Prepaid Account

From 22 December 2018, we will be migrating prepaid shipper accounts to the Ninja Dashboard.

  • Your account balance from the old dashboard will be automatically transferred when you are migrated to the Ninja Dashboard
  • If your balance has not been transferred, please click on "Transfer to Ninja Dashboard" on the old dashboard "Manage Billing" section
  • To top up your balance on the new dashboard, see Section 1 below

Login with your existing Email ID & Password. If you are unable to login, please click on "I Forgot" to reset your password.

What you need:

  • A prepaid Ninja Dashboard account
  • 10 mins

Open Ninja Dashboard:

In this section, you learn how to:

  1. Purchase prepaid credits
  2. Create orders using your prepaid credits
  3. View your prepaid wallet transactions

1 Purchase prepaid credits

  1. Click on SETTINGS on the left navigation bar
  2. Select BILLING
  3. Click TOP UP and select the amount of prepaid credits that you would like to purchase
  4. You'll be redirected to PayPal to complete the transaction before being redirected back to the Billing page
  5. Prepaid credits have been successfully purchased and your prepaid wallet will be updated to reflect your new balance

2 Create orders using your prepaid credits

  1. Create orders by following steps 1 through 4 in our Create Orders guide
  2. After providing us your order information, you'll be presented with a pricing section where you'll see the total estimated delivery costs
    • If you have sufficient credits, simply review the pricing and proceed to review your orders
    • If you have insufficient credits, you'll be prompted to top up your prepaid wallet.
      • Select a credit amount to top up
      • You'll be redirected to PayPal to purchase the credits before being brought back to the Pricing step
      • Proceed to review your orders
  3. Review your orders and click CONFIRM
  4. Your orders will be created and the prepaid credits will be deducted from your prepaid wallet upon successful order creation

3 View your prepaid wallet transactions

Want to keep track of all your prepaid wallet transactions? Go to the BILLING page under SETTINGS

  1. Click on SETTINGS on the left navigation bar
  2. Select BILLING
  3. Under RECENT HISTORY, you'll see your three most recent prepaid wallet transactions
  4. To view all your prepaid wallet transactions, click on View Details
  5. Click on Download Transaction Report to get a CSV or Excel file containing all your wallet transactions

View your three most recent prepaid wallet transactions under RECENT HISTORY and click on View Details to see a detailed view of all our prepaid wallet transactions

On the Billing History page, click on Download Transaction Report to get a CSV or Excel file containing all your wallet transactions