Information Technology


1 credit required of all students


Computer Applications   10004                                                    .5 Credit

Required for all students                

Available: Grade 9-12

Required CP Credit, graded

This class covers basic and advanced functions of Microsoft Office 2010, including Word,  Excel and PowerPoint  Don’t just fumble around in these programs… learn how to make them work for you!  (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)


Computer Programming I & 2  101521/101522 .5 Credit ea

Available: Grades 10-12

CP/AL/EL Credit, graded

Prgramming I focuses on fundamental computer science concepts while students learn to program using Python. This project based course will allow students to use a variety of tools and platforms. Assignments and instruction are application-based and include socially relevant, real-world, current topics. Students will learn a text-based coding language, Python, with the focus of this course teaching introductory coding concepts such as user inputs and outputs, if/else statements and while loops. 

Programming II starts where Computer Programming I left off. Students will continue to improve their programming skills using the programming language Python.  Students will learn advanced programming skills that include creating colored graphics, using functions, and creating algorithms.  Students will produce a final project that incorporates topics such as human computer interaction, problem solving, and basic game design. 


Web Design  10201 .5 Credit

Available: Grades 10-12

CP/AL/EL Credit, graded

Students learn to write and diagnose basic HTML and CSS to create functional, yet attractive web pages that are designed and structured according to proper design and layout  (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)


AP Principles of Computer Science  10019 .5 credit each term

Available: Grades 10-12

AL/CP/EL Credit, graded

College Credit may be earned with a passing mark on  the AP Computer Science test

This class designed to parallel college level computer science principles and introduce students to the fundamental ideas of computer science and how to apply computational thinking across multiple disciplines.  Covers topics such as  communication of information, programming and the internet.


Intro to Business   12051  (TBCC BA101)                               .5 Credit (3 college credits)

Available: Grades 10-12

AL/Elective Credit, graded

In this course you will be introduced to various components of starting and managing a business such as developing a business plan, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, human resources, etc. (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)

Entrepreneurship  12053 (TBCC BA150) .5 Credit

Available: Grades 10-12

AL/Elective Credit, graded

This course provides students with an introduction to the vast opportunities of small business ownership and start-up ventures, known as Entrepreneurship. Students will learn about the various methods for starting up, managing and financing a new venture. Students will get a chance to evaluate real world business plans and videos of entrepreneurs. (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)

Business Accounting  I & 2  121041 A/B .5 Credit ea

Available: Grades 10-12

CP/AL/EL Credit, graded

Business Accounting I provides entry level accounting systems for small business money management (sole proprietorship, service business) including interpreting source documents, journalizing and posting to ledgers, creating public financial statements, etc. (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)
Business Accounting II provides intermediate level accounting systems for small business money management (partnership/corporation, merchandising businesses) including interpreting source documents, journalizing and posting to ledgers, creating public financial statements, etc. (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)

Personal Finance   19262 (TBCC BA218) .5 Credit

Required for graduation

AL/Elective Credit, graded

This course gives you the necessary skills to handle your financial affairs.  Learn about financial goal setting, budgeting, bill paying, savings and investments, using financial services, credit and debt, insurance, et (This class provides preparation for FBLA competitive events.)

Business Workplace Experience  12998 .5 Credit

Elective Credit, graded

This course provides students with work experience in fields related to business and marketing. Goals are typically set cooperatively by the students, teacher, and employer (although students are not necessarily paid). These courses may include classroom activities as well involving further study of the field or discussion regarding experiences that students encounter in the workplace.


Students who complete 4 classes of the following are considered CTE participants and will be given a certificate of acknowledgement: Students completing 6 courses earn earn a CTE cord to wear at graduation.