
    1. Resetting passwords
    2. Requesting Groups, Websites, Resource Calendars, accounts
    3. managing calendar permissions
    4. IT Assist Site

ADMIN PANEL or from the App Launcher from the main apps. Sometimes the admin panel does not appear in the google waffle.

Some items are greyed out and some are bolded

Account transfers are bolded.

Region, eastern has school names...each GAFE Admin has access sharing by folder is one of the techniques we will look at this year. WHEREVER POSSIBLE in long standing relationships and committees etc...we want people to share in FOLDERS...NOT by attachments NOR by sharing FILES

SHARING BY GROUP-you can put longer lists in here ANY GROUPS-like our mailing lists for our GAFE PL can be added here. UNTIL you touch something for the first time it doesn’t show up in their shared with me

by providing some folders up front you are helping promote/foster a culture of folder sharing for their school.

Naming convention-names are based on the anticipated date that the students in your school are to graduate. Those folders move with the students, then when the students move to new schools the folders will move with the students

Staff and students that transfer out need to be put in the appropriate folder.

GAFE Admins have the ability to do three things

Reset the passwords

Move to another organization (click the little arrow). If teachers are in more than one school, just keep them in to one. Substitutes can be in the transfers folder as well