
The study aims to compare active pregabalin with an identical placebo as means of investigating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pregabalin. The main objectives are to investigate 1, whether pregabalin, in addition to an antidepressant is an effective treatment for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) in people who have not responded to antidepressant treatment , 2, whether any adverse effects are associated with combined treatment of pregabalin and antidepressants, 3, if there are any withdrawal symptoms when it is used in combination with antidepressants, and finally 4, to investigate the acceptability of prescribing the two medications together for GAD from the perspectives of patients and GPs using qualitative methods.

Sponsor - University College London

Recruitment End Date - 12/12/2025 

Type of Study - Recruiting

RSI Points - 250

Practice Involvement

Practices will act as Research sites with no PI oversight and all activities will take place remotely and will be conducted by the researchers including prescribing. 

Eligibility Criteria



***To express an interest for the PETRA study please use the form provided and a member of the team will be in touch***