middle Years Programme. It is an essential component that allows students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls and into the community. It gives students the opportunity to connect and contribute to the real world, and empowers them to become global citizens. ​

Learning Outcomes

Where and when can students complete their SA?

Students  can complete their SA requirements both in school and out of school. If the activities are happening outside of the school, there must be an adult supervisor, who can also be a family member. Students are not allowed to receive any pay or compensation for these actions.


After School Activity

Personal Passions

Group Activities

What are the Requirements?

Depending on their grade, students  must meet a certain number of targeted outcomes during the year.

Overall, all SA activities for all students need to:

Requirements according to grade 

Year 1 students (grade 6):  

Year 2 students (grade 7):  

Year 3 students (grade 8):  

Year 4 students (grade 9):  

Year 5 students (grade 10):  

What is a good service activity?

● Meets a need 

● Is something you care about 

● Something where you understand the issue or problem or willing to explore it

● Involves other people 

● Has a responsible adult supervisor who understands that activity and is able to comment on your participation 

● Enables you to meet the learning outcomes 

What is not authentic service? 

● Rewarded financial or another benefit (unless it is then donated to a good cause) 

● Simple, tedious, and repetitive work (stacking book shelves) 

● Chores in the family (washing dishes or cleaning) 

● Fundraising with no understanding of the cause