Career Related Learning Opportunities

Career Learning Activities

Career-Related Learning Experiences (CRLEs) are structured educational experiences that connect learning to the world beyond the classroom. These are activities designed to provide students with a wide range of experiences of and exposure to education, transitions and the world of work. This is part of a lifelong learning and career development process. Students are expected to create a personal education plan (PEP) that documents their research for their post-secondary plans. These activities should be documented in the student's CIS account or their shared google drive Student Education Plan folder.

Career Awareness Activities Purpose

  • Provide basic awareness to a variety of careers by interacting with industry professionals

  • Understanding of education/skills requirements

  • Typically one-time experience

  • 6th - 10th grade experience

“I understand what’s out there and am discovering the kinds of things I might want to do.”

Examples of Career Awareness Activities:

  • Guest Speaker or Industry Panel

  • Worksite/Company Tour

  • Career Fair

Career Exploration Activities Purpose

  • Deeper understanding of specific careers, skills and post-secondary readiness

  • May include hands-on experiences

  • 9th - 12th grade experience

“I'm interested in this field and am beginning to understand what it's all about and what I need to do to pursue a career in the industry."

Examples of Career Exploration Activities:

  • Job Shadow

  • Informational Interview

  • Industry site tour

  • Mock Interview

  • Participation in CTE Student Organization (FBLA, FFA, FRNL, etc)

  • Participation in CTE Course

Career Preparation Work-Based Activities Purpose

  • Sustained interactions with industry professional as individuals or in small groups

  • Aligned with curriculum and instruction

  • Can be facilitated via workplace or simulated in the classroom, lab, or other site

  • Students earn credit or aligned to verified credential/outcomes

  • 11th – 12th grade experience

"I know the kinds of things I want to do and am getting the chance to learn new skills and practice applying those skills.”

Examples of Work- Based Learning Activities:

  • Internships

  • Clinical

  • Practicum

  • Service Learning

  • School-Based Enterprise

  • Technology-Based Learning

  • Workplace Simulation

  • Cooperative Work Experience