

4 credits required

English 9 A/B/C  01001                                                         .5 credit each term

Required LA Credit, Graded

Students will read novels, short stories, poems, essays, and plays.  The purpose of this course is to provide high school students with foundational knowledge associated with studying literature and writing so that students have the skills they need to succeed in future English classes.  Students will work on mastering basic grammar rules, effective organization techniques, and providing adequate explanation in their six or more formal State Writing Samples.

English 10 A/B/C 01002 .5 credit each term

Required LA Credit, Graded

This course will focus on the writing process.  Through pre-writing, brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading and publishing students will acquire the skills needed to be able to write an effective essay, poem or narrative.  Students will keep a weekly log of their choice reading time and strategies used. In the first term, students will produce a Personal Narrative scored using state writing standards and submitted to student writing portfolios as passing work samples in writing.   In the second term, students will produce a persuasive essay, scored using state writing standards.  This piece will be submitted to student writing portfolios as passing work samples in writing. 


English 11/English Lit/Comp 01003/01052 .5 credit each term

Available: Grades 11/12

LA, EL Credit, Graded

Students will concentrate on novels, plays, essays and poetry revolving around the theme “World Views, past and present,” as they work to enhance their knowledge regarding grammar usage, literary terminology and critical approaches to world literature, as well as an appreciation of the written word.  Writing assignments will parallel the reading. Work Samples will be done each trimester.


Real-World Literacies .5 credit

Available 11-12 for students not on the college/university path

LA, EL Credit

Students will concentrate on real-world applications of the written word and identify different writing styles, techniques, and requirements. Students will focus on the career clusters and analyze what writings are located in specific parts of society. This course is a combination of writing and researching with an emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving, and analyzing data.  (Not an NCAA approved course)

 Creative Writing 01104                                                                  .5 credit

Available: Grades 10-12


A course in which students will study and practice the craft of creative writing.  Weekly routines  revolve around Writing Workshop and Literature Workshop. Students will write, read, and examine a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, memoir, and graphic novels. Direct instruction will be given on literary elements, the writing process, and other related topics.  Students will create three polished pieces for publication by the end of the trimester. In order to achieve this goal, focus will be given to Writing Workshop in which students work independently, with peers, and one-on-one with the teacher. By the end of this course, students will have developed as individual writers as well as members of a writing community.

AP English Literature A/B/C  01006 (credit granted by colleges based on test scores) .5 cr. each term/12 college cr.

Available: 11 and 12 grade

LA/EL Credit, graded

The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. 

Intro to Literature (Fiction/Drama)  01053DC .5 credit each /4 college cr ea.

Available: Grades 10-12


Intro to Literature/Fiction explores various forms of fictional prose, increases understanding of the conventions of fiction and various forms of storytelling, and encourages exploration of the diversity of human experience. 

Intro to Literature/Drama enhances enjoyment of plays as literature, including tragedies and comedies; increases understanding of the conventions of drama and the theater; and encourages exploration of the diversity of human experience.

Public Speaking  01151 DC .5 credit /4 college cr 

Available: Grades 11-12


Public speaking courses enable students, through practice, to develop communication skills that can be used in a variety of speaking situations (such as small and large group discussions, delivery of lectures or speeches in front of audiences, and so on).  Course topics may include research and organization, writing for verbal delivery, stylistic choices, visual and presentation skills, analysis and critique, and development of self-confidence.  NOT A NCAA APPROVED COURSE

WR 121 DC  011031 .5 credit /4 college cr 

Available: Grades 11-12


Focuses on academic reading, thinking, and writing as a means of inquiry. Students will gain fluency with key rhetorical concepts and utilize these in a flexible and collaborative writing process, reflecting on their writing process with the goal of developing metacognitive awareness. They will employ conventions, including formal citations, appropriate for a given writing task, attending to the constraints of audience, purpose, genre, and discourse community. Students will compose in two or more genres.

Technical & Professional Writing DC  011033 .5 credit /4 college cr 

Available: Grades 10-12


Students will be learning all about professional writing in post-secondary situations, whether a job, higher education, internship, etc. During this course students will have the opportunity to create a business plan and write various documents through a lens that supports professional and technical writing. Students will concentrate on style, techniques, patterns, and requirements of each type of writing studied in this course. 

Theater Literature 01999 .5 credit

Available Grades 10-12


An introduction to the nature of theater as a performing art. Students study selected plays from the perspectives of actors and directors. They will perform short pieces individually as well as in small groups. They will also write their own short pieces, and will perform written analysis on the strategies of playwrights to develop the ability to imagine the play in performance and to appreciate the range of theater's possibilities. (Not offered every year) NOT A NCAA APPROVED COURSE




*Students are expected to remain in English and math classes until  Smarter Balance testing has been completed (through the end of your junior year).  Students who have not met benchmark will be expected to continue taking appropriate classes until benchmark has been met.

*Students should plan to take English, math & science classes all 4 years to accommodate requirements by NCAA and college entrance requirements - keeping those doors of opportunity open!