The Report
The Report
The report should be broken down into sections based on the assessment criteria. Planning, applying skills and reflecting. Each section should be fully supported with embedded evidence in the form of pictures, tables, graphs and anecdotal evidence. All sources must be cited. Note: The product is not submitted or evaluated. The report on the process, planning, applying skills and reporting is what is evaluated.
A: Planning
Students present what they did:
state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal
state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product
present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.
B: Applying Skills
Students show how the ATL skills contributed to the learning goal and product
explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal
explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product
support the explanations with detailed examples or evidence.
C: Reflecting
Students report on why they did the project
explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning
evaluate the product based on the success criteria
support their comments with specific evidence or detailed examples
a list and/or diagram of interests and related learning goals
a list of possible strategies to achieve personal and academic goals
a diagram showing the connections between the learning goal and the product
a series of steps leading to the completion of the product
your action plan
a series of inquiry questions (research skills)
sample correspondence with the project supervisor (communication skills)
screenshot of daily reminders or alerts to complete personal project tasks (self management)
reflection about resolving a conflict (social skills)
evaluation of the product against the success criteria
images showing key features of the product analysis of the causes for success and/or failure
summary of new knowledge or insights related to the learning goal.
The Nitty Gritty
Reports can be oral, visual and multimedia as well as traditional
11 point font
2 cm margins
Clarity of visuals
Audio and video must be recorded and submitted in real time.
Visual aids may be used to support spoken reports. However, evidence and examples presented in the visual aids should be submitted as documents. Visual aids presented only in video format will not be considered for assessment.
The bibliography is uploaded separately and is not included in the page limit.
Please do not include a title page; if included, it will count towards the page limit.

When submitting the report for assessment, students must also include the completed academic integrity form. This is not included in the page limit.
All text taken from the Personal Project Guide.

Summary- The Report
The product is not assessed. The report is assessed on planning, applying skills and reflecting
A product can fail and a personal project can still get an 8
The report is assessed on three criteria
Each section must be supported with evidence
Maximum page count is 15 pages without a recording
Students may choose a format to fit their needs (audio, visual and written combinations)