Learning Resources

All staff need to be made aware of, and guided in the use of, appropriate self-serve and continuous learning resources for G Suite, Office 365 and other tools. As the school or department lead staff member consult with all staff in your school, department or team to make sure they know how to access and use the learning resources appropriate for their environment, experience and role.

1. Just in time how-to's from the Video portal also accessible through the App Launcher at the bottom https://portal.synergyse.com/a/#videos/en/mail

2. Using the Chrome Extension to access the Video portal from within G Suite applications https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/g-suite-training/idkloemkmldbemijiamdiolojbffnjlh

3. Google Learning Center; in particular the Learn by Product and Cheat Sheets https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/#!/

4. Google for Education Training Center https://edutrainingcenter.withgoogle.com/

Activity: Add the Chrome Extension for the video portal to show videos in the applications

Activity: Visit the Video Training Center to browse videos

Activity: Visit the G Suite Learning Center

Activity: Visit the G Suite Education Training Center