Forest School Gear

What to wear and bring to Forest School

It could be said that there is no such thing as bad weather - only unsuitable clothing! With this in mind, please dress for the weather and remember that lots of layers are best and easiest to manage. Please remember we run Forest School in ALL weathers!  You will also need to wear old clothes that you don't mind getting muddy, as at certain times of the year there is plenty of muddy play! 

At Northlands Wood, we firmly believe that getting muddy is an essential part of experiencing Forest School and the benefits of this to our children are physical, psychological and emotional; to this end please ensure that your children are sent to school dressed appropriately.

Children come to school in their outdoor clothes, and bring their full school uniform, together with their school shoes (in a named bag), to change into if needed, after the session.  Please supply an additional named carrier bag for any items that are particularly muddy!

Thank you! 

Winter: Cold and wet and wind

Summer: Heat or rain

If you have any difficulty in sourcing these items for your child/ren please contact the Forest School team on