Volume 9 - Issue 2 November, 2023
Dear Parents, Staff, Students, and Community Members,
In this month’s November newsletter, you can read about some of the amazing accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff over the past month. This has been an active time for our schools. Please check some of our highlights below:
Free Adult English Classes for Parents/Guardians
The North Andover Public Schools is offering free, in-person Adult English Classes for North Andover parents/guardians at Stevens Memorial Library. Register here or at Adult Classes and Programs - North Andover Public Schools. If you have any questions, please call Rick Galante at 978-794-3080 or email him at This Information in several languages may be found here.
New Podcast: Knightside with Dr. Gilligan and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mealey LINK TO FIRST EPISODE THROUGH NACAM here.
Please check out our new podcast, Knightside, the official podcast of NA Public Schools. Knightside aims to bring you closer to the heart of NA Public Schools, providing you with a unique medium to dive deeper into the stories, achievements, and initiatives that shape our educational community. In each episode, we will be joined by a special guest — an educator, a student, a parent, or a community member. We want to emphasize that Knightside is for more than just parents or students. With each episode, our guest will bring their unique perspective and insights, shedding light on different aspects of NA Public Schools. Whether discussing curriculum, sharing student success stories, or exploring community partnerships, Knightside will give you an inside look at how our schools function, and you’ll come away with a deeper appreciation of the incredible work being done by our students, staff, and community.
Construction Update: Middle School Addition
We have made significant progress on the Middle School addition. Construction is under control and progressing nicely, and the foundations have been poured. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to the entire community for being patient during this period of positive disruption.
Moving Forward: The New Kittredge School
We are on track with meeting all of the MSBA requirements as we move forward with building a new Kittredge School. This large-scale project represents a generational investment in our community's future. You'll be receiving regular updates on the progress of this vital project.
NESBA Competition: Spotlight on our Marching Band
On Saturday, October 14, the North Andover Scarlet Knight Marching Band presented their 2023 fall show, “Outlaw,” at the North Andover NESBA evaluation show. The band placed third in their division.
Student-Led Civics Projects
NAMS 8th Grade Social Studies teacher, Mr. McGravey, had students present their Student-Led Civics Projects (aka SLCPros) to the School Committee. Bella Shneyderman, Mariah Eskel, Sofia Flores Quero llamas, Keshav Mahadevan, Michael Tangstrom, Mehak Sankhla, Trudy Du, and Bindhu Pai did a great job, and their projects were inspiring and showed a deep understanding of the role of civic participation in our society. We commend Mr. McGravey for his tireless efforts in instilling the importance of civic engagement in our young generation, an important lesson in today’s increasingly complex world.
Please be sure to check out the NA SEPAC information below.
Thank you for your continued support of the North Andover Public Schools,
Dr. Gregg Gilligan
Superintendent of Schools
This November provides a couple of opportunities to support the work of North Andover's Special Education Parent Advisory Council. The first is Dine and Donate on November 14 at Thyme Restaurant in North Andover and includes raffle prizes and a 50/50 raffle.
November 17 is SEPAC Awareness Day. Celebrate inclusivity and diversity by wearing yellow or SEPAC gear from BDESIGNEDAPPAREL. COM.
Ask the School Expert!
Thursday, November 16
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
North Andover High School
Childcare is available during the event. Details are found on the RSVP form.
This is a parent-only presentation (no students in the auditorium, please).
Anonymous questions can be sent in advance to:
Join us as we host a panel of experts to answer your questions regarding social and emotional learning, mental health, and occupational therapy. Our panel includes:
Michelle O’Leary, NAPS Director of SEL
Louanna Fahey, Occupational Therapist NAHS, NAMS, Thompson School
Jillian Connally, Guidance Counselor, Sargent School
Lindsey Chatterton, School Psychologist, NAMS
Tom DiStefano, Adjustment Counselor, NAHS
Maureen Ryan, Understanding Our Differences
NAHS Drama Guild
In October, the NAHS Drama Guild had the pleasure of hosting an Improvisation Workshop, where they were delighted to welcome Kelly Walsh, the Artistic Director of the New England School for Performing Arts, as the workshop leader. This engaging event allowed our students to dive headfirst into the world of improvisation, a vibrant style of theater that hinges on fast thinking, collaborative teamwork, and unapologetic self-expression.
Within this nurturing atmosphere, students discovered their inner performers through a range of activities, from imitation to improvisation relays. Students were challenged to be quick and clever in their responses and learned about trusting their acting instincts. Overall, this was an incredibly positive experience for our students, and we look forward to hosting more workshops in the future.
Photo on the left - Students take turns performing during improvisation relays.
Photo on the right - Workshop host, Kelly Walsh, providing feedback to students.
by Pamela Lathrop, AssistantSuperintendent for Teaching and Learning
Dear North Andover Families,
I hope this message finds you well. This fall, I’ve had the chance to visit all our schools and collaborate with our exceptional teachers and administrative staff.
At North Andover Public Schools, our focus remains dedicated to three core objectives for all students:
1. Equity for All Students
2. Consistent and Rigorous Curriculum
3. Targeted Professional Practice
A significant initiative in our elementary schools this fall has been the full implementation of the Wit and Wisdom curriculum. It's been a delight to witness the enthusiasm and engagement of our students with the diverse range of topics and rich literature they encounter in their daily school experiences. We hope your students are sharing these experiences with you, bringing home the wonder and knowledge they're gaining each day.
This academic year brings another exciting development for families with students in grades K-8. You'll receive a MAP Growth family report. These reports offer valuable insights into your child's progress and growth. MAP Growth scores serve as a tool for teachers to evaluate student performance, measuring achievement and growth. This information enables educators to personalize classroom lessons and establish individualized goals for each student.
Moreover, North Andover Middle School (NAMS) and North Andover High School (NAHS) are focused on delivering high-quality professional development to our staff which allows for continual reflection and adjustment to teaching practices. We're dedicated to maintaining a culture of data-focused, growth-oriented reflection in our pursuit of excellence.
For our students in grades 5-8, there's an exciting addition to their curriculum. They will be working with the newly developed Investigating History and Civics curriculum developed by the Department of Education. This curriculum will move down to grades 3 and 4 over the next few years. This addition aims to deepen their understanding of history and civic engagement.
These are just a few among many wonderful and exciting initiatives taking place in NAPS. I look forward to the work ahead, and I am eager to meet and speak with community members to learn more about your aspirations and visions for our district.
We are dedicated to providing the best education and support for our students. Your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education are deeply appreciated.
Warm Regards,
Pamela Lathrop
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
On Wednesday, October 25, over a hundred staff, family, and community members came together to celebrate North Andover Public Schools’ educators. It was an emotional night as 23 staff were recognized for earning professional teaching status (PTS) in the district, and two very special retirees were honored with an induction into the North Andover School Committee’s Educator Hall of Fame.
Anthony “Tony” Reynolds, who taught at North Andover High School from 1966-1997, received his award posthumously. The statements of three former students who nominated Mr. Reynolds were shared. His wife Sharon and their daughter Nancy were present, and Mary Julie Gregoire spoke on Tony’s behalf. Mary Julie, a Hall of Famer in her own right, was a student of Mr. Reynolds and also a colleague. She credited Tony with teaching her how to teach through his example, his direct feedback as English Department Head, and his unwavering high expectations for students. Mary also highlighted his advocacy for women as he worked to change policies within the district that directly impacted her (and others since). Tony Reynolds passed away in September 2021, but his impact lives on.
Judy Nigrelli was also inducted into the SC Hall of Fame at Celebrating Teachers Night. She was showered with very well-deserved praise in the writing of a former student who nominated her because of Mrs. Nigrelli's belief in her when she was a non-reader in third grade; Judy changed her life. Speeches made by current NAMS teachers Bill Smith and Pat McGravey credited Judy with making them the best versions of themselves as teachers.
Judy Nigrelli was honored by fellow NAMS teachers, Bill Smith and Pat McGravey.
They shared that Judy always advocated for students first and foremost and pushed people’s thinking on connecting with young learners. Judy was generous with her time and her family, and she included students and co-workers in so many experiences away from school, which demonstrated her love for people and her balance between work and life. When Judy spoke, she emphasized that all students have strengths on which to build and that we should expect our kids to make it with our help.
School Committee Member and Chair of the Hall of Fame subcommittee, Andrew McDevitt, was the presenter for the HOF recipients, and he shared how important nights like this are for educators. His parents were both teachers, and he expressed that the work teachers do in this district makes him so proud. It is also a point of pride for the SC that North Andover is the only town in Massachusetts with a Hall of Fame for its teachers.
Dr. Gilligan congratulated the nurses, the BCBA, and teachers who earned PTS this year. He connected the work of our retired teachers and the new work of this important collection of educators. Principals and school leaders presented all who earned PTS with a gift, and the moments were captured to share with the community.
The event was engaging, emotional, and uplifting. We hope even more will share in the experience in late October next year at Celebrating Teachers Night. Congratulations to all who were recognized for their efforts and contributions!
by North Andover High School Principal Chet Jackson
North Andover High School is off to a great start to the school year. In September, we received word on accolades for eight of our seniors from the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. Each year, the National Merit Scholarship Program recognizes students based on their PSAT scores. Congratulations to Avery Barnett, Maria Benvenuto, Sophia Kon, Gyan Mistry, Owen Raizin, Ajaya Ramachandran, Constantine Roshi, and Patricia Vo on being named Commended Students.
Led by the Student Council, our four graduating classes had a fun and entertaining Spirit Week culminating in a Spirit Rally. NAHS had our homecoming football game and dance. A great turnout of over 800 NAHS students participated safely in our semi-formal homecoming dance.
This fall, we welcomed back our Spanish exchange program for the second straight year, where NAHS students hosted students from Granada, Spain. Both sets of students had a wonderful experience in the US, and our students are excited to visit Spain in April 2024.
North Andover High School
Spirit Week Rally
Spanish Exchange Program Studens
What's Happening at Stevens Memorial Library
See our new Teen Video Game collection! Test out new titles to play with friends and family; we have video games for various platforms, all available with your Stevens Memorial library card! Visit the Teen Room or see the collection on our online catalog.
Chess Club is back by popular demand! All ages and skill levels are welcome; play and meet new friends. The next meeting is Thursday, November 30, at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room.
Don’t miss other Library news, like the return of TEEN programming, including Book Chats, Anime Club, and Dungeons & Dragons - dates and times are on the Library calendar.
Need more books in your home library? The Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale is Friday through Sunday, November 3 – 5, at the North Andover Historical Society, 800 Massachusetts Avenue - lots of good books at great prices.
It’s always the right time to get a library card or to update your old one. Have a card with a question or a problem? We can help! Visit the Library’s Circulation Desk, call 978-688-9505 ext. 42017, or email
Explore all Stevens has waiting for you: 1,000s of books, manga and graphic novels, magazines, DVDs, music, even music instruments, a telescope, and STEM kits. Books and magazines come in many formats today: print, audio-CD, and digital online through OverDrive, TumbleBooks, TumbleMath, and TeenBookCloud; your choice.
School papers and projects? Use Stevens E-Library’s 40+ online resources: health/medical; history; world languages; literature; encyclopedias & reference; science and technology;
test preparation & E-learning. You can search by keyword, subject or name. Ask a librarian for more tips.
What to read next?
Visit our digital book displays. November’s display: Native American Heritage Month. Earlier digital displays stay online so you can look back at ones you may not have seen yet.
Or try our Reader Request form for personalized book recommendations for all ages. Indicate your preferred format: print and audiobooks, e-books, and e-audiobooks. You will receive a follow-up with three new titles.
Let us help!
If you don’t find an answer to your question, email or call the Library so we can help. Staff will response when available.
Stay up to date by visiting our website,, following us on Facebook and Twitter @StevensMemLib or signing up for Stevens Memorial Library News.
If you don’t find an answer to your question, email or call the Library so we can help. Staff will respond when available. Email: Phone: 978-688-9505, for Children’s ext. 42010, Teens ext. 42032, Reference Desk ext. 42016
The Library’s hours are: Monday through Thursday, 10 am – 9 pm; Friday 10 am – 6 pm, Saturday 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday 1-5 pm.
Greetings from the North Andover School Committee,
I hope everyone is well in our community. This is a very busy fall season indeed for our school district. We celebrated the groundbreaking for the major renovation of the Middle School, and the event was well attended by our local and state officials. This marks a significant milestone in North Andover’s progress toward modernizing our facilities, with much more to come! We’ve made good progress on the Kittredge project as well, with the selection of the Owner Project Manager completed.
We also honored 23 of our teachers and staff who have attained Professional Teaching Status (3 years of service to North Andover) at our Celebrating Teachers Night on October 25. We are fortunate to have these dedicated professionals in our district. We also inducted two teachers into the North Andover Educator Hall of Fame, Mr. Tony Reynolds and Ms. Judy Nigrelli. Mr. Reynolds and Ms. Nigrelli were dedicated public servants, each with over 25 years in the district. It was a privilege to hear the tributes from their colleagues, past and present, and it was clear that both were well-respected educators and mentors and made lasting contributions to our school community. Mr. Reynolds has unfortunately passed away, but his family was there, as was Ms. Nigrelli and her family. Their awards were well-deserved.
We always welcome updates from our NAHS Student representatives, Ben Abbott, CC Choi, and Harper Barrios, at each meeting. They reported that NAHS clubs, sports, and class
activities are off to a strong start. NAHS freshmen who participated in the 8th Grade Civics in Action projects last spring and presented at Clark University were able to share their work with us at a recent meeting. It was professional, articulate, and impactful – as an example, these projects resulted in two articles at the 2023 Town Meeting.
Our first Community Chat took place on Saturday, November 4, at the Stevens Memorial Library, and two School Committee members were present for this informal event. Please come by and chat with us during future Chats on March 2 and June 1, 2024.
I was honored to represent the Committee at the Memorial event for Sgt. Sean Gallagher (NAHS ’81), to honor his service to our country at the field named for him.
A quick shout-out to our custodial staff! This month, we celebrated Custodian’s Day on October 2 to let them know how much we appreciate their dedication. They work behind the scenes, but our schools operate smoothly because of their work, which is greatly appreciated.
Dave Brown, MBA/MSEE
North Andover School Committee Chair
Tweet of the Month
School Committee
Meeting Dates
Central Office Conference Room
566 Main Street
7:00 pm
November 2, 2023
November 16, 2023
November 30, 2023